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Efficient Volumetric Thermometry for MR-Guided FUS Brain Treatment Monitoring, Using Multiple-Echo Spirals and Mixed Update Rates
Michael Marx1, Pejman Ghanouni1, and Kim Butts Pauly1

1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States


Multi-slice thermometry was developed that overcomes several limitations of single-slice 2DFT thermometry in MR-guided focused ultrasound brain treatment. Using multiple-echo spiral imaging provides much greater imaging performance, which was applied to improved focal spot localization and to improved ablation monitoring. High-resolution higher-precision multi-slice focal spot localization can shorten treatment time and improve patient safety. High-speed high-precision focal spot monitoring, combined with full-brain monitoring and 3-dimensional focal spot characterization during ablations can improve treatment guidance and feedback while also improving patient safety. The new sequences were validated both in vivo and in a phantom within a clinical transducer.


MR-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) brain treatments are currently guided by one thermometry sequence: single-slice 2DFT MR thermometry. In this work, we divided treatment monitoring into two tasks, with different thermometry design goals for each, and developed sequences optimized for these goals: “Focal Spot Localization” and “Monitoring”. These sequences achieve greater imaging performance by utilizing multi-echo spiral thermometry1, region-specific update rates, and MASTER2 slice interleaving.

Currently, focal spot targeting confirmation requires several low-power sonications to obtain high-resolution measurements in three dimensions. We developed a Focal Spot Localization sequence that obtains high-resolution measurements in-plane, at improved temperature precision compared to 2DFT, while also providing multiple-slices for through-plane characterization. This would reduce the number of sonications required, improving treatment time. Additionally, even lower-power sonications could be detected, improving patient safety.

During ablative treatment sonications, single-slice monitoring cannot detect through-plane shifts of the ultrasound focus, or unexpected out-of-plane heating. We developed a multi-rate thermometry Monitoring sequence that interleaves different sequences at different update rates to simultaneously achieve fast and precise focal monitoring, 3-dimensional focal spot measurement, and full brain monitoring. Fast and precise multi-slice monitoring of the focus ensures accurate thermal dose estimates for treatment feedback, while (slower) full-brain monitoring ensures patient safety


All sequences were implemented using RTHawk (HeartVista, Menlo Park, CA) on a GE 3T 750 Signa scanner (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI) equipped with the Insightec Exablate Neuro (Insightec, Haifa, Israel). All imaging was performed with the body coil, as is normally used with the Exablate system. Conventional 2DFT was implemented as a gold standard for comparison. The new sequences all use a 36 cm FOV to ensure that the transducer and water bath do not alias. Volunteer imaging was done with informed consent under IRB approval. Multi-frequency reconstruction1 was performed on all data spiral data. Temperature uncertainty was measured as the per-voxel temporal standard deviation of temperature measurements, and averaged within manually segmented ROIs. Performance was also tested inside the transducer, using a gel phantom. Sequence parameters and MR parameters are compiled in Tables 1-2.

The Focal Spot Localization sequence is a 5-slice 3-echo thermometry sequence, with doubled in-plane resolution as compared to conventional 2DFT (1.1x1.1 mm vs 1.09x2.18 mm), and acquisition time of 7 s. The Monitoring sequence interleaves 3 distinct sequences at different rates to monitor 29 total slices. The “Focus” is monitored using 3-slice 3-echo spiral imaging, for high-speed high-precision measurement of focal heating. Two adjacent slices, the “Boundary”, are monitored at half the temporal rate (also using 3-echo spiral) to fully characterize the focal spot. The remaining 24 slices, “Background”, were acquired using 8 blocks of 3-slice MASTER2, with spiral readouts. Use of MASTER improves temperature uncertainty, compared to traditional slice interleaving, by increasing echo time. Limiting each MASTER block to 3 slices reduces inherent diffusion and motion-encoding artifacts. The three component sequences were interleaved such that Focus utilized 45% (15% per-slice) of the timeline, Boundary used 15% (7.5% per-slice), and Background the remaining 40% (1.7% per-slice).


Figure 1 compares temperature uncertainty in vivo between 2DFT and Focal Spot Localization while Figure 2 compares 2DFT with Monitoring. Large images compare the center slice, while stacks of images at the right show additional slices monitored by the new sequences. Figure 3 compares uncertainty within the transducer. The new sequences obtained better uncertainty than 2DFT, with average uncertainty compiled in Table 1. Relative “Efficiency” is also listed in Table 1, which accounts for differences in speed and voxel volume. Each multi-echo spiral sequence is more than 150% as efficient as 2DFT. Background is 69% as efficient (but collects 3 slices per TR, for an effective 120% efficiency.)


In this work, we have shown that multi-slice multi-echo spiral thermometry is an effective imaging approach for volumetric treatment monitoring. Improved imaging performance was successfully used to achieve imaging objectives for different aspects of ablative treatments. Focal spots may be localized faster and with reduced heating using the higher-resolution higher-precision Focal Spot Localization sequence. The mixed update rate Monitoring sequence successfully delivers high-speed high-precision monitoring of the targeted focus, while improving safety by simultaneously monitoring the full brain at a lower update rate. These sequences have also been validated within the transducer, to help ensure they will work in the clinical setting.


This work was supported by funding from P01 CA159992, from InSightec, and from General Electric.


1. Marx, Michael and Kim Butts Pauly. "Improved MRI thermometry with multiple-echo spirals." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2015). DOI: 10.1002/mrm.25914

2. Marx, Michael, Juan Plata, and Kim Butts Pauly. “Toward volumetric MR Thermometry With the MASTER Sequence.” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 34.1 (2015): 148-155.


Figure 1: Temperature uncertainty in vivo, comparing traditional 2DFT to new Focal Spot Localization sequence. Stack of images on right are the 5 slices of Planning. FOV reduced to show improved detail.

Figure 2: Temperature uncertainty in vivo, comparing traditional 2DFT to mixed update rate ablation Monitoring. Stack of images on right show full brain coverage, from inferior to superior. Monitoring - Focus acquired the highlighted slice and two adjacent slices. Monitoring - Boundary acquired the two slices adjacent to Focus. Monitoring - Background acquired the remaining slices.

Figure 3: Temperature uncertainty in phantom (held by plastic holder) and water bath within the Exablate Neuro, comparing 2DFT to proposed Monitoring sequence. Center 28 cm of FOV displayed for each sequence. Phantom is outlined with dashed line. Large red swath in first image of 4th row was due to slice prescription error.

Table 1: Implemented Sequence Performance Parameters. tSNR efficiency(δxyzTseqσT)1. For Monitoring - Background, median slice uncertainty reported.

Table 2: Additional MR Sequence Parameters.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)