Pan Su1,2, Deng Mao1,2, Peiying Liu1, Yang Li1,2, Ye Qiao1, and Hanzhang Lu1
1Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States
MR Fingerprinting (MRF) based Arterial
Spin Labeling (ASL) has the ability
to estimate multiple physiological parameters in a single scan. In this study, we explored the potential of this technique by fitting the data to a
three-compartment model to get seven hemodynamic parameters concomitantly. Hypercapnia
study in healthy subjects and clinical scan in stroke patients were conducted
to test these estimations. Results show that this technique is able to provide
multi-parametric estimations of hemodynamic markers in healthy and diseased
Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) based on MR Fingerprinting (MRF) has
recently been proposed [1][2]. Features of this novel implementation includes
that there is no strict pairing of labeled and control scans, that the labeling
duration is randomized, and that the labeled spins, by design, are to affect
the imaging signal not in the same TR, but several TRs later. While the
previous reports have demonstrated the initial feasibility of this promising
method, its full potential has not been explored. In particular, like other MRF
techniques, the major strength of MRF-ASL is that multiple physiological
parameters can be estimated in a single scan, by taking advantage of (rather
than limited by) the complex nature of the ASL signal. Therefore, the purpose
of this study is three-fold. Firstly, we examined the ability of MRF-ASL to
estimate a total of seven hemodynamic parameters concomitantly. The richness of
the MRF-ASL data allows us to fit the data to a three-compartment model, which
is above and beyond what could be measured with conventional single-delay or
multi-delay ASL. Secondly, we tested the sensitivity and reliability of these
estimations using a hypercapnia challenge that is known to change these
parameters. Thirdly, we examined the clinical utility of the technique in
stroke patients.
pulse sequence:
The details of the pulse sequence, dictionary generation, and fingerprinting
matching have been described previously [2]. Briefly, it consists of
random-duration, randomly ordered control and label blocks, each followed
immediately by an acquisition (Figure 1a).
modeling: The
framework of the three-compartment model is depicted in Figure 1b. It consists
of a feeding artery compartment (red), a tissue compartment (yellow), and a
pass-through artery compartment (blue). The difference between the feeding and
pass-through arteries is that the spins in the pass-through artery do not
perfuse the imaged voxel. Thus, they are the primary source of vascular
artifacts in ASL. Note that multi-delay ASL usually does not consider the
presence of the blue compartment. With the three-compartment model, one can
concomitantly determine seven parameters: B1+, tissue T1, CBF, tissue bolus
arrival time (BAT), pass-through arterial BAT, pass-through blood volume, and
pass-through blood travel time.
study in healthy volunteers:
Five healthy subjects (25±2 yo, 3F) were studied on a 3T MRI scanner (Philips).
The following protocol was used: Firstly conventional pCASL was acquired under
normocapnic state (room-air breathing). Then MRF-ASL sequence was performed
four times: three times under normocapnia to test reproducibility and once
under hypercapnia (5% CO2 breathing) to test sensitivity in detecting changes.
Hypercapnia is known to increase CBF. The imaging parameters of MRF-ASL were:
2D gradient echo EPI; SENSE factor = 2.4; matrix size = 64×64; resolution =
2.81mm×2.81mm; flip angle = 70°; TE = 9.2ms; 500 dynamics; duration of the
label/control periods varied from 72 to 450ms; scan duration = 2 min 59 s.
in stroke patients:
2 patients (54-61 yo, 1F) within 2 days after stroke were scanned with MRF-ASL
Results and
maps obtained from the MRF-ASL data: Results from a healthy subject under normocapnic state
are shown in Figure 2. Coefficient-of-variation (CoV) of each parameter,
calculated as standard deviation across repetitions divided by mean, is shown
in Table 1. Figure 3a shows a comparison between CBF estimated with the
three-compartment model and that with a conventional two-compartment model that
is often used in multi-delay ASL studies. Vascular artifacts due to
pass-through arteries are clearly visible in the two-compartment results.
Figure 3b shows changes in CBF and tissue BAT during CO2 breathing. It can be
seen that, during hypercapnia, CBF is elevated while tissue BAT is shortened.
Summary across all participants is shown in Table 1. All hemodynamic parameters
changed in an anticipated direction while T1 and B1+ altered minimally.
in stroke patients: Results from a stroke patient are
shown in Figure 4. It can be seen that CBF is decreased while tissue BAT is
lengthened, the spatial scope of which is greater than DWI lesion (Figure 4c),
consistent with the principle of diffusion-perfusion mismatch. Note also that,
in the arterial CBV map (Figure 4d), middle-cerebral-artery voxels are
virtually missing, which is consistent with the angiogram (Figure 4e) findings.
MRF-ASL can take advantage of the complex nature of the ASL signal
mechanism and provide multi-parametric estimations of hemodynamic markers in
healthy and diseased brain.
[1] Wright et al, ISMRM 2014. [2] Su et al, ISMRM 2015.