In a patient exam, SAR may cause temperature increase
potentially leading to tissue damage or thermoregulatory distress.
Hence, development of fast and accurate
computation methods could be useful for safety assurance.
We propose a method
more factors than ever before (including SAR, respiration,
perspiration, convection, conduction, and local perfusion rates),
where the temperature over an entire MRI exam is rapidly estimated exploiting the linearity of the bioheat equation.
Nonlinear effects due to thermoregulatory mechanisms of the human body, such as the variation
of local blood perfusion rate, are approximated with a fast spatial filter.Purpose
To present a very
fast method of calculating core and local temperature throughout the human body
in MRI considering SAR, respiration, perspiration, convection, conduction, and local perfusion
Absorption of
electromagnetic RF energy can result in heating of tissues, and safety
guidelines are provided by the IEC to set maximum temperature and maximum absorbed
local SAR during MRI scans. Although temperature increase in tissues
is more directly related to risk respect to SAR, SAR is still the quantity most used to respect safety guidelines, in
part because temperature increase computation can be time consuming. Hence, methods for rapid temperature calculation have been developed
Specifically, one method
2 allows fast temperature calculation by
convolving the temperature response to a short SAR segment with the
series of power levels used throughout an MRI exam. The method is based on the
linearity of the bioheat equation and can consider many thermoregulatory
mechanisms related to the core body temperature (including whole body heat
transfer through temperature-dependent perspiration, convection, respiration,
radiation, and conduction)
4, but not other spatially-varying
temperature-dependent phenomena, most importantly thermoregulatory variation in
local perfusion rates
5,6. Here we introduce a method to approximate
the nonlinear effects of local changes in perfusion in this fast impulse
response based method
Temperature in the
human body can be estimated with the Pennes’ bioheat equation:
where T is temperature, W is rate of blood perfusion, k is
thermal conductivity, ρ is density, c is heat capacity, Q is
rate of metabolism, and the subscript bl denotes values for blood. This
equation can be expressed to allow variation in core
temperature Tbl without loss of linearity2. Core
temperature can be made a function of the whole body SAR and numerous
physiological phenomena as listed above4. Local blood perfusion can
be expressed as a function of temperature in a number of ways, including6
Let us define W(r)=W0(r)+ΔW(r,t)[3], and substituting eq. [3] in eq. [1] yields
Let us define TC=TNC+ΔT[5], so that eq. [4] can be separated into
which is a linear equation
which can be solved with the impulse response method previously presented2,
which determines the value
of Δt, a correction term that estimates the effect
of the change in temperature due to the change in blood perfusion. Eq. [7] can
be quickly solved by using a previously demonstrated method of applying a
low-pass spatial filter3 that approximates the effects of thermal
conduction. The filter is applied sequentially at time intervals Δt of 30s and longer.
Results and Discussion
When no nonlinear thermoregulatory effects are considered the maximum estimated local temperature
is 47.3 °C, while with
temperature dependent perfusion the maximum is 42.3 °C, located in one shoulder. In both cases,
maximum temperature increases exceed the maximum allowable local temperature of
40 °C. Fig.1 shows the comparisons
between the temperature distribution obtained with a Finite Difference
temperature solver and the method presented here, with and without the
thermoregulatory corrections. When no thermoregulatory effects are considered
the maximum temperature in the two methods differ by less than 1%, while when
thermoregulatory effects are considered the maximum temperature differ by less
than 8% with the fast method being more conservative. For a time interval Δt=30s, the method presented
here requires a computation time about 30 times shorter than the Finite
Difference method. Increasing Δt to 120s results in a very similar
temperature distribution with approximately a 120-fold acceleration over the finite difference
method. The method is stable and accurate even for large accelerations, though
temporal resolution may be lost (Fig. 2).
The advance presented in this work overcomes the main
limitation of a previous extremely fast method
2 by approximating
the effects of local temperature-dependent perfusion rates without affecting
the speed of the method. This allows real-time safety prediction and assurance
for an entire MRI exam, useful in rapid determination of pulses,
sequences, and series of sequences that will not exceed limits on temperature
or thermal dose.
Funding by NIH through R01 EB011551 and P41 EB017183References
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