Dongwook Lee1, Kyong Hwan Jin1, Eung-yeop Kim2, Sunghong Park1, and Jong Chul Ye1
1Bio and Brain Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of, 2Radiology, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Inchoen, Korea, Republic of
The purpose of this study is to develop an accelerated MR parameter mapping technique. For accelerated T1 and T2 mapping, spin-echo inversion recovery and multi-echo spin echo pulse sequences were redesigned to perform undersampling along phase encoding direction. The highly missing k-space were then interpolated by using recently proposed annihilating filter based low-rank Hankel matrix approach (ALOHA). By exploiting the duality between the transform domain sparsity and the low-rankness of weighted Hankel structured matrix in k-space, ALOHA provided outperforming reconstruction results compared to the existing compressed sensing methods.Introduction
MR parameter
mapping (MRPM) is one of the valuable imaging techniques as a quantitative
diagnosis tool for various pathologies1. However, standard MRPM
techniques usually need long scan time caused by its need of additional
information along parametric dimension such as echo time (TE), inversion time
(TI), flip angle, etc. Thus, this abstract aims to reduce the prolonged scan
time of T1 and T2 parameter mapping. Toward this goal, we modified
the spin echo inversion recovery (SE-IR) sequence for T1 mapping and multi-echo
spin echo (ME-SE) sequence for T2 mapping to perform undersampling. Then, we
used ALOHA (Annihilating filter based LOw-rank Hankel matrix Approach)2,3 to reconstruct the undersampled T1 and T2 mapping data.
ALOHA is a general
framework which unifies parallel MRI and compressed sensing MRI as a weighted
k-space interpolation problem. ALOHA utilizes the fundamental duality between
spatial and Fourier domain, i.e. K-sparse signal in transform domain can be represented in K-ranked weighted Hankel structured matrix in Fourier domain2. Even though
the images are not sparse, as long as it can be more sparsified by sparsifying transform such as wavelet transform, ALOHA can be used by constructing weighted Hankel matrix. And a multi-coil
extension can be easily derived by stacking the Hankel structured matrix side
by side. Therefore, the missing k-space can be
reconstructed with the help of low rank matrix completion and inverse weighting
step as shown in Fig.1(a).
Material and Methods
To apply
ALOHA for parameter mapping, the property of a dynamic parameter images and its
relationship with ALOHA should be further investigated. MRPM data have
concentrated spectrum at the low frequency regions. It means that MRPM data can
be sparsified by using spatial wavelet transform and temporal Fourier transform.
This results in rank-deficient weighted Hankel structured matrix in k-t space. To reconstruct
the missing k-t space, ALOHA constructs a Hankel matrix using weighted k-t space data and solves a low rank Hankel structured matrix
completion problem as a following nuclear norm minimization:
where X_{i} denotes weighted k-t space measurement from the i-th coil, P_{Ω} is an indicator function which projects original k-t space measurements, Θ. The problem is solved using ADMM(Alternating Direction Method of Multiplier)2,3. Thanks to the wavelet weighting, the low rank matrix completion problem is solved using pyramidal decomposition in Fig.1(b). This provides faster convergence and noise robust reconstruction.
For T1 and
T2 mapping, 2D SE-IR and ME-SE sequences were accelerated by undersampling
schemes. The phase encoding gradients are controlled to perform the
undersampling along phase encoding direction according to Gaussian
distribution. Human brain scans in Cartesian coordinate were performed using a
3T MR scanner Siemens Verio. Here are the scan parameters; TR 1650ms, 128x128
matrix, 5mm slice thickness, 4 coils, TE 10ms, TIs 25ms to 1600ms with linearly increasing echo spacing(ESP) for SE-IR sequence, TR 3000ms, 256x256
matrix, 2mm slice thickness, 4 coils, 32 TEs from 10ms to 320ms with 10ms ESP for ME-SE sequence.
The T1 and
T2 map are fitted by the relaxation(SI=SI0[1-2e-TI/T1-e-TR/T1])
and decay model(SI=SI0e-t/T2), respectively. SE-IR scan was
8 times undersampled and ME-SE scan was 12.8 times undersampled for
acceleration. The ALOHA reconstruction results from the accelerated data were
with various algorithms, k-t FOCUSS4, k-t SPARSE5, patch-based
low rank algorithm6, k-t SLR7 and C-based LORAKS8.
Results and Discussion
The SE-IR/ME-SE images and T
2 maps were reconstructed from real in vivo accelerated data(Fig.2-3). The scan times were reduced from 42min 15sec
to 5min 17sec for T
1 mapping and 12min 48sec to 1min for T
2 mapping. Among the various reconstruction,
ALOHA shows best reconstruction results as shown in Fig.2-3 and the NMSE values.
Also in the quantitative evaluation using retrospective downsampling(Fig.4), both T
1 and T
2 curves from ALOHA
were very close to the curves from ground truth. C-based LORAKS is somewhat similar to ALOHA, but provided the inferior reconstruction. The main improvement of ALOHA over C-based LORAKS is that ALOHA utilizes wavelet transform and the pyramidal reconstruction to exploit the transform domain sparsity, whereas C-based LORAKS exploits the finite support condition. Wavelet transform makes the
images more sparse and the pyramidal decomposition provides noise robust reconstruction, which made ALOHA outperform the existing approaches.
Acceleration of MRPM is important not only for the convenience of patients but also for clinical image quality. In this study, SE-IR and ME-SE sequences were redesigned for acceleration up to
\times8 and
\times12.8, respectively. The proposed ALOHA reconstruction still provided accurate reconstruction with excellent time-intensity plots that were as comparable as fully sampled data.
This study was supported
by Korea Science and Engineering Foundation under Grant NRF-2014R1A2A1A11052491.References
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