Gastao Cruz1, David Atkinson2, Markus Henningsson1, René Botnar1, and Claudia Prieto1
1Division of Imaging Sciences & Biomedical Engineering, King's College London, London, United Kingdom, 2University College London, London, United Kingdom
Non-invasive visualization of both coronary lumen and vessel wall is
desired for assessment of coronary atherosclerosis. An interleaved acquisition
was recently proposed to obtain both 3D images with MRI. However, this approach
is susceptible to motion artifacts and dual respiratory gating results in
long and unpredictable scan times. Here, we propose a ~100% scan efficiency,
two-step motion correction method using translational and nonrigid correction
to produce co-registered coronary lumen and vessel wall images. The proposed
method shows significant improvements over translational correction and similar
lumen quality to a reference navigator-gated (6mm) scan, despite a scan time
reduction of ~1.8x.INTRODUCTION
Coronary atherosclerosis is not necessarily
stenotic due to outward remodelling of the vessel wall. Coronary plaque burden has been shown to correlate with risk of future
coronary events
1 and thus direct, non-invasive visualization of both
coronary lumen and vessel wall is desired. A
3D flow independent approach for vessel wall imaging was proposed recently
based on an interleaved acquisition and subtraction of data with (T2prep(+),
lumen) and without (T2prep(-)) T2-preparation prepulse. This approach requires
dual gating of both datasets to compensate for respiratory motion, resulting in
long and unpredictable scan times. Here, we propose a novel nonrigid
motion correction framework for free-breathing 3D whole-heart imaging using an
interleaved scanning framework to produce co-registered coronary lumen
and vessel wall images at near 100% scan efficiency. The proposed approach was compared with a 2D translational correction
(TC) and no motion correction (NMC) in 9 subjects. Additionally, the proposed
method was compared against a navigator gated (6mm) and tracked coronary lumen scan.
Data was acquired using an interleaved scanning
3 with three scans acquired in an alternated fashion: a set
of 3D segmented whole-heart with and without T2 preparation and a 2D single
shot golden-radial (GR) coronal image navigator (2D iNAV) (Fig. 1a). Motion
correction was performed in two steps: beat-to-beat translational correction
and bin-to-bin nonrigid correction (Fig. 1b). iNAVs were reconstructed and
rigidly registered to estimate superior-inferior (SI) and right-left (RL)
translational motion, allowing beat-to-beat translational correction. A
respiratory signal was derived from the SI component and data was binned
according to respiratory position. Bins were reconstructed with soft-gated
4 iterative SENSE
5 and registered to estimate 3D nonrigid motion. These
motion fields were used in a General Matrix Description
6 (GMD)
reconstruction by solving:
ˆI=argminI{||∑bAbFSUbI−K||22}, where
ˆI is the
motion corrected volume,
K the translational corrected
the sampling matrix for bin b,
the Fourier transform,
S the coil sensitivities and
Ub the nonrigid motion fields. Outliers
due to deep breaths were removed prior to reconstruction. Both T2prep(+) and
T2prep(-) were reconstructed with the framework described and nonrigidly registered
to guarantee alignment. Vessel wall images were obtained via image subtraction
as described by Andia et al
Nine healthy subjects were scanned free-breathing
on a 1.5T Philips scanner using
a 32-channel coil. T2prep(+) and T2prep(-) data were acquired with an
ECG-triggered 3D Cartesian b-SSFP (1x1 mm in-plane resolution, 2 mm slice
thickness, 300x300x90 mm FOV, TR/TE = 5.3/2.6 ms, flip angle = 70°) interleaved
with a 2D golden radial iNAV spoiled gradient echo sequence (4x4 mm in-plane
resolution, 25mm slice thickness, 300x300 FOV, TR/TE = 2.4/1.07 ms, flip angle
= 5°). Non-motion correction (NMC), 2D translational correction (TC) and the
proposed translation plus nonrigid (TC+GMD) reconstructions were obtained from
these data. Additionally a 6mm diaphragmatic respiratory gated and tracked lumen
scan (T2prep(+)) was performed for comparison. Coronary lumen was evaluated with vessel length
and vessel sharpness (normalized to Gated), coronary vessel wall was evaluated
by vessel wall thickness and vessel wall sharpness (normalized to TC+GMD); both
images were evaluated by two experts on a scale of 0 (extreme blurring) to 4
(no blurring).
Reformatted lumen images for Gated, TC+GMD, TC
and NMC for 2 subjects are shown in Fig. 2. Motion artifacts in NMC are reduced
with TC and further reduced with TC+GMD. The corresponding set of vessel wall images
is shown in Fig. 3, along with cross sectional views. Vessel wall appears
blurred in NMC; delineation is significantly improved by TC and sharpness
further improved by TC+GMD. Fig. 4 shows metrics for coronary lumen evaluation.
Lumen vessel length sharpness is reduced for NMC and increases with TC, TC+GMD
and Gated. Similar results were obtained from visual scores. Analogous results
were found for the vessel wall in Fig. 5: blurring increases the measured wall
thickness for NMC and is reduced with TC and TC+GMD; correspondingly, wall
sharpness is significantly improved with TC and TC+GMD from NMC. Visual score
of the vessel wall was in agreement with the remaining metrics. TC+GMD and
Gated show similar image quality and non-significant differences in any metric
studied. The proposed TC+GMD improved scan time by 1.8x (on average) compared
to Gated.
A novel framework for simultaneous nonrigid
correction for 3D coronary lumen and vessel wall was introduced. The proposed
approach allows near 100% scan efficiency, while maintaining similar image
quality to a 6mm gated and tracked lumen acquisition. Significant improvements
were found with the proposed approach compared to translational correction
This work was supported by the Medical Research Council (MRC), grant MR/L009676/1.References
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