Pei-Ching Chang 1, Daniele Procissi2, Maria Virginia Centeno1, and Vania Apkarian1
1Physiology, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, United States, 2Radiology, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, United States
fMRI in rodents is a major tool for basic neuroscience research. It allows investigation of brain networks in different animal models of disease and injury using translational methods with clinical relevance. In many instances it is essential to image animals in an awake condition (i.e. without anesthesia). While several have shown it is possible to image animals in the awake condition they nearly all require initial anesthesia and forced restraint. In this study we describe a strategy to image rats trained to be "comfortably" restrained and head posted and show how it is possible to enhance the performance of the fMRI experiments. TARGET AUDIENCE:
Preclinical neuroscientist interested in awake fMRI in rodents
Brain fMRI in rodent animal
models is a fundamental tool for exploring
brain functions. However in rodents one requires
anesthetics to control stress level and reduce motion. While
anesthesia does maximize experimental control, it affects brain activity
and restricts the type of experiments one can perform. Several have shown how it is
possible to image awake animals but in the majority of cases this
involves using a combination of initial anesthesia followed by forced
restraint. These studies have
shown that anesthesia has implications for BOLD
signals. We describe a strategy for awake rat fMRI which relies on habituating the animal to a gentle
restraint ("snuggle sleeve") and a head restraining system (see Figure 1). The goal was to
show that any level of anesthesia during the process perturbs the study under
investigation and that the head posting method combined with extensive training
and habituation can provide better results for fMRI.
The setup
used for is shown in Figure 1. Rats were slowly acclimated using short but systematic training procedure in a
mock scanner setup. Rats were trained eight
days prior to fMRI scans. Each training day lasted half hour with animal in mock scanner, head posted and with gradient sounds (~140dB). Custom made “snuggle
sleeves” were adjustable to enhance comfort and guarantee restraint while still allowing access to head-nut and paws. After
several sessions rats entered voluntarily into the “snuggle sleeve”; no initial
anesthesia was required. Following a session blood was drawn and corticosteroid levels (stress hormone) was measured.
10 male Sprague Dawley rats (325-400g) were
used in this study. Two fMRI sessions consisting of a 1) resting state fMRI, and 2) stimulus-evoked
fMRI were conducted sequentially on the awake rats. The same experiments were
then repeated under anesthesia ( ~1% isoflurane/O2). Resting-statefMRI lasted 8 minutes (no external stimuli).
Stimulus-evoked fMRI was comprised of 6
repetitive stimulus ON/OFF blocks (2sec-off/12sec-on/36sec-off). The air-puff stimuli used consisted in a 5 g force innocuous
stimuli on right hind paw. MR
experiments were carried out on a Bruker Clinscan 7T. We used an EPI sequence with TR= 2000ms, TE=18ms,
in-plane resolution= 0.38mmx0.38mm, slice thickness=0.5 mm, number of
repetitions=240 for resting-state fMRI and 150 for stimulus-evoked fMRI. Post-hoc analysis on head motion was estimated using FSL’s MCFLIRT tool. The
motion timeseries was calculated to measure the root-mean-square displacement
from one time point relative to the preceding time point.
After few training-days stress
was greatly reduced, as observed behaviorally (e.g. little or no struggling,
eye secretions indicative of stress in rat, or excessive vocalizations ) and through stress hormone levels (data not
shown here ). Head motion for each rat was recorded from imaging session (Figure2) for both experiments. Directional displacements are color
encoded with the stimulation pattern shown in black (Fig 2A). Except
in one case, awake rats did not exhibit excessive head motion ( < 70um). No significant difference between awake and anesthetized. For stimulus-evoked fMRI, the head motion did not appear to be associated
with the pattern of the stimulation, (i.e. it did not interfere with our
ability to detect the relevant signal changes). In awake condition, unlilateral air-puff
stimulation (Figure 3) resulted in significant increase in fMRI signal in
bilateral S1, bilateral thalamus, and prefrontal regions including ACC and mPFC
(P < 0.05, FWE corrected); the greatest signal change was on the
hemisphere contralateral to the stimulation. No significant change was found in anesthetized condition (P < 0.05, FWE corrected). Given
that contralateral S1 hind limb region showed the most prominent response to
the air-puff stimulation, we examined how S1 hind limb region was functionally coupled to other brain areas using
resting state (Figure 4). We found that when rats are awake, S1 hind limb region
showed significant correlations with the same region in the other
hemisphere. Anesthesia reduces this connection between hemispheres.
In the present study we
demonstrate that rats trained over the course
of 8 days can be restrained in a comfortable “snuggle sleeve” and head posted while undergoing fMRI. This setup not only reduces motion but does not require any initial anesthesia. Habituation with this instrumental setup
allows rats to be awake, conscious and be relatively still during fMRI experiments. In addition rats had more fMRI activation in
response to air-puff stimulation and showed more widespread functional connectivity
in awake condition, compared to when the rats were anesthetized. These results
suggest that the described methodology can enhance performance of fMRI experiments in awake condition rodents.
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