Thomas Küstner1,2, Christian Würslin1,3, Martin Schwartz1,2, Petros Martirosian1, Sergios Gatidis1, Konstantin Nikolaou1, Fritz Schick1, Bin Yang2, Nina F. Schwenzer1, and Holger Schmidt1
1University Hospital Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, 2Institute of Signal Processing and System Theory, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, 3University of Stanford, Palo Alto, CA, United States
oncologic imaging, simultaneous Positron-Emission-Tomography/Magnetic Resonance
(PET/MR) scanners offer a great potential for improving diagnostic accuracy. An
accurate diagnosis requires a high PET image quality reflecting in long PET examination
times under free movement conditions (respiration and heartbeat). Hence, to
ensure this high image quality one has to overcome the motion-induced
artifacts. The simultaneous acquisition allows performing a MR-based non-rigid
motion correction of the PET image. We propose a clinical feasible respiratory
and cardiac motion correction system with a reduced scan time of only 60s,
freeing time for additional diagnostic MR sequences. In-vivo patient data
substantiates the diagnostic improvements.Purpose
oncologic imaging, hybrid Positron-Emission-Tomography/Magnetic Resonance
(PET/MR) scanners offer a great potential for improving diagnostic accuracy.
However, a proper patient treatment demands a high PET image quality in terms
of signal-to-noise ratio and sharpness, reflecting accurate lesion detection
and quantification, resulting in long PET examination times in the range of
several minutes. Hence, respiratory or cardiac induced motion artifacts are
inevitable. The simultaneously acquiring MR side now offers the possibility to
detect and correct these induced artifacts
1-3. For this, it is
essential to acquire a 4D (3D + time) MR motion model under free movement
conditions as fast and accurately as possible. Furthermore, it is desired to
keep the additional workload of the MR motion sequence as short as possible to
keep the flexibility of acquiring further diagnostic MR sequences, which are
usually performed during a PET scan. Generation of a reliable motion model,
besides the MR imaging sequences, requires a simultaneous acquired surrogate
marker (e.g. MR navigator or electrocardiography (ECG)) to track the true
underlying motion. In order to enable a smooth processing workflow, all motion
correction (MC) steps should be performed online on the scanner without the
need of manual interaction. We proposed a 4D dynamic MR sequence
which is able to meet the mentioned requirements. In previous studies we showed
the feasibility of this method and the improvements of the PET image quality
for respiratory MC
5,6. In this work, we will show the feasibility of
the proposed method to perform respiratory and cardiac MC simultaneously with a
reduced scan time of only 60s in the scope of a clinical setup.
Materials and Methods
The complete MC system is shown
in Fig. 1 and implemented into Gadgetron7 for online processing.
Acquisition: MR and PET images as well as surrogate signals
(MR self-navigation signal, ECG) are acquired simultaneously within the first
minute (Fig. 2). For the remaining 4 minutes of the PET scan, arbitrary
diagnostic MR sequences are being run, hence the MR self-navigation signal is
no longer available, whereas the ECG signal is still acquired. For MR imaging,
we apply a 3D spoiled gradient-echo sequence with a random variable-density
Gaussian ESPReSSo subsampling4 (TE=1.23ms, TR=2.6ms,
FOV=500x500x360mm) and for each TNAV=200ms and TECG=3ms the respective
surrogate signals are captured.
Reconstruction: All reconstructions
steps are carried out in Gadgetron. The ECG signal is processed by means of a
kernel principal component analysis8 to extract an ECG-derived
respiration signal (EDR) which covers the complete PET examination time. With
the help of the EDR signal, the missing gap of the respiratory surrogate signal
can be filled in terms of a sensor fusion approach: In the first minute for
which both surrogate signals (EDR and MR self-navigation) are acquired, a
structure of Wiener filters is trained to learn a joint respiratory representative,
which better reflects the underlying respiratory motion. These filters then
estimate a continuous respiratory surrogate signal from the EDR signal for the
whole examination time. Separate cardiac and respiratory gating is performed with
adaptable respiratory and cardiac view sharing amongst neighbouring gates. The
cardiac gates are determined via a modified QRS complex detector9
with arrhythmia control. Within a Compressed Sensing reconstruction of the
gated subsampled MR data5, we perform a non-rigid multilevel cubic
B-Spline registration10 for the respiratory and cardiac phases
separately. This has the advantage of fully utilizing all acquired samples by
e.g. combining all cardiac gates for the respiratory registration and vice
versa, yielding a more accurate deformation field. The respiratory and cardiac
motion models are then weighted and linearly combined. This motion model is applied
to the gated PET images together with an MR-based motion-corrected attenuation
map11 to reconstruct a motion-corrected (end-expiratory transformed)
PET image by means of a 3D-OSEM with 2 iterations, 21 subsets and 4 mm Gaussian
Coronal in-vivo patient data were
acquired for 25 patients (14 female, age 60.5 +/- 9.8) with suspected lung or
liver metastasis and myocardial FDG uptake on a 3T PET/MR (Biograph mMR,
Siemens). ROIs and lines were placed on moving lesions of the corrected, uncorrected
and end-expiratory gated PET image.
Results and Conclusion
proper 4D gated (4 respiratory and 8 cardiac gates) MR image can be
reconstructed in a short scan time, resulting in a reliable motion model which clearly
improves the obtained PET image quality (Fig. 3). These results are supported
by the extracted PET metric values of the moving lesions as percentage
improvements (Table 1). In conclusion, a clinical feasible respiratory and
cardiac PET/MR motion correction system for improved diagnostic accuracy is presented.
No acknowledgement found.References
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