Pierre Bour1,2, Fabrice Marquet2, Fanny Vaillant2, Valery Ozenne2, Solenn Toupin2,3, Matthieu Lepetit coiffe3, Erik Dumont1, and Bruno Quesson2
1IGT, PESSAC, France, 2IHU-LIRYC, PESSAC, France, 3Siemens Healthcare, Saint-Denis, France
HIFU cardiac
stimulation may enable diagnostic and therapeutic applications such as
noninvasive electrophysiological exam, emergency care and temporary stimulation.
In-vivo proof of concept of HIFU cardiac stimulation has already been done on
pig. We propose here a first proof of feasibility to monitor the
displacement induced by acoustic radiation force impulse (MR-ARFI) during contactless
stimulation ex-vivo, on a beating pig
heart model. ARFI
displacement maps will be used for precise localization of the depolarization source
and a quantification of displacement will be done during refractory
(contraction) and non-refractory (resting time) period. Purpose
of concept of extracorporeal cardiac stimulation with HIFU has recently been
reported on a large animal model [1]. Short duration (millisecond range)
ultrasound bursts with sufficient pressure at the focus have been shown to
induce premature ventricular contractions (PVC) when applied to the ventricle after
the refractory period (so-called “ST” period within the cardiac cycle). Such a
new application of non-invasive MR-HIFU may enable the development of
innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in cardiology. However,
depending on the anatomical structure embedded in the HIFU beam path (ribs,
lungs, fat layer,…), the resulting pressure applied to the cardiac muscle at
the targeted location may vary importantly. We propose here to use MR-Acoustic
Radiation Force Imaging (MR-ARFI) technique to visualize and to measure the
net local tissue displacement induced by the HIFU pulse [2]. A fast MR-ARFI method
was developed including synchronization of the sequence at selectable timings
within the cardiac cycle. The method was evaluated on an
ex-vivo beating heart
model from pig, allowing evaluation of the imaging method under well controlled
experimental conditions. Displacement maps computed from MR-ARFI measurements were
exploited for localization purpose of the HIFU pulse within the cardiac muscle and
for quantification of the resulting displacement during refractory
(contraction) and non-refractory (resting time) periods.
Material and method
Pig heart (45kg, N=1) was extracted and installed on a MR-compatible
isolated beating heart setup and positioned on top of a HIFU transducer (256
elements, 1MHz operating frequency, 13/13 cm focal/aperture, Imasonic, France),
inside the MR scanner (1.5T Avanto Siemens, Germany) (Fig1). The heart was electrically
paced on the epicardium at 120bpm and local electrophysiology (EP, using
MR-compatible catheter) and left intra-ventricular pressure were monitored
continuously. ARFI displacement was monitored using a modified spin echo
Single-Shot EPI sequence integrating two bipolar motion encoding gradients
(MEG) located symmetrically from the refocusing RF pulse. The sequence was
trigged on the EP signal of the heart with user-defined adjustable delays. ARFI maps were
computed in real-time on Thermoguide™ (IGT,Pessac,France) as followed:
with Φn and Φref respectively the current and reference (meaned
over first 10 dynamics) phase maps, n the dynamic number, |A| and Δ respectively the MEG amplitude and duration of
one lobe and γ the gyromagnetic ratio. Sequence parameters were: FOV=257x257mm², one slice, TE/TR/FA=42ms/98ms/75°, refocusing angle = 180° , 7/8 partial Fourier,
a spatial resolution of 2.3x2.3x4mm3, |A| =25mT/m and
Two 6 element surface coils and a 19cm
loop coil were positioned around the heart for image acquisition. HIFU sonications
were triggered by the scanner and lasted 13ms to cover the refocusing pulse
duration and one lobe of MEG on both of its sides. The sequence was run
continuously (100 repetitions) and 5 HIFU pulses (with several acoustic power values
ranging from 180 W to 270W) were applied once every 15 repetitions to
allow recovering of the normal sinus rhythm in case of successful HIFU
stimulation. Experiments were performed in the left ventricle and triggered to
the non-refractory period (N=40) and to the refractory period (N=10).
HIFU applied during the refractory period fig2A) induced no premature
extra systole even at the maximal power used. ARFI maps confirmed that sonication
was performed in the myocardium and a maximum displacement of 22±2.6µm was measured. Premature extra systole were induced when the
ultrasonic pulse was sent after the absolute refractory period, confirmed by EP
and pressure measurements of LV: on LV EP, ultrasound induced a depolarization
prior do the pace signal and the pressure pattern was modified fig2B). The success
rate of stimulation over all sets of experiments was 95%. Under these
conditions, displacement maps confirmed the localization of the stimulation
site with a maximum displacement of 38±2.7µm. Fig3 shows
results of displacement values during refractory and non-refractory periods at
maximal HIFU power.
A significant
increase of displacement was
in the non-refractory period when the heart is in resting time and not anymore
under pressure, attesting of a change in tissue stiffness.
Conclusion and discussion
study demonstrates the ex-vivo beating heart proof
of feasibility of controlled noninvasive ultrasound-based cardiac stimulation
with accurate localization of the depolarization site using a fast MR-ARFI
sequence . The quantitative measurement of local tissue displacement
during refractory and non-refractory periods of the cardiac cycle from
displacement maps may provide additional information on the cardiac elasticity changes
between diastole and systole.
ANR TACIT & IHUReferences
[1] Marquet and all. HRS 2015 [2] McDannold and all. Medical Physics 2008