Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is widely used to
assess tissue microstructure, but is limited in resolution and cannot resolve
multiple fibre populations within a voxel. Existing methods for validating DTI are limited
in either resolution or coverage. 2D histological methods are additionally
destructive and prone to tissue distortion. In
contrast, synchrotron imaging strikes an excellent balance between resolution
and coverage. Here, we demonstrate for the first time, the prospect of
validating DTI with structure tensor analysis of synchrotron imaging data.
Tensors reconstructed with DTI and structure tensor synchrotron imaging were
consistent across the left ventricular wall of the heart.Purpose
Diffusion tensor imaging
(DTI) is increasingly used to investigate the 3D tissue architecture in the heart.
It enables estimation of the principal orientations of cells and sheets based
on the principal eigenvectors
ν2 and
ν3. However, the process of diffusion in biological
tissue is complicated by the presence of cell membranes, organelles and
metabolites. Independent validation is critical to improving interpretation of
DTI data, and broadening its application. Previous validation studies made use
of ink prints
1 and microscopic histology.
2,3 However,
these 2D approaches are prone to tissue distortion during sample preparation
and are destructive. Reconstructing the data in 3D in the presence of
distortions remains an unresolved challenge. Methods for extracting tissue
structural information in 3D include anatomical MRI
4 and CT with
X-ray laboratory sources
5 which are limited in resolution, scanning
electron microscopy
6 and confocal microscopy
7 which are
limited in field-of-view (FOV), and synchrotron imaging (SI) which strikes an excellent balance
between resolution and coverage.
8,9 Here, we investigate for the
first time, the prospect of validating DTI with structure tensor (ST) analysis
of SI data.
One heart was excised from a healthy female
Sprague-Dawley rat, fixed in isosmotic Karnovsky’s fixative, doped with 2mM Gd
and embedded in a tube of agarose gel for MRI and SI. Non-selective 3D fast
spin echo DTI data were acquired on a 9.4 T preclinical MRI scanner (Agilent,
CA, USA) with a transmit-receive birdcage coil (Rapid Biomedical, Rimpar,
Germany) of inner diameter = 20 mm. TR / TE1 = 250 / 9.5 ms, echo spacing = 5.1
ms, echo train length = 8, FOV = 21.6 x
14.4 x 14.4 mm, resolution (isotropic) = 100 μm, number of non-DW
images = 4, number of DW directions = 30, b = 1,000 s/mm
2. SI was subsequently performed at beamline I13-2 (imaging
branch) of the Diamond Light Source (Didcot, UK) using a polychromatic beam
with X-ray energies in the interval 20 - 30 keV. Data were acquired with (A)
1.25X objective, FOV
reconstructed = 14.0 x 14.0 x 9.6 mm, pixel size = 3.6 μm,
and (B) 4X objective, FOV
reconstructed = 4.5 x 4.5 x 3.0 mm, pixel size = 1.1 μm. Diffusion
tensors were fitted to the DTI data, and diffusion
primary eigenvectors (
ν1,DT) were mapped.
STs were calculated based on the signal gradient
intensity in the SI absorption data, and transformed such that the primary
eigenvectors (
ν1,ST) were oriented along the dominant cell long axes. Helix
angles were calculated as the elevation angle of
ν1,DT and
perpendicular to the axial plane. All data were analysed with custom code in
Matlab R2013A (Mathworks, Natick, USA).
Figure 1 depicts (A) diffusion primary
eigenvector (
maps and (B) SI absorption data in a short-axis mid-myocardial slab. The data
exhibit substantial 3D coverage, isotropic image resolution and excellent
anatomical correspondence at the macroscopic scale free from distortion. Closer
inspection of
ν1,DT in a 3D region-of-interest (ROI), as in Figure 2A,
reveals the known transmural variation in helix angle, with the color scheme encoding
ν1,DT orientation. Figure 2B illustrates the superior
resolution of SI, and its ability to resolve cellular structures. Diffusion and
structure tensors in 2D ROIs across the septal wall (Figure 3) are in good
agreement, and recapitulate the transmural variation in myocyte orientation, where helix angles
progress from negative to positive values from the subepicardium to the
DTI is a valuable method that enables inference
of 3D tissue structure in the whole intact organ. Previous efforts to validate
DTI using other high resolution imaging methods are routinely limited by FOV or
resolution, or are susceptible to tissue distortion during sample preparation.
SI overcomes these constraints. In conjunction with ST analysis, it has both
the resolution for assessing cellular microstructure, and the coverage for
measuring macroscopic fibre and sheet architecture in the whole heart. Synchrotron
radiation is known for its high brilliance, and provides orders of magnitude
higher flux than X-ray laboratory sources, enhancing the achievable resolution. ST-SI can readily yield tensors at a higher resolution
than DTI. This would help disentangle complex structural information that would
have been averaged over the larger voxels used in DTI. ST-SI is uniquely placed
to serve to validate and aid development of DTI and advanced diffusion MRI
methods, and also to inform mechanical modelling of biological tissue. In further
work, we will obtain SI data in additional hearts with whole organ coverage, optimize
the acquisition parameters and improve tissue contrast via phase retrieval.
This work was supported by the EPSRC, UK
(EP/J013250/1), BBSRC, UK (BB/I012117/1) and the British Heart Foundation
Centre for Research Excellence, UK (FS/11/50/29038; PG/13/33/30210). The authors acknowledge a
Wellcome Trust Core Award (090532/Z/09/Z). We thank Diamond Light Source for
access to beamline I13-2 (MT13044-1) that contributed to the results presented
here. References
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