MR parameter mapping has shown great potential but is still limited in clinical application due to the lengthy acquisition time. To address this issue, we proposed a novel image reconstruction method(PARMA) to accelerate parameter mapping with reduced multi-channel acquisition using alternating projections on the single-exponential parametric manifold, the subspace data consistancy, and the convex of the regularized coil sensitivities. The experimental results show the potential of highly accelerated quantitative imaging by the proposed method.Purpose
MR parameter mapping has shown great
potential but is still limited in clinical applications due to the lengthy
acquisition time. Several reconstruction methods have been proposed to improve
the acquisition speed
1-11. The purpose of this work is to develop and
evaluate a novel image reconstruction method to accelerate parameter mapping with
reduced multi-channel acquisition using alternating projections on the
single-exponential parametric manifold, the subspace with data consistency, and
the convex set of regularized coil sensitivities. The method is a multi-channel
extension of our previous work in
12. The method is applicable to other quantitative imaging
applications beyond parameter mapping.
In MR parameter mapping, the mth reconstructed image Im is directly related to the acquisition at the mth echo time dm as: dm=FmSmIm+nm, where Fm the Fourier operator with a specific undersampling pattern at m, Sm is a diagonal matrix representing the sensitivity map, and nm denotes k-space noise. In parameter mapping, the image series Im can be modeled with
parameters ρ and θ as: Im=Pm(θ)ρ, where Pm(θ) is a parametric function of θ, and also specifies scanning setting at
the mth acquisition, and ρ is the parameter linearly related to
the image. For example, in the case of T2 mapping, Im=ρe−TE(m)⋅θ, where θ is a vectorized 1/T2
values at all pixels and ρ the
proton density. Thereby the image series acquired at different echo times lies in a low
dimensional manifold. To recover the PARametric MAnifold (named PARMA), we solve
the unknown parameter maps θ and ρ and coil sensitivities Sm by: {ˆθ,ˆρ,ˆSm}=argmin.
Initialization: Image reconstruction (convex): We first reconstruct each
individual image at the mth echo time
using Sparse BLIP13: \left\{{{{{\bf{\hat I}}}_m},{{{\bf{\hat S}}}_m}}\right\}=\mathop{\arg\min}\limits_{{{\bf{I}}_m},{{\bf{S}}_m}} \left\|{{{\bf{d}}_m}-{{\bf{F}}_m}{{\bf{S}}_m}{{\bf{I}}_m}}\right\|_2^2+\lambda{\rm{R}}({{\bf{I}}_m})+\beta {\rm{TV}}({{\bf{S}}_m})\quad(2)where \bf\widehat{I}_{m} and \bf\widehat{S}_{m} are the reconstructed image
and coil sensitivities,
λ and β
control the weights of regularization. Total variation is used to regularize both image
and coil sensitivities.
1: Projection onto manifold: The initialized images are projected onto a
closest manifold using {{\rm{P}}_\Omega}\left({\left|{{\bf{\hat I}}}\right|}\right):=\mathop{\arg\min}\limits_{\bf{I}}\left\{{\left|\left||{{\bf{\hat I}}}|-{\bf{I}}\right|\right|_2^2:{\bf{I}} \in\Omega}\right\}\quad(3) where Ω is a manifold with
parameters θ and ρ. \bf I includes a series of images I_{m} at all m, \bf\left|\widehat{I}\right| denotes the operation of taking
the magnitude of \bf\widehat{I}. The projection is equivalent to finding the
parameters: \left\{{{\bf{\hat\theta}},{\bf{\hat\rho}}}\right\}=\mathop{\arg\min}\limits_{{\bf{\theta,\rho}}}\mathop\sum\limits_{m=1}^{\rm{M}} \left|\left||{{\bf{\hat I}}_{\bf{m}}}|-|{{\rm{P}}_m}\left({\bf{\theta}}\right){\bf{\rho}}|\right|\right|_2^2\quad(4) Levenberg-Marquardt
algorithm is used to fit the parametric model.
Step 2:
Projection onto the subspace with data consistency: The updated images series on the manifold are
further transformed into k-space to enforce the data consistency constraint. Specifically,
the image series are projected onto a subspace by maintaining the updated k-space
data at the acquired locations and replacing the k-space data at the unacquired
locations using a weighted combination of the updated value and measurement.
Step 3:
Projection onto a convex set: We
then update the coil sensitivities by solving a convex optimization problem {{\bf{\hat S}}_m}=\mathop {\arg\min}\limits_{{{\bf{S}}_m}}\left\|{{{\bf{d}}_m}-{{\bf{F}}_m}{{\bf{S}}_m}{{\bf{I}}_m}}\right\|_2^2+\beta{\rm{TV}}({{\bf{S}}_m})\quad(5) using the images from Step
2. The above three steps are then repeated
iteratively. Such an alternating projection converges if the initial value is
close to the true intersection of the above three sets14.
The proposed method was evaluated using a set
of 6-channel T2 brain dataset from a 3T scanner(MAGNETOM Trio,
SIEMENS, Germany) with a turbo spin echo sequence (matrix size = 192 x 192, FOV
= 192 x 192 mm, slice thickness = 3 mm, ETL = 16, △TE = 8.8 ms, TR =
4000ms, bandwidth = 362Hz/pixel). The
full k-space data was retrospectively undersampled with a reduction factor of 5
using different 1D random undersampling patterns for different TEs. The
proposed PARMA method was compared to two sparsity-constrained compressed
sensing methods, one sparsified with principal component analysis (CS-PCA)
2 and the other with dictionaries learned using the relaxation model (MBDL)
7. Figure
1 shows the T2 maps and the corresponding errors obtained using CS-PCA, MBDL,
and the proposed PARMA. Compared to the sparsity-constrained methods, the proposed
method improves the T2 accuracy.
In this paper, a novel parametric manifold recovery method PARMA
is proposed for accelerated MR quantitative imaging. Compared to the existing
methods, the proposed method enforces the parametric model by projecting the
reconstruction to its closest manifold and enforces data consistency from
multiple channels at the same time. The experimental results show the potential
of highly accelerated quantitative imaging by the proposed method.
This work is supported in part by the NSF CBET-1265612, CCF-1514403, NIH R21EB020861.
The authors would like to thank Dr. D. Liang and Dr. X. Peng for providing the T2 brain data.
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