Low-Rank O-Space presents
a scheme to incorporate O-Space imaging with Low-Rank matrix recovery. The
Low-Rank reconstruction based on iterative nonlinear conjugate gradient algorithm is applied to substitute the previous Kaczmarz and Compressed Sensing (CS) reconstructions
to recover highly undersampled O-Space data. The simulations and experiments illustrate the proposed scheme can remove artifacts and noise in O-Space imaging
at high reduction factors, compared to results recovered by Kaczmarz
and CS. Moreover, the proposed method does not need to modify the conventional
O-Space pulse sequences, and reconstruction results are better than those in radial
imaging recovered by Kaczmarz, CS, or Low-Rank methods.Audience
Researchers interested in parallel imaging, nonlinear gradient encoding, or low-rank matrix recovery
spatial encoding magnetic fields (SEMs), such as those used in O-Space imaging
[1,2], have been shown to improve image reconstructions under high
acceleration factors. Low-Rank reconstruction
[3-7], based on the
development of Low-Rank matrix completion in Compressed Sensing (CS) theory
has been shown to provide excellent image recovery from reduced data sets when
applied to appropriate sampling in k-space. In this paper, we present a scheme
to incorporate O-Space imaging with Low-Rank matrix recovery. The simulations
and phantom experiments illustrate that the proposed scheme can greatly remove
artifacts and noise in O-Space imaging at high reduction factors, compared to Kaczmarz
[1,2] and CS reconstructions
Neglecting relaxation effects, the signal
sq from the
RF channel can be expressed as:
sq=∫ωm(x)Cq(x)e−iϕ(x,t)dx, where
m(x) is the magnetization at location
Cq(x) is the sensitivity of
q-th coil, and the integral is over
which is the region of interest;
ϕ(x,t) is the spatially dependent
encoding phase. For the O-Space echo corresponding to the
l-th center placement (CP) at
(xl,yl), the spatially dependent encoding phase
ϕ(x,t) of the signal
equation becomes, which is
ϕl(x,t)=kx(t)x+ky(t)y−12kz2(t)((x−xl)2+(y−yl)2), where
ky(t)=γ∫t0Gy(τ)dτ, and
Gy(t) and
Gz2(t) are gradients waveforms on X, Y
and Z2 directions;
γ is the gyromagnetic ratio. To
further improve image quality, we replace our standard Kaczmarz reconstruction or
CS algorithm with Low-Rank matrix recovery. Similar to the previous work on CS reconstruction for O-Space imaging
[9,10], we apply the Low-Rank
reconstruction with O-Space imaging. Assuming a desired image in matrix
S∈Cn×m in O-Space imaging,
s is the vectorized version of the
desired image by row concatenation,
s=vet(S), and this convex optimization may be written as:
s=argmin(λ1TV(S)+λ2∥S∥∗+∥f−Es∥22)), where
f is the measured signal;
∥∙∥2 and
∥∙∥∗ are
ℓ₂ and nuclear norm;
vet(∙) is the vectorization function;
TV(∙) is total variation function;
λ1 and
λ2 are the relaxation convergence
parameters and is typically set for strongly under-relaxed reconstructions for
gradual convergence;
E is the encoding matrix, with its
inverse calculated by the Kaczmarz iterative algebraic reconstruction
The iterative nonlinear conjugate gradient (NCG) method is applied to optimize
the above problem.
simulations used a geometric phantom with the 64×64 resolution to study the normalized
mean-square-error (NMSE) of reconstruction results at reduction factors of 4,
8, 16 and 32. Experiments were performed on a SIEMENS MAGNETOM 3.0T Trio
scanner (Erlangen, Germany). The Z2 SEM gradient inserts
[9] were built by Resonance Research, Inc. (Billerica, MA), which of 38cm diameter can run a maximum current of
625 Ampere giving Z2 strength of 0.94 Gauss/cm
2. Another SIEMENS 8-channel head coil was used inside the gradient
coil. Images were reconstructed with the 128×128 resolution.
Figure 1 shows simulation results, including reference, radial and O-Space imaging at reduction factors of 8 and 16. Few improvements to reduce aliasing artifacts are observed if using the CS reconstruction in radial and O-Space imaging, but applying Low-Rank reconstruction clearly reduces undersampling artifacts, particularly for the O-Space encoded images. Figure 2 summarizes these results for a range of reduction factors and reconstruction methods applied to both radial and O-Space images. The proposed Low-Rank method improves NMSE over CS reconstruction, especially at high reduction factors, and the improvement is greater for O-Space encoded images. In Figure 3, experimental phantom results also show the proposed Low-Rank O-Space method reduces artifacts and recovers more detail (red arrows) than the either Kaczmarz or CS reconstruction of O-Space with pseudo-random disturbance. Moreover it is better than the best image attainable from radial encoding.
Discussion and Conclusion
In summary, the proposed method applies Low-Rank reconstruction to the problem of image reconstruction when imaging with nonlinear spatial encoding methods. The
Low-Rank O-Space approaches can
eliminate aliasing artifacts caused by undersampling in O-Space
imaging. Moreover, the images are better than those achieved with radial data
using either Kaczmarz, CS or Low-Rank reconstruction. It should also be noted that this method
does not require modification of the O-Space acquisition strategy
In the future, it may be beneficial to apply Low-Rank reconstruction to other
nonlinear spatial encoding methods.
Support from the NIH, grant numbers R01-EB012289, R01-EB016978 and K01-CA168977 are gratefully acknowledged.
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