Yoann Petibon1, Behzad Ebrahimi1, Timothy G Reese1,2, Nicolas Guehl1, Marc D Normandin1, Nathaniel M Alpert1, Georges El Fakhri1, and Jinsong Ouyang1
1Center for Advanced Medical Imaging Sciences, Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 2Athinoula A. Martinos Center, Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
PET imaging enables absolute quantification of myocardial blood flow (MBF).
However, motion of the heart during imaging deteriorates the accuracy of PET
MBF measurements. Simultaneous MR/PET makes it possible to compensate PET
images for motion by incorporating MR-based motion information inside the PET
reconstruction process. In this study, we propose and assess the impact of a tagged-MRI
based PET motion-correction technique for improved PET MBF quantification using
an in-vivo simultaneous MR/PET study.Introduction
is the reference modality for absolute quantification of myocardial blood flow
(MBF). MBF estimation is typically performed by measuring changes in the spatio-temporal
bio-distribution of the radiotracer by reconstructing a dynamic series of PET
images, followed by compartmental analysis using appropriate kinetic models. Yet,
the accuracy of MBF measurements is substantially reduced by heart motion during
the acquisition, which introduces blurring and biases in the dynamic PET images
Gating, which is frequently used to mitigate motion blurring in ‘static’ PET,
is difficult to translate to dynamic PET due to the noise increase associated with
rejecting data in short frames. Simultaneous
MR/PET, a novel hybrid modality with promising cardiovascular applications
provides a solution to the motion problem in PET since simultaneously acquired
MRI-based motion information can be used to compensate PET data for motion
without penalizing image SNR
3. In this study, we propose and assess
the impact of a tagged-MRI based PET motion-correction technique for improved
PET MBF quantification using an
in-vivo simultaneous MR/PET study.
MR/PET imaging: An anesthetized
healthy pig underwent a dynamic study on a simultaneous MR/PET scanner (Siemens
Biograph mMR). Following the acquisition of a MR-based attenuation map, list-mode
PET data were collected for 20min following injection of 100MBq 18F-Flurpiridaz,
a cardiac perfusion radiotracer4. To track cardiac motion, tagged-MRI
data were acquired simultaneously using an ECG-triggered 1-1 SPAMM5
cardiac-gated GRE sequence (TE/TR=2.1/60ms, flip angle=5°, in-plane resolution=2.3×2.3mm2,
slice thickness=8mm, tagging distance=8mm). Ten tagged-MR volumes (one per
cardiac phase) were acquired, and three orthogonal SPAMM directions were imaged
sequentially. Respiration-induced heart
motion was neglected due to the specific anatomy of the pig’s thorax.
MR-based PET motion-correction: Motion
fields from a given cardiac phase to a selected reference phase were calculated
by nonrigid B-spline registration of tagged-MR volumes6. The
resulting motion fields were incorporated into a modified OSEM PET reconstruction algorithm3
which iteratively estimates a motion-corrected PET image ˆρitMC using ˆρit+1MC=ˆρitMC∑tMTref→tGTAtN1I×M∑t=1[MTref→tGTytGMref→tˆρitMC+(AN)−1(¯S+¯R)]
Where yt contains the PET data measured in phase
t=[1..M], Mref→t is
the tagged-MRI based motion-warping operator, G
models the forward-projection, At and
respectively contain the attenuation
correction coefficients for phase t
and the detector normalization factors, and ¯S
(¯R) are the scatters (randoms)
coincidences distributions. This algorithm reconstructs a motion-free volume
depicting the radiotracer’s distribution in the reference phase (end-diastole)
using PET data from all phases and thus, without increasing noise.
List-mode PET data were framed into a series of 12×5s,
8×15s, 4×30s
and 5×60s dynamic frames. The data in each frame were then
sorted into 10 cardiac phases based on R-wave triggers inserted in the
list-mode. Each frame was reconstructed as ‘Ungated’ (all data included
regardless of motion), ‘Gated’ (only end-diastolic data -~40% of the cardiac
cycle), and ‘Motion-Corrected’ (using the proposed method).
MBF quantitation: The kinetics of 18F-Flurpiridaz
were described by a one-compartment model in which the myocardial time-activity-curve
(TAC) Cmyo(t) is defined by the following differential equation dCmyo(t)dt=K1Ca(t)−k2Cmyo(t)
Where Ca(t) is the arterial input function, commonly approximated by
the left-ventricle (LV) TAC CLV(t) as used
hereinafter, K1
the uptake rate and k2
the washout rate [min-1].
CLV(t) was calculated using
a volume-of-interest (~1x1x2.5cm3) centered in the LV. Solving the
differential equation yields Cmyo(t)=CLV(t)∗K1e−k2t
Due to finite resolution effects, the myocardial TAC measured
by PET is contaminated by spill-over from the LV and the RV blood-pools PET(t)=fLVCLV(t)+fRVCRV(t)+(1−fLV−fRV)CLV(t)∗K1e−k2t
Where fLV (fRV) is the fractional spill-over from LV (RV),
accounting for contribution of blood in the measured TACs, and K1=EF×MBF where EF=0.944 is the tracer's extraction fraction. Voxel-wise MBF maps were calculated by
non-linear least-square fitting of myocardial TACs using the aforementioned PET model for Ungated, Gated and Motion-Corrected dynamic data.
1 depicts the motion fields estimated between the end-systolic and
end-diastolic phases using tagged-MRI. Fig. 2 shows short-axis PET images
obtained from the last 2min dynamic data along with myocardium-to-blood
contrasts (
Ci) calculated
in 4 ROIs. Fig. 3 shows TACs and model fits obtained from the dynamic data
within one ROI in the inferior wall. Finally, Fig.4 shows short-axis MBF maps
estimated from the dynamic data, along with mean MBFs calculated in 4 ROIs.
Discussion and Conclusion
results obtained show that the proposed method improved the spatial resolution of
cardiac PET images (e.g. papillary muscle, Fig. 2) and increased the
reconstructed myocardium-to-blood contrast (16-37%) -particularly in the
lateral wall- as compared to Ungated images without gating-associated noise
increase. This improved image quality resulted in higher (5-35%) and more
uniform MBF values within healthy myocardial tissue as compared to Ungated
dynamic data (Fig. 4), yielding mean MBFs similar to Gated ones without
increasing pixel-wise MBF variability.
This work was supported in part by NIH grants R01-HL118261 and R01-HL110241.References
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