Towards “non-invasive histology” of the brain by diffusion-weighted MR spectroscopy in vivo: comparison between diffusion-extracted synthetic cells and real histology in the mouse and primate brain
Marco Palombo1,2, Clémence Ligneul1,2, Chloé Najac1,2, Juliette Le Douce1,2, Julien Flament1,2, Carole Escartin1,2, Philippe Hantraye1,2, Emmanuel Brouillet1,2, Gilles Bonvento1,2, and Julien Valette1,2

1CEA/DSV/I2BM/MIRCen, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 2CNRS Université Paris-Saclay UMR 9199, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France


A new diffusion-weighted MRS paradigm, combining advanced modeling with metabolites diffusion measurements at long diffusion times, is applied in the mouse and macaque brain in vivo. Resulting synthetic astrocytes and neurons (derived from cell-specific metabolite diffusion) can be compared with histological data. Very good agreement between Sholl analysis on real and synthetic astrocytes validates our approach and assumptions. We also measure increased size and complexity of synthetic astrocytes in primate compared to mouse, while dendritic organization appears better conserved throughout species. Although still in its infancy, our strategy opens new perspectives for the non-invasive evaluation of brain cell morphology.


We investigate how our newly introduced paradigm1, combining advanced modeling approaches with intracellular metabolites diffusion measurements at long diffusion times (td), compares qualitatively and quantitatively with histological data. Diffusion compartments for supposedly astrocytic (myo-inositol Ins and choline compounds tCho2) and neuronal metabolites (NAA and glutamate Glu) are reconstructed from diffusion-weighted spectroscopy (DW-MRS) up to ultra-long td (2 seconds). Synthetic histological slices are then extracted, allowing direct comparison with real histological slices. Quantitative evaluation of cellular morphology by Sholl analysis yields very similar results for real astrocytes and for synthetic cells reconstructed from Ins and tCho. Interspecies comparison is also performed using our method: we are able to measure major interspecies difference regarding synthetic astrocytes (echoing the most recent knowledge about astrocytes), while dendritic organization (gleaned from NAA and Glu diffusion) appears better conserved throughout species. This work strongly suggests that the time dependence of metabolite apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), when adequately modeled, allows quantitatively characterizing neuronal and astrocytic morphologies non-invasively.


We have reported elsewhere how we measured metabolite ADC in the macaque brain up to very long td using a stimulated echo approach1,3. In a similar fashion, here we measured metabolite ADC as a function of td in eight healthy C57/BL6 mice, on a 11.7 T Bruker scanner equipped with a cryoprobe. Spectra were acquired at b=0 and 3000 s/mm2 for td=52, 352, 502, 652, 1002 and 2002 ms (Fig. 1). Post-processing consisted in scan-to-scan phasing, eddy current correction and subtraction of experimental macromolecule spectrum. Spectra were analyzed with LCModel to estimate the ADC of total N-acetyl aspartate (tNAA=NAA+NAAG), total creatine (tCr), tCho, Glu, Ins. ADC(td) was analyzed for each metabolite using our recently introduced simulation-fitting pipeline1. Briefly, the intracellular diffusivity Dintra and the morphometric statistics (mean and S.D. of segment length Lsegment and SDLsegment, and mean and S.D. of embranchments along processes Nbranch and SDNbranch) describing branched cells (like neurons and astrocytes) are iterated until the ADC simulated for particles diffusing in corresponding cells matches experimental ADC. The number of processes leaving the soma, as well as fiber diameters, were set to realistic values for visual representation, but this does not affect any of the quantitative results given below. Synthetic tissues were built by positioning synthetic cells in 3D in a realistic manner. We primarily considered Ins and tCho compartments to tentatively obtain a synthetic tissue mainly representative of astrocytes, comparable with tissues stained for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) observed by confocal microscopy. 2500 cells were generated according to the morphometric statistics of Ins and tCho compartments, for both mouse and previously acquired macaque data1. Only cells intersecting a slice of the same thickness as the histological slices (40 μm) were considered for comparison. The 2D synthetic slices and the histological slices of mouse brain were binarized and used to perform Sholl-based analysis using Fiji toolbox integrated in ImageJ.

Results and Discussion

The morphometric statistics resulting from the best fit for all five metabolites are reported in Table 1. Experimental ADC(td) and simulation-fitting results, together with some synthetic cells corresponding to the best fit are reported in Fig.2. The increased size and complexity of synthetic astrocytes in primate compared to mouse can be visually assessed. We find that the overall diameter of synthetic astrocytes is 2.52±0.10 times larger in macaques, similar to the 2.55±0.05 ratio recently obtained from real histology (Human versus rodent4). Conversely, dendritic organization appears better conserved throughout species, and neuronal size (~500 µm overall diameter) agrees very well with the typical extension of the dendritic tree of many neuronal types. Comparison between real and synthetic astrocytes is reported in Fig.3, while the corresponding Sholl analysis for mouse astrocytes is reported in Fig.4. In our opinion, the fact that Ins and tCho share very similar diffusion compartments, combined with the very good agreement between Sholl analysis on synthetic and real astrocytes (Fig.4C), firmly supports the notion that Ins and tCho are mainly compartmentalized in astrocytes, and provides a strong argument in favor of the validity of our experimental and modeling strategies. Note that in this work we focused on astrocytes because they represent a relatively homogenous population (compared to neurons), and their domains do not overlap (at least in the mouse brain), facilitating Sholl analysis.


The “non-invasive histology” paradigm that we have introduced, although in its infancy and demanding for additional validation, already yields striking results, and should stimulate future methodological and theoretical developments. The possibility to extract quantitative information about long-range cellular structure might find applications in preclinical and clinical research.


This work was funded by the European Research Council (ERC-336331-INCELL).


1 Palombo M et al. "A new paradigm to assess brain cell microstructure by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance spectroscopy: proof of concept and initial results in the macaque brain." This symposium.

2 Choi J.K. et al. NMR Biomed. 2007; 20(3): 216-237.

3 Najac C. et al., Neuroimage 2014; 90: 374-380.

4 Oberheim N.A. et al. J. Neurosci. 2009; 29(10): 3276-3287.


Typical diffusion spectra acquired in the mouse brain at low (“b=0 s/mm2”) and high (“b=3000 s/mm2”) diffusion-weighting, for all measured diffusion times td. To facilitate visual comparison, spectra were rescaled so that the height of the NAA peak is identical at b=0 for all td.

(A) Macaque and (B) mouse brain results. Points and error bars stand for ADC means and standard errors of the mean, estimated among each cohort. A subset of the reconstructed synthetic cells for each metabolite is also reported. Metabolites known to be preferentially astrocytic, neuronal, or mixed, are indicated.

Three-dimensional synthetic tissues obtained from Ins and tCho compartments estimated by the simulation-fitting of DW-MRS data in mouse and macaque brain. The direct comparison between confocal microscopy images by GFAP staining of astrocytes in mouse (B) and macaque brain (D) and virtually reconstructed ones (A and C) is reported.

(A-B) Examples of the Sholl analysis on a single astrocytic cell from a real GFAP-stained slice of mouse brain, and a virtually reproduced one. (C) Sholl analysis results from 135 different cells were taken into account to estimate the mean and S.D. of Sholl-based metrics and reported as histograms.

Estimated morphometric parameters. Morphometric parameters estimated for the metabolite compartments by fitting the ADC time-dependency in mouse and macaque brain. ± error represents the uncertainty on the fitted parameters.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)