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Gauging the Effectiveness of Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment using MR Phase Gradient Mapping
Gregory Simchick1,2, Martha Betancur3,4, Lohitash Karumbaiah3,4, and Qun Zhao1,2

1Physics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, United States, 2Bio-Imaging Research Center, Athens, GA, United States, 3Animal and Dairy Science, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, United States, 4Regenerative Bioscience Center, Athens, GA, United States


Due to both short-term and long-term effects, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) have been a growing topic of interest over the last several years; therefore, research related to the development of new methods to treat and monitor these types of injuries has also gained interest. Presented here is a non-invasive method using magnetic resonance (MR) phase gradient mapping (PGM) to characterize TBI treatment in relation to regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in angiogenesis and tissue loss. In a rat moderate-to-severe TBI model, increases between 16-29% in rCBF were seen in the treatment group twenty weeks post TBI, while decreases between 9-27% in rCBF were seen in the non-treatment group.


To evaluate the long-term effectiveness of traumatic brain injury (TBI) treatment in relation to regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in angiogenesis and tissue loss using magnetic resonance (MR) phase gradient mapping (PGM).


The fractional change in blood flow through a vessel can be written asf=Rpc1Rpcwhere the relative phase changeRpc=±(ϕ1ϕ0)ϕ0with Δφ0 and Δφ1 representing the change in phase between the vessel and the surrounding tissue at two different time points1. The relative phase change can theoretically be calculated using just the phase difference within the vessels at the two time points1; however, variations in the MRI scanning procedure (coil tuning, gradient shimming, etc.) can cause additional changes in the phase. By using the change in phase between the vessel and the surrounding tissue, these variations are removed1. To avoid MRI phase wrapping effects, the change in the phase gradient can be used to calculate the fractional change in rCBF since it’s proportional to the change in phase. The equationxϕ=xPPxillustrates this relationship, where φ denotes the wrapped phase and P denotes the real phase2. The phase gradient can be calculated usingxϕ=cosϕFT1[kxFT(sinϕ)]sinϕFT1[kxFT(cosϕ)]where FT and FT-1 refer to the forward and inverse Fourier Transforms and kx=isin(2πlLx)xwith Lx being the number of voxels in the x-direction and Δx being the voxel size3.

Experiments and Methods

TBIs were performed on six rats using a custom designed controlled cortical impactor4. The left fronto-parietal cortex was impacted using a 3mm diameter flat tip driven at a velocity of 2.25m/s, to a depth of 2mm, and for a dwell-time of 250ms after performing a 5mm unilateral craniotomy 0.5mm from the bregma and the lateral suture. Two additional rats received craniotomies, but not TBIs. These rats served as controls. Two days post-TBI, one rat received an injection of chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycan hydrogel with neural stem cells and trophic factors (GAG-NSCs-TF), and two rats received the same injection without NSCs (GAG-TF). To evaluate long-term effects, twenty weeks post TBI all rats (2 controls, 3 non-treatments, 3 treatments) were scanned using a MGEMS pulse sequence on a 7T Varian Magnex MRI scanner with parameters: TR=600ms, 8 echoes (TE=10-45ms in 5ms increments), FA=25°, FOV=40x40mm, and 8 slices with thickness=1mm centered on the injury. Phase gradient maps (PGMs) were calculated for each slice in both the readout and phase encoding directions using equations 4 and 5. From these PGMs, phase gradient differences between a vessel and the surrounding tissue were measured across all distinguishable vessels located within the cortex, sub-cortical and basal forebrain areas, and thalamus. It was determined that TE=20ms produced the best contrast for distinguishing vessels within the PGMs, so the third echo was used for all measurements (see Figure 1). Since direct comparisons of the same vessels from the same rats were not made, phase variations in the MRI scanning procedure aren’t automatically removed using equation 2. To account for these variations, measurements were normalized using the phase gradient difference across the third ventricle for each rat. Averages and standard deviations of all normalized phase gradient differences were calculated for both the contralateral and ipsilateral side of the brain to the injury for each region and group, and fractional changes in rCBF between groups were determined using equations 1 and 2.

Results and Discussion

The treatment group consistently showed increases in rCBF compared to the control group in all regions on both the contralateral and ipsilateral sides of the brain, while the non-treatment group consistently showed decreases in rCBF (see Figure 2). The increases in rCBF in the treatment group suggest that angiogenesis is occurring and that tissue loss has been stunted5. The decreases in rCBF in the non-treatment group suggest that angiogenesis is not occurring, so greater tissue loss is expected. Brain dissection confirmed increased tissue loss in the non-treatment group compared to the treatment group (see Figure 3). Variations between animals of the same group and the small sample size of each group (n=2 or 3) likely contribute to the significant variations in the changes in rCBF in Figure 2. Further correlation with global CBF measured by arterial spin labeling will be conducted, and histology and staining will be performed to look for angiogenesis. To summarize, changes in rCBF in a rat TBI model were calculated using phase gradient differences measured across vessels within different areas of the rat brain. Rats that received GAG-NSCs-TF or GAG-TF showed increases in rCBF compared to the control group, while rats that did not receive treatment showed decreases in rCBF. Comparing these results with dissection suggests that an increase in CBF relates to a greater effectiveness of treatment concerning reduction in tissue loss and possibly increased angiogenesis.


The authors wish to thank the grant support of National Institute of Health grant (S10RR023706), and Dr. Khan Hekmatyar for assistance in MR data acquisition.


1. Shen, Y. M. et al. In vivo measurement of tissue damage, oxygen saturation changes and blood flow changes after experimental traumatic brain injury in rats using susceptibility weighted imaging. Magn Reson Imaging 25, 219-227, doi:10.1016/j.mri.2006.09.018 (2007).

2. Bakker, C. J. G., de Leeuw, H., Vincken, K. L., Vonken, E. J. & Hendrikse, J. Phase gradient mapping as an aid in the analysis of object-induced and system-related phase perturbations in MRI. Phys Med Biol 53, N349-N358, doi:10.1088/0031-9155/53/18/N02 (2008).

3. Wang, L. N., Potter, W. M. & Zhao, Q. In vivo quantification of SPIO nanoparticles for cell labeling based on MR phase gradient images. Contrast Media Mol I 10, 43-50, doi:10.1002/cmmi.1601 (2015).

4. Dixon, C. E., Clifton, G. L., Lighthall, J. W., Yaghmai, A. A. & Hayes, R. L. A Controlled Cortical Impact Model of Traumatic Brain Injury in the Rat. J Neurosci Meth 39, 253-262 (1991).

5. Ding, G. L. et al. Longitudinal Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Sildenafil Treatment of Embolic Stroke in Aged Rats. Stroke 42, 3537-3541, doi:10.1161/Strokeaha.111.622092 (2011).


Typical measurement made across a vessel in the contralateral cortex of a control rat. a.) The black line represents the location at which the measurement was made. b.) The corresponding phase gradient values along this line. The spike in the graph represents the vessel’s phase gradient value.

Percentage change in rCBF of treatment group (orange) and non-treatment group (blue) using the control group as the baseline. rCBF changes for the contralateral and ipsilateral cortex (CO CL/IL), contralateral and ipsilateral sub-cortical and basal forebrain areas (SC-BF CL/IL), and contralateral and ipsilateral thalamus (TH CL/IL) are shown.

Photographs of rat brains dissected after MRI scanning. Rats in the non-treatment group showed large amounts of tissue loss (orange arrows), while rats in the treatment group showed reduced tissue loss (red arrows). It is also shown that the amount of tissue loss between animals of the same group has significant variation.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)