Yihao Guo1, Zhentai Lu1, Yingjie Mei2, Jing Zhang3, Yikai Xu3, Feng Huang4, Ed. X. Wu5,6, and Yanqiu Feng1,5,6
1School of Biomedical Engineering and Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Medical Image Processing, Southern Medical University, GuangZhou, China, People's Republic of, 2Philips Healthcare, GuangZhou, China, People's Republic of, 3Department of Medical Imaging Center, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, GuangZhou, China, People's Republic of, 4Philips Healthcare(Suzhou), Suzhou, China, People's Republic of, 5Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging and Signal Processing, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, People's Republic of, 6Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, People's Republic of
misalignment between multiple b-value
liver DW image scan severely reduce the accuracy and stability of IVIM parameter
quantification, especially in the presence of small focal lesions. These small
lesions usually exhibit significantly differentintensity in different b-value images, but have similar
structural information. This work
introduces modality independent neighborhood descriptor to extract the
structural information of small lesions for improved realignment between
multiple b-value images. Preliminary
results show that this structure-based registration method can well correct
respiration-induced misalignment between multiple b-value images with small lesions, improve the IVIM model fitting
quality, and reduce variance in quantified parameters. Purpose
The quantitative
parameters derived by the intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) model from multiple b-value diffusion weighted (DW) images
have potential to characterize various liver lesions[1-2].
However, respiration-induced misalignment between multiple b-value liver DW images can severely reduce the accuracy and
stability of IVIM parameter quantification, especially in the presence of small
focal lesions. Intensity-based deformable image registration methods have been
applied to correct motion in liver IVIM MRI [3]. For small lesions, the
accurateintensity statistics are difficult to obtain due to limited number of
available samples, thus intensity-based mutual information[3] registration
method usually cannot achieve accurate realignment. The purpose of this work is
to investigate the feasibility of improving the IVIM MRI of small liver lesions using
a structure-based registration method based on modality independent
neighborhood descriptor (MIND) [4].
the liver IVIM MRI, small lesions usually have distinct intensities among multiple
b-value images but similar structural
information. MIND, defined according to
local patch similarity, was used to extract the structural information of small
lesions. As shown in Figure 1, MIND generated a small matrix for each voxel in the
image. It can be observed that the intensity information between two b-value images was significantly
different but the structural information represented by MIND was similar between
different b-value images for voxels in
either the central region or margins of the lesion.
calculating MIND of all voxels, the motion parameters can be found by
minimizing the following object function:
x denotes voxel index in images,
I1(x) denotes the reference image,
I2(x) denotes the float image,
T denotes the parameters of free-form
S(I(x),J(x)) denotes the similarity measure
defined on MIND between images
I(x) and
Esmooth(T) is the smoothness of deformation,
|R| denotes the number of voxels in search
r is the voxel index in
R and,
α is a trade-off parameter that balances the smoothness of
deformation and the similarity between images. In this work,
α was experientially set to 0.1.
breathing diffusion datasets of three subjects were acquired on a 3.0T Philips
scanner using a single-shot spin-echo echo-planar imaging (EPI) sequence with
TR/TE 1600/62ms, matrix 256×256, in-plane resolution 1.46×1.46 mm
thickness5.0mm, slice gap
0mm, 32 slices and b-values = 0, 10, 30, 60, 100, 150, 400, 600 and 1000 s/mm
2. Image of b = 0 was set as the
reference image during registration. The IVIM parameters derived before and
after registration were compared for method evaluation.
2 shows the effect of the proposed motion correction method on images with
small focal lesions. Before registration, the small lesion appeared on
different locations indifferent b-value
images. After registration, the lesion in each b-value image was well aligned to that in b = 0 image. Figure 3 plots the mean intensity inside the lesion area and
the fitted IVIM model curves against multiple b values. It can be observed that the quantified parameters (D, D*
and f) were different before and after registration, and the R-square, which
describes the fitting quality, increased from 0.97 to 0.99 after registration. Note
that before the registrationthe mean intensity at b = 60 was lower than that at b = 100,
which contradicts the fact that signal intensity attenuates with increased b values.
1 presents the voxel-wise IVIM fitting results in the focal lesion areas of the
three subjects. For subject 1, R-square increased after motion correction with
the proposed method. The R-squares for subjects 2 and 3 are already high before
motion correction, but slight increase can still be observed after motion
correction. The mean values of IVIM model parameters (D, D*, and f) are
significantly different with and without motion correction, and the standard
deviations of quantified IVIM model parameters consistentlydecreased after
Discussion and Conclusion
The proposed motion correction method
employs MIND-described structural information to realign small focal lesions in
multiple b-value images of the liver
IVIM MRI. The preliminary results on three subjects demonstrate that the
proposed method can consistently reduce lesion misalignment, improve fitting
quality, and decrease the variance of quantified liver IVIM model parameters.
The proposed method has potential to improve the accuracyand reproducibility of
free-breathing liver IVIM MRI, especially for small focal lesions. Further
evaluation of the proposed method on more subjects is warranted in a future
No acknowledgement found.References
[1] Zhou,I.Y. MRM 2014; 5:1389-96 [2] Cohen,A.D. MRM 2014;
1:306-11 [3] Mazaheri, Y. Academic radiology 2102; 12:1573-80 [4] Heinrich, M.
MIA 2012; 7:1423-35