In vivo
cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) using the Stimulated Echo Acquisition
Mode (STEAM) is particularly challenging during free breathing acquisition. To
address this limitation, spin echo (SE) sequences employing motion-compensated
diffusion gradients may be used. In this work, scan time, SNR efficiency and diffusion
tensor metrics are compared between the STEAM method and a second-order motion compensated
SE approach. For SE, SNR and gating efficiency were increased by 2.65 and 29%
relative to STEAM, respectively. It is concluded that the SE method is an
attractive alternative to STEAM based approaches for in vivo free-breathing
cardiac DTI.Introduction
The Stimulated Echo
Acquisition Mode (STEAM) has been the primary method for in vivo cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)
however, requires two consecutive heartbeats to encode the signal, hence
requiring breath holding or narrow-window respiratory gating for consistent
signal formation
2. Additionally, the inherent signal loss of STEAM relative
to Spin Echo (SE) and the impact of cardiac strain during STEAM encoding render
STEAM DTI acquisition of the beating heart particularly challenging
To address these limitations, single shot SE sequences may be used in
combination with respiratory navigator gating and motion compensated diffusion
gradient waveforms
It is the objective of the
present work to compare respiratory gating and SNR efficiency along with diffusion
tensor metrics between STEAM DTI and second-order motion compensated SE DTI of
the in vivo human heart
Cardiac-triggered diffusion-weighed
STEAM and second-order motion compensated SE sequences (Figure 1) were
implemented on a 1.5T Philips Achieva system (Philips Healthcare, Best, The
Netherlands) equipped with a 5-channel cardiac receiver array and a gradient
system delivering 80mT/m @ 100mT/m/ms. Data were acquired in 7 healthy subjects
(5 female, weight 62±9kg, age 24±2years, heart rate 66±10beats/min). Written
informed consent according to institutional guidelines was obtained prior to
STEAM was implemented as
described previously
2. For second-order motion compensated SE
fat suppression was performed using a 1-3-3-1 binomial spatial-spectral
excitation pulse
8. A variable rate selective
excitation (VERSE)
9 echo pulse was employed to reduce echo times. Both
STEAM and SE used reduced field-of-view excitation. Data acquisition was performed
during free-breathing using navigator gating (NAV1 gating window: 5mm). For STEAM, data were accepted if the relative displacement between NAV1
and NAV2 was within ± 0.5mm (Figure 1a). Diffusion
encoding was along
3 (b=100s/mm
2) and 9 (b=450s/mm
2) directions
Imaging parameters were: in-plane resolution 2.8×2.8mm
2, slice
thickness 8mm, FOV: 230×98mm
2, TE/TR(STEAM): 31ms/2-R-R, TE/TR(SE): 70ms/1-R-R,
number of signal averages STEAM/SE: 8/16 to obtain identical nominal scan
times. Imaging was triggered to the systolic strain “sweet spot” to avoid
strain effects in STEAM
Myocardial SNR of STEAM vs. SE
was assessed per single average in a separate scan using b=100s/mm
and 450s/mm
2 encoded along 6 diffusion directions (16mm slice
thickness, 4 signal averages). SNR was normalized to unit time yielding SNR
efficiency SNR
t. DTI analysis was performed on mean diffusivity
(MD), fractional anisotropy (FA), the local helix elevation (helix angle) and
the deviation of the helix from circumferential contour (transverse angle). For
all scans, navigator gating efficiency was recorded.
Navigator efficiency of STEAM
was 29% lower on average compared to SE resulting in effective scan times
across all volunteers of 8:28±2:56 min:sec vs. 5:59±2:43 min:sec for STEAM vs.
SE. The ratio of SNR efficiency SNR
for SE versus STEAM was 2.9±0.7 and 2.4±0.6 for b=100 and 450s/mm
respectively. A comparison of helix and transverse angle maps acquired in the
same subject is given in Figure 2. The linear transmural change of helix angles
is noted for both techniques in Figure 2b. In the STEAM case, however, endo-
and epicardial helix angles were found to be less steep with increased angle
variation relative to SE. Transverse angles were close to zero degrees with significantly
increased standard deviation in the STEAM case compared to SE (-1.6±20.7° vs. -2.6±16.5°,
p<0.01) (Figure 2c). The root-mean-square error (RMSE) of linear regression
of transmural helix angles was significantly higher for STEAM vs. SE (19.8±4.2°
vs. 15.9±3.7°, p<0.01). While 3.5±1.4% of the diffusion tensors derived from
STEAM had negative eigenvalues, no negative eigenvalue was detected for SE. FA
values obtained with STEAM were significantly higher relative to SE (0.60±0.03
vs. 0.37±0.03, p<0.001) while MD values were lower for STEAM vs.
SE (1.01±0.06x10
2/s vs. 1.49±0.15x10
Free-breathing cardiac
diffusion tensor imaging using second-order motion-compensated SE DTI allows
for significantly shorter scan times (29%) while yielding a 2.65-fold increase
in SNR when compared to STEAM DTI of the in
vivo heart. The higher SNR of SE DTI translates into improved diffusion tensor
accuracy as evidenced by helix and transverse angle distributions. Of note,
systematic differences for MD and FA between STEAM and SE were found. These
differences may be explained by the long diffusion time ΔT of STEAM (ΔT
= 1000ms vs. ΔT
SE = 25ms) and
associated motional narrowing effects during STEAM encoding
Navigated, second-order motion
compensated SE DTI presents an attractive alternative to STEAM DTI for free-breathing
mapping diffusion tensors of the in vivo heart
on modern MR systems with high-performance gradients.
This work is supported by UK EPSRC (EP/I018700/1).References
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