Graded hypercapnia-calibrated BOLD: Beyond the iso-metabolic hypercapnia assumption
Ian D Driver1, Richard G Wise1, and Kevin Murphy1

1CUBRIC, School of Psychology, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom


We propose a method for correcting for bias introduced by an iso-metabolic assumption in hypercapnia calibrated BOLD studies. A graded hypercapnia design and an assumption of linear CMRO2 dependence on hypercapnia level are used to separate the calibration parameter M from CMRO2 changes during hypercapnia. This method avoids intra-subject and experimental variability introduced by making a prior assumption of iso-metabolism or a CMRO2 decrease with hypercapnia based on literature values. We implement this method using two distinct levels of hypercapnia, measuring lower M values than when making the iso-metabolic assumption, with a significant dose-wise reduction in CMRO2 with hypercapnia level.


The calibrated BOLD method is sensitive to bias in the measurement of the calibration parameter M1. The original and most popular method for measuring M involves using hypercapnia, making an assumption that hypercapnia does not affect cerebral oxygen metabolism (CMRO2)2. This assumption has since been challenged3 and recent studies have used a corrective term, based on literature values of a reduction in CMRO2 with hypercapnia4. This is not ideal, as this value may vary across subjects, and will depend on the level of hypercapnia achieved. Here we propose a new approach, using a graded hypercapnia design and the assumption that CMRO2 changes linearly with hypercapnia level5, such that we can measure M without assuming prior knowledge of the scale of CMRO2 change. We apply this approach to data presented previously6.


Fifteen subjects participated in 2 sessions in which scans were acquired at 3T using a PICORE QUIPSS II dual-echo ASL sequence (12 slices, 64x64 matrix, TE1=3.3ms, TE2=29ms, TR=2200ms, FOV=22cm, slice thickness/gap=7/1mm, TI1=600ms, TI2=1500ms, reps=490). End-tidal CO2 levels were changed at 2-minute intervals between baseline, +4mmHg and +8mmHg values, in a randomized order. CBF time series were calculated from the first echo by separating tag and control time series, interpolating to the TR and subtracting. A similar procedure using averaging rather than subtraction yielded BOLD time series from the second echo. The resulting time series were averaged over visual and motor cortex grey matter voxels, before averaging across sessions for each subject. The assumed linear change in CMRO2 with ΔPETCO2 was incorporated into the calibrated BOLD equation: $$\frac{ΔBOLD_{HC}}{BOLD_0} = M \left[1-\left(\frac{CBF_{HC}}{CBF_0}\right)^{α-β}\cdot\left(1+κ\cdotΔP_{ET}CO_2\right)^β\right]$$ where κ is the fractional change in CMRO2 per mmHg change in ΔPETCO2. Optimised α/β values of 0.14/0.91 were used7. A two-parameter non-linear fitting routine was used to calculate M and κ, by solving two simultaneous equations (+4mmHg and +8mmHg hypercapnia levels). Subjects that reached the boundary conditions of the non-linear fitting routine were removed from further analysis (boundary conditions 1<M<20%; -5<κ<+5%/mmHg). For comparison with the iso-metabolic assumption, a one-parameter fit was also made, to calculate M from the same two equations, fixing κ = 0.


The two parameter fit gave M = 9.2±1.4% (N = 13 of the 15 subjects) and M = 4.7±0.7% (N = 13), in the visual and motor cortices respectively. The dose-dependent hypercapnia CMRO2 parameter κ = -1.9±0.5%/mmHg and κ = -2.0±0.8%/mmHg showed significant reductions in CMRO2 with hypercapnia level (p = 0.005 and p = 0.03). The two-parameter fit resulted in significantly lower M values than the one-parameter fit for all subjects that did not reach the boundary conditions for both fits (Figure 1; p<0.05 for both visual (N = 9) and motor (N = 13) cortices).


Through use of a graded hypercapnia gas challenge, we are able to remove the bias caused by a reduction in CMRO2 during hypercapnia, whilst simultaneously calculating the dose-wise CMRO2 change with hypercapnia. The scale of the CMRO2 reduction is broadly similar to previous studies3. The measured M values are reduced when taking into account the effect of hypercapnia on CMRO2, correcting a previous overestimation in CMRO2 task-response values. The assumption of a linear dependence of CMRO2 on hypercapnia level was based on an observed linear electrophysiological relationship with hypercapnia level5. Both effects have been attributed to similar neurochemical origins8, so it is likely that they will both scale in the same linear manner. Even if the relationship includes some non-linearity, bias introduced by a linear correction will be smaller than the bias from no correction. Previous correction approaches using literature values will also implicitly make the same linear assumption, whilst not accounting for variability due to experimental differences and inter-subject variability.


This work was funded by the Wellcome Trust


1. Chiarelli P et al. Sources of systematic bias in hypercapnia-calibrated functional MRI estimation of oxygen metabolism. Neuroimage 2007; 34(1):35-43

2. Davis T et al. Calibrated functional MRI: Mapping the dynamics of oxidative metabolism. PNAS 1998; 95(4):1834-1839

3. Xu F et al. The influence of carbon dioxide on brain activity and metabolism in conscious humans. JCBFM 2011; 31(1):58-67

4. Bulte et al. Quantitative measurement of cerebral physiology using respiratory-calibrated MRI. Neuroimage 2012; 60(1):582-591

5. Driver et al. Linear dependence of neuronal oscillations on hypercapnia level: implications for CO2 calibrated fMRI. Proc. ISMRM 2015; 23:2132

6. Murphy et al. Measuring the influence of hypercapnia on absolute CMRO2 in humans. Proc. ISMRM 2013; 21:3342

7. Griffeth V and Buxton R. A theoretical framework for estimating cerebral oxygen metabolism changes using the calibrated-BOLD method: Modelling the effects of blood volume distribution, hematocrit, oxygen extraction fraction, and tissue signal properties on the BOLD signal. Neuroimage 2011; 58(1):198-212

8. Dulla et al. Adenosine and ATP link PCO2 to cortical excitability via pH. Neuron 2005; 46(8):1011-1023


Figure 1: Comparison of M calculated from the two-parameter (ΔCMRO2 varies linearly with ΔPETCO2) and one-parameter (iso-metabolic) models for subjects that did not reach the boundary conditions for both fits (visual cortex N = 9; motor cortex N = 13) . *p<0.05

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)