Yanjun Li1, Shumin Tao1, Dandan Zheng2, Yong Zhang2, and Guangming Lu1
1Medical Imaging, Jingling Hospital, School of Medicine, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, People's Republic of, 2GE Healthcare, MR Research China, Beijing, China, People's Republic of
Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in human transplantation was regarded as a
promising indicator for dectecting graft dysfunction.According to the IVIM
theory, ADC integrates the effects of both diffusion of water molecules and
microcirculation of blood in capillaries. By separating diffusion and
perfusion, we could observe each component’s contribution to the changes of ADC
values. Furthermore, the exchanges of intracellular water molecules with
extracellular’s may have impact on ADC. Thus, AQP ADC might reflect quantitative
water channel expression.INTRODUCTION
Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in human transplantation was regarded as a
promising indicator for dectecting graft dysfunction. By applying the
intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) theory, the bi-exponential model fitting with
a number of b-values yielded the standard apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC
the “perfusion fraction”
(f ), and
the “slow diffusion” (ADC
slow)(1). Besides perfusion
of microcirculation, other biophysical mechanisms may also play a substantial role
in contributing to ADC changes, especially membrane permeability to water which
is mainly determined by aquaporins (AQP)(2). T.
Tourdias et al reported that ADC might also indirectly reflect quantitative
water channel expression(3). So in this study, we performed DWI with multi-b
values in renal allografts to determine whether IVIM parameters and AQP ADC
values vary in different estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) levels and
correlate with clinical indicators.
DWI was performed on a 3.0 Tesla MR scanner in 12
renal allograft recipients. Because of the small sample, we divided the
patients into 2 groups according to allograft function: Group 1, eGFR≥60
2 (n =6; 1 women, 5 men; mean age, 36.2±7.3 years); Group
2, eGFR<60 ml/min/1.73m
2 (n =6; 2 women, 4 men; mean age, 38.5±11.3
years). Multi-b DWI (b=0, 10, 30, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 400, 800, 1000, 1500,
2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000) was performed in all renal allograft recipients
and IVIM parameters (ADC
st, ADC
slow and
f ) and AQP ADC values were calculated.
The DWI images and parameter maps are shown in
Fig 1. (A-C: a patient with eGFR 88.71 ml/min/1.73m
2; D-F: a patient
with eGFR 15.22 ml/min/1.73m
2; A, D: DW image obtained with a b
value of 100 s/mm
2; B, E: ADCst map; C, F: AQP ADC map). ALL
IVIM parameters (corticomedullary ADC
st, ADC
slow and
f ) and cortical AQP ADC values differed
significantly between different eGFR levels (p<0.05). Cortical ADC
st (r=0.789, p=0.002), cortical
f (r=0.773, p=0.003), medullary
st (r=0.828, p=0.001), medullary
slow (r=0.621, p=0.031),
and medullary
f (r=0.777, p=0.003) showed significantly positive correlations
with eGFR, while AQP ADC (r= -0.841, p=0.001)
showed a negative correlation with eGFR(Fig 2).
In our study, all parameters
except medullary AQP ADC could detect renal allografts with different eGFR
levels. According to the IVIM theory, ADC integrates
the effects of both diffusion of water molecules and microcirculation of blood
in capillaries. By separating diffusion and perfusion, we could observe each component’s
contribution to the changes of ADC values. Furthermore, the exchanges of intracellular
water molecules with extracellular’s may have impact on ADC. Our study showed
strong correlation between cortical AQP ADC and
eGFR, indicating that AQP ADC maybe a potential tool for reflecting the
expression of aquaporins. In conclusion, the present investigation
demonstrates that IVIM DWI and AQP MR imaging are promising new techniques for
functional evaluation of renal allografts.
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2. Saritas EU, Cunningham CH, Lee JH, Han ET, Nishimura DG. DWI of the spinal cord with reduced FOV single-shot EPI. Magnetic resonance in medicine : official journal of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine / Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2008;60(2):468-73.
3. T. Tourdias et al. Aquaporin 4 correlates with apparent diffusion coefficient and hydrocephalus severity in the rat brain: A combined MRI–histological study. NeuroImage 47 (2009) 659–666.