Ziwu Zhou1, Fei Han1, Takegawa Yoshida1, Kim-Lien Nguyen1, Paul Finn1, and Peng Hu1
1Radiological Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States
In this
study, we proposed a respiratory and cardiac dual soft-gated technique that
efficiently suppresses respiratory motion and resolves cardiac motion in 4D cardiovascular MRI. Comparing with existing methods that exploited data redundancy
in respiratory and cardiac dimensions using joint reconstruction, proposed
method weights data consistency according to the degree of motion corruption. A
big advantage of this approach is its short reconstruction time and low computation
burden, making it feasible for practical usage.Introduction
4D cardiovascular MRI provides full
assessment of the cardiovascular system and is particularly useful for
treatment planning and post-surgical evaluation. However, such scan requires long
acquisition time and motion remains a major issue. Traditional motion gating approach
only accepts data acquired in certain periods, results in either low-efficiency
(20-30%) scan or insufficient data for reconstruction. Some previously proposed regularization methods [1,2] exploited data redundancy along respiratory and
cardiac dimension, reconstructing high quality motion resolved images under high acceleration
factor, but come with the price of vastly increased
reconstruction time and computation burden. A recently introduced computationally light reconstruction strategy [3], soft-gating, weights data consistency
according to the degree of motion corruption, and has been applied in
free-breathing DCE-MRI [4,5] with improved image quality. Given this attractive feature, we incorporated
soft-gating in both respiratory and cardiac dimensions in this study, and evaluated the performance of the dual soft-gating approach against the regularization strategies on 4D cardiovascular MRI application.
Data Acquisition: A 3D
Cartesian sequence was developed to enable 1) k-t sampling scheme and 2) self-gating.
Ky-Kz plane was sampled with (ky,kz) phase encodings grouped in spiral-like
arms with rotating gold-angle ordering (Fig 1). For self-gating, each arm
started at k-space center (ky=kz=0), generating a series of superior-inferior
(SI) projections that were used for estimation of both respiratory and cardiac
motions (Fig 1).
Data Sorting and Soft-Gating: Each acquired data was sorted into
5 different datasets for comparison. 1) Only the 25% data that reside closest
to end-expiration were selected and further binned into 9 cardiac phases; 2)
Data were first sorted into 4 respiratory motion states spanning from
end-expiration to end-inspiration, and further binned into 9 cardiac phases for
each state; 3) Each readout was first weighted according to the respiratory
distance of its corresponding position to the reference position
(end-expiration) using a Gaussian kernel that centered at reference position
(respiratory soft-gating, Fig 1). The kernel parameter was chosen such that only
25% of data’s weight is larger than 0.8. Weighted data were further binned into
9 cardiac phases; 4) Same weighted data from 3) were binned into 18 cardiac
phases; 5) Same weighted data from 3) were further weighted according to their
cardiac position using a flat-topped Gaussian kernel that slides through each
cardiac phase (cardiac soft-gating, Fig 1). Dual soft-gated data were then binned
into 18 cardiac phases.
Reconstruction: Data were reconstructed with a compressed sensing and
parallel imaging combined algorithm [6]:
argminx||W(Ax−y)||2+μ1||R1x||1+μ2||R2x||1, where
x are the recovered images,
A is a linear model that includes coil
sensitivity, Fourier transform and under-sampling mask,
y is acquired k-space data,
R1 is the spatial wavelets,
R2 is the finite difference operator (TV) along either
respiratory or cardiac dimension,
μ1 and
μ2 are regularization parameters, and
W is the weighting matrix. Specific reconstruction configuration for each dataset is listed in Table 1.
Experiment Setup: 8 pediatric congenital heart disease
(CHD) patients were scanned under general anesthesia and controlled ventilation.
Each patient received a Ferumoxytol bolus injection (4 mg-Fe/kg). Sequence
parameters included: TR/TE: 2.9/0.9ms, FA: 25°, isotropic resolution: 0.8-1.0mm without
interpolation, scan time: 6.8±1.2 min.
Image Evaluation: Subjective
image quality scores (1-4 scale, non-diagnostic to excellent) in three different anatomical regions (outflow
tract, ascending aorta and pulmonary artery, and coronaries) on
RespHG, RegResp (only end-expiration state was chosen) and RespSG, and
myocardial border sharpness and cardiac wall motion on RegCardiac and DualSG were
visually assessed by an experienced radiologist.
Fig.2 shows coronal overview and coronary images derived from RespHG,
RegResp and RespSG. Good definition of
intra-cardiac structures and coronary arteries were obtained with both
respiratory resolved, regularized reconstruction (RegResp) and respiratory soft-gated
reconstruction (RespSG), while reconstruction with hard gating (RespHG) failed
to recover detailed structures due to high under-sampling factor. Fig. 3 shows
selected cardiac phases of reformatted short-axis view reconstructed from RegCardaic and DualSG. Using either
respiratory soft-gated, cardiac regularized reconstruction (RegCardiac) or dual
soft-gated reconstruction (DualSG), myocardial border and cardiac wall motion
can be clearly depicted and assessed. Table 2 summarizes reader’s scores and
reconstruction time per cardiac phase for each method. No significant
difference was found between motion-resolved regularized approaches and
soft-gated approach, but reconstruction time was significantly reduced for
soft-gated approach.
In this initial study, we have demonstrated that
incorporating soft-gating weights along both respiratory and cardiac dimensions
in the iterative reconstruction can effectively suppress respiratory motion and
resolve cardiac motion. The whole 4D dataset (18 cardiac phases) can be reconstructed in around 10 minutes, suggesting the
feasibility of inline image reconstruction on the MR host computer.
Research reported in this abstract was supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of
the National Institutes of Health under Award Number 1R01HL127153.References
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