Dongxiao Li1,2, Juerong Wu1, Kofi M. Deh2, Thanh D. Nguyen2, Martin R. Prince2, Yi Wang2,3, and Pascal Spincemaille2
1College of Information Science and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, People's Republic of, 2Department of Radiology, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, United States, 3Department of Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States
Free breathing liver
perfusion analysis requires non-rigid motion registration of the unavoidable
respiratory motion in the dynamic data. Traditional non-rigid methods rely on
spatially smooth motion parameters, which is problematic for the sliding motion
of the liver against the abdominal wall. In this work, truncated L1 regularized
Minimum Spanning Tree based motion clustering combined with a Markov Random
Field optimization is proposed to perform liver registration without the need
for manual segmentation. Results on breath-hold liver images acquired at
various positions of the respiratory cycle demonstrated this method allows
superior liver motion estimation when compared to traditional methods.PURPOSE
Nonrigid motion
registration, required for 3D liver perfusion imaging, assume spatially smooth
motion parameters to avoid physically implausible motion and local minima. However,
this can yield inaccurate estimation of discontinuous motion fields,
particularly for the sliding motion of the liver against the abdominal wall. Various
1-4 have been proposed to adjust the smoothness constraints, e.g.
Total Variation regularization
1 and Markov Random Field (MRF) based
regularization on an image-derived Minimum Spanning Tree (MST).
2 However,
performance remains suboptimal without prior segmentations
3-4, which
require manual intervention. In this work, we investigated the use of truncated
L1 regularization and automated motion based clustering. At the boundaries of
these clusters, no spatial smoothness of the motion parameters is assumed,
allowing discontinuous motion.
The motion field was
modeled using multi-level 3D B-spline meshes. At each level, the registration
problem was formulated as a MRF labelling problem: u=argminup,p∈P(∑p∈P‖
where p,\,q were two neighboring control nodes in the mesh, {\bf x}_p,\,{\bf x}_q were their
coordinates, {\bf u}_p,\,{\bf u}_q were their motion vectors (MVs), I\left({\bf
x}_p\right) was the patch partitioned to node p in the target image I,
J\left({\bf x}_p+{\bf u}_p\right) was the corresponding patch in the
source image J, \tau was a threshold, and \alpha was a
weighting parameter. In this MRF model, each vertex represented a control node,
and its label was a quantized MV. The source image was upsampled to support
sub-voxel MV search. The first term in this cost function represented the
matching error between the target and the transformed source, and the second
pair-wise term enforced smoothness of the MVs of neighboring control nodes. To
allow for motion discontinuity, we used a truncated L1 regularization. Each vertex
was initially connected with its 6 immediate neighbors. The optimization was
initialized using the L2-norm of differences between neighboring patches in the
target image as edge costs and a single MST was constructed using Prim’s5
algorithm. After that, we used the L2-norm of finite MV differences between
neighboring vertices as edge costs to construct a MST and used the Maximum
Standard Deviation Reduction (MSDR)6 algorithm to partition the vertices
into clusters. Next, a new MRF cost function was constructed using only edges completely
within these clusters and solved by fast message passing7. A
multi-resolution approach was used to speed up convergence. Cluster guided
interpolation was used to generate the initial motion field for the next resolution
level and the label space was successively reduced using incremental MV search.
At each level, motion clustering and regularization were alternated for several
Data were acquired in one volunteer using a 1.5T
scanner, 8-channel cardiac coil and LAVA-Flex sequence with IRB approval.
Imaging parameters were: voxel size 0.7813x0.7813x2 mm and matrix size 512x512x88.
Five breath-holds M0,…,M4 at different exhalation levels were obtained,
approximately evenly distributed between maximum exhalation at residual volume
(M0) to maximum inhalation at total lung capacity (M4). Registration of M1,…,M4 to
M0 was performed using the proposed method as well as two previously published
nonrigid registration algorithms Elastix8 and deedsMST2 for comparison.
Fig. 1 shows M0 in example
axial, coronal and sagittal sections, overlaid with the computed motion fields
and segmentation contours generated by the proposed algorithm. The contours show
that the sliding organs were correctly separated from the surrounding anatomy. The
Mean Square Error (MSE) and Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) between M0 and transformed
M1~M4 are compared in Fig. 2. In all cases, the proposed method and deedsMST
performed better than Elastix. Compared to deedsMST, the proposed method
achieved significantly better registration for larger sliding motion.
The preliminary data
presented here show the feasibility of achieving high quality nonrigid
registration in the presence of sliding motion, such as that of the liver
against the abdominal wall. The method iterates between determining a
segmentation of the liver based on a prior motion estimation and determining
motion based on a prior segmentation. Compared to two other registration
algorithms, it performed significantly better, especially for larger
respiratory motion. The segmentation obtained by the algorithm correctly
identified the liver and surrounding organs as undergoing motion patterns that
are different from the surrounding anatomy, including the aorta and abdominal
and thoracic wall.
Motion clustering for
automated segmentation to improve nonrigid motion estimation in the presence of
sliding motion has been shown to be feasible and superior to prior nonrigid
registration algorithms. This will positively impact and ease the processing of
3D liver perfusion analysis by removing the need for manual segmentation,
previously required for optimal motion registration.
We acknowledge support from
NIH grants RO1 CA181566, RO1 EB013443 and RO1 NS090464.References
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