Individual measures of network efficiency in patients with epilepsy based on cortical thickness
Gerhard Drenthen1,2, Marielle Vlooswijk2,3, Marian Majoie2, Paul Hofman1,2, Albert Aldenkamp2,3, Walter Backes1,2, and Jacobus Jansen1,2

1Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht, Netherlands, 2School for Mental Health and Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands, 3Department of Neurology, Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht, Netherlands


Brain network analysis that infers on interregional correlations of anatomical features usually makes use of intersubject correlation matrices that characterize variations over subjects. Here, a novel method is introduced that provides measures of network efficiency on an individual basis in patients with epilepsy. To this end, for each participant a measure of deviation from a group of healthy controls is calculated, and compared to the small-world parameters (clustering coefficient and minimum path length) of a reference graph obtained for the native control group. Results show that patients with epilepsy exhibit a less efficient network compared to controls.


Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that is characterized by epileptic seizures. Though these seizures are the most prominent features of epilepsy, the disorder is often accompanied by cognitive decline, such as memory deficits, language problems, intellectual impairments and loss of network efficiency1. In this study, the cortical thickness is used to determine network efficiency. This method is based on the assumption that statistical correlations of cortical thickness across a group indicate connectivity, since axonally connected regions are believed to have trophic, developmental, and maturational concordances2. The aim of this study is to assess if there are observable differences in the cortical thickness network efficiency of patients with epilepsy compared to healthy controls. Furthermore, it is examined whether impaired cognition is associated with the network efficiency.


Forty-four participants are included in this study, of which 35 have localization-related epilepsy (16 females, age 22-61y) and 9 are healthy controls (6 females, age 18-54y). Besides the full-scale intelligence quotient (FSIQ), also measures of intellectual decline, ΔIQ3, are determined for the patients (FSIQ: 97 ± 16, ΔIQ: -8 ± 6) and controls (FSIQ: 111 ± 18, ΔIQ: -4 ± 9). A significant difference between the groups is found for FSIQ, while no other significant differences are found. T1-weighted 3D fast gradient echo was acquired (TR = 9.91 ms, TE = 4.6 ms, TI = 3s, FA = 8°, voxel size 1 x 1 x 1 mm) for all the participants on a 3.0-T unit (Philips Achieva) with an 8-channel SENSE head coil. The mean cortical thickness is derived for 68 cortical regions using Freesurfer4. The obtained cortical thicknesses are corrected for possible effects of age, gender and total brain volume by means of linear regression across the participants, and per region.

Connectivity matrices are constructed using the Pearson’s correlation across a group of participants for each pair of regions, resulting in a correlation matrix R per group. These correlation matrices are thresholded and binarized to obtain adjacency matrices with 150 edges, which represent the graphs. However, no individual measures are obtained directly with this method. Raj et al5 previously described an other method to obtain a measure of network efficiency on an individual basis: By calculating the deviation from controls for each region pair while imposing cortical thinning individual disease progression graphs were obtained. However, by imposing cortical thinning, other aberrant cortical thickness values are not considered. Therefore a novel method is proposed here: For each patient a measure of deviation from the control group is calculated by including this patient in the control group and constructing a graph. This graph is then compared to the reference graph obtained for the native control group. For each control a similar approach was used, excluding the respective control from the control group instead.

Graphs with a small-world topology are considered efficient networks, with a high degree of local information processing and low wiring costs6. This so-called small-world topology can be evaluated by two graph features, a relatively high clustering coefficient and short minimum path length. From that a measure of small-worldness can be defined by a combination of both the clustering coefficient and minimum path length (both normalized with respect to 1000 random graphs with similar nodes and degree). A graphical representation of the proposed method is given in Figure 1.


For each participant, the normalized graph features are calculated for the graphs that represent the deviation from healthy controls. For these measures, we observe a significant lower normalized clustering coefficient, measures of small-worldness and deviation from controls in the patients compared to the controls (Table 1). Furthermore, from the normalized graph features calculated based on the native patient and control group it is observed that the patients have a higher minimum path length, lower clustering coefficient and lower measure of small-worldness. No significant correlation (p = 0.71) is found between intellectual decline and network deficiency in the patient group.


The results of the new method show that the measures of deviation from the controls are significantly lower in the patients. This shows that the network efficiency in patients with epilepsy is lower compared to controls, which is in accordance to several previous studies1,2. The impaired cognition is not associated with the decrease in cortical thickness network efficiency.


This study introduces a new method to obtain individual measures of network efficiency based on cortical thickness measurements. It is shown that patients exhibit a less efficient brain network compared to healthy controls in terms of intercortical thickness relations.


No acknowledgement found.


1. Vlooswijk MC, Vaessen MJ, Jansen JF, et al. Loss of network efficiency associated with cognitive decline in chronic epilepsy. Neurology. 2011;77(10):938–944.

2. Bernhardt BC, Chen Z, He Y, et al. Graph-theoretical analysis reveals disrupted small-world organization of cortical thickness correlation networks in temporal lobe epilepsy. Cerebral Cortex. 2011;21(9):2147–2157.

3. Schoenberg MR, Scott JG, Duff K, et al. Estimation of WAIS-III intelligence from combined performance and demographic variables: development of the OPIE-3. The Clinical neuropsychologist. 2002;16(4):426–437.

4. Fischl B, Van Der Kouwe A, Destrieux C, et al. Automatically Parcellating the Human Cerebral Cortex. Cerebral Cortex. 2004;14(1):11–22.

5. Raj A, Mueller SG, Young K, et al. Network-level analysis of cortical thickness of the epileptic brain. NeuroImage. 2010;52(4):1302-1313.

6. He Y, Dagher A, Chen A, et al. Impaired small-world efficiency in structural cortical networks in multiple sclerosis associated with white matter lesion load. Brain. 2009;132(12):3366–3379.


Figure 1: Graphical representation of proposed method. A patient (A) is added to the native control group (B) and an adjacency matrix (C) is determined which is thresholded and binarized (D) before calculating the graph features (E). Finally, these features are normalized (F) with respect to 1000 random networks (G).

Table 1: Results of the proposed individual method and the native control and patient group. Deviation is determined by substrating the small-worldness of the native control group from the individually obtained small-worldness. (C = clustering coefficient, L = minimum path length)

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)