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Simultaneous multi-modality/multi-contrast image reconstruction with nuclear-norm TGV
Florian Knoll1, Martin Holler2, Thomas Koesters1, Martijn Cloos1, Ricardo Otazo1, Kristian Bredies2, and Daniel K Sodickson1

1Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (CAI2R) and Bernard and Irene Schwartz Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2Mathematics and Scientific Computing, University of Graz, Graz, Austria


A typical clinical imaging protocol covers a large number of different image contrasts and, in the era of multi-modality systems, even different imaging modalities. While the resulting datasets share a substantial amount of structural information, they consist of fundamentally different contrasts and signal values and show unique features and image content. We propose a reconstruction framework based on nuclear-norm second-order Total Generalized Variation that exploits structural similarity both between different contrasts and modalities while still being flexible with respect to signal intensity and unique features. Numerical simulations and in vivo MR-Fingerprinting experiments demonstrate improved PET resolution and improved depiction of quantitative values. The proposed approach allows a 6 minute whole brain coverage exam that provides both quantitative PET and MR-relaxation parameters.


A typical clinical imaging protocol covers a large number of different image contrasts and, in the age of multi-modality systems, even different imaging modalities. The standard approach of separate data acquisition and reconstruction is inefficient and wasteful, given the substantial amount of anatomical correlations between these datasets. On the other hand, given the different imaging physics and contrast mechanisms, each subset can also contain unique features which may be missing or appear differently in others. In this work, we propose a generalized reconstruction framework for simultaneous reconstruction of images from different contrasts and modalities that takes advantage of the inherent redundancies while ensuring that the unique features and signal values of each individual image data set are preserved. Going beyond mere relative contrast variations, we show that PET and MR-Fingerprinting (MRF) [1] can jointly be reconstructed while preserving the quantitative nature of the underlying methods.


In the proposed framework, we regard images from different contrasts and modalities as different channels of a multi-channel image u=(ui)ni=1, each ui corresponding to one contrast or modality. Reconstruction is achieved by solving the convex optimization problem:


where D(u_i,d_i) is the data fidelity for data d_i. It is given either as D(u_i,d_i)=\left\|E_iu_i-d_i\right\|_2^2 for MR, E_i being the MR forward operator, or D(u_i,d_i)=\int\left(Au_i-d_i\log(Au_i )\right) for PET, A being the PET forward operator. The multi-channel regularizer TGV [2,3] is defined as:

\text{TGV}_{\alpha}^2(u)=\min_w\alpha_1\| |\nabla u–w|_\text{nuc}\|_1+\alpha_0\| |\mathcal{E}w|_\text{frob}\|_1,

where the gradient \nabla u of the multi-channel image function is a matrix valued function mapping to \mathbb{R}^{n \times 3}. The symmetrized gradient \mathcal{E}w is a tensor valued function mapping to \mathbb{R}^{n\times 3\times 3} and is defined as \mathcal{E}w=\frac{1}{2}(Jw+(Jw)^T) with Jw being the Jacobian of w. Coupling of different channels is achieved with a pointwise nuclear-norm |\cdot |_\text{nuc} and pointwise Frobenius norm |\cdot |_\text{frob}. The nuclear-norm employs a pointwise penalization of the \ell^1 norm of the singular values of each matrix, corresponding to the gradient of the multichannel image at one voxel. The nuclear-norm can be considered as the convex relaxation of the rank, thus, nuclear-norm minimization has a low-rank enforcing effect. As each column of the matrix corresponds to the spatial gradient of one image channel, this enforces aligned edges amongst different channels. The number of non-zero singular values is independent of signal intensity and edge direction and is identical for a unique edge and two aligned edges. The latter makes the regularizer robust against unwanted modification of unique features. This is illustrated conceptually for the case of a single MR+PET contrast in Figure 1.


Numerical simulations were performed using a brain phantom [4]. Specific lesions were added to MR and PET. MPRAGE, T2w and FLAIR contrast were simulated as follows: Matrix size 176×176×30, 8 receive coil channels, radial acquisition from 32 spokes. K-space data were corrupted by adding complex Gaussian noise. PET rawdata was simulated according to the crystal geometry of a whole body MR-PET. The total number of counts corresponded to a 10min FDG PET head scan.

In-vivo data of a high-grade-glioma patient was acquired on a clinical 3T MR-PET system (Siemens Biograph mMR) using a 12-element head coil array. The study was approved by the IRB, written informed consent was obtained. The protocol consisted of 6 min simultaneous MRF (voxel size 1.5×1.5×mm2, 176×176 matrix, 30 slices, slice thickness 3mm) and PET data acquisition. Data from 32 compressed MR fingerprint sets [5] containing 75 and 30 spokes were reconstructed using the proposed approach as well as a conventional MRF reconstruction and EM (PET).


Figure 2 shows results of the numerical simulation and RMSE to the ground-truth. Figure 3 visualizes the improved PET resolution by cross-sectional profiles. Simultaneous reconstruction not only preserves quantitative PET values but shows stronger agreement with the underlying ground-truth. This is confirmed by quantitative analysis in Figure 4. Figure 5 shows quantitative MR relaxation parameter maps and PET images of the high-grade-glioma MRF measurement.


The proposed method has several unique features that makes multi-contrast and multi-modality image reconstruction feasible: It can deal with arbitrary sampling operators that describe the different imaging physics of the individual modalities and integrates different data terms for modalities with different noise models. The proposed regularizer makes use of shared features, as demonstrated by the improved resolution of PET by using the sharp edge information from the MR contrasts, without compromising individual signal values and contrasts, as demonstrated by improvements in PET-signal and MRF relaxation parameter values. In the combination with MR Fingerprinting, this approach allows a 6-minute comprehensive whole brain coverage exam that provides both quantitative PET and MR-relaxation parameters.


We acknowledge grant support from NIH P41 EB017183, R01 EB000447 and FWF SFB F3209.


[1] Ma et al., Nature, 495: 187-192 (2013), [2] Knoll et al., Magn Reson Med, 65:480-491 (2011), [3] Martin et al., ISMRM p80 (2015), [4] Aubert-Broche et al., Neuroimage, 32: 138-145 (2006), [5] Cloos et al, ISMRM p330 (2015).


Figure 1: Illustration of the rank of the Jacobian for the example of one MR contrast and PET. Minimizing the rank enforces linear dependence of gradient vectors, thus promoting features with shared edges. This effect is independent of the length and direction of the gradient vectors and robust against unwanted transfer of unique features.

Figure 2: Numerical simulation of multiple MR contrasts and PET. While the majority of features is shared, each contrast contains a unique lesion (highlighted by orange arrowheads). Joint TGV reconstructions show pronounced reduction of streaking artifacts and higher resolution for PET. This is also reflected in notable reductions of RMSE (displayed at bottom left of each image) to the ground truth.

Figure 3: Cross sectional profiles of PET reconstructions through the insula area. A notable improvement in terms of consistency with the underlying ground truth can be observed with joint TGV MR-PET.

Figure 4: Table of quantitative PET activity (Bq/cm3) for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), gray matter (GM), white matter (WM) Caudate and Insula. Joint TGV MR-PET values are substantially closer to the underlying ground truth for all investigated tissues.

Figure 5: In-vivo MRF PET experiment. Conventional reconstruction from 75 and 30 spokes per set and joint reconstruction from 30 spokes . The high- grade-glioma (increased T1 and T2 and high PET FDG update) is indicated by arrows. Conventional maps show corruption from aliasing artifacts that impede detectability of the lesion. Image quality of joint TGV is comparable to the 75 spokes case. The PET component of the reconstruction shows improved image sharpness in comparison to EM.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)