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Validation and Optimization of Calibrated fMRI from oxygen-sensitive Two-Photon Microscopy of the mouse brain
Louis Gagnon1,2,3, Sava Sakadzic4, Frederic Lesage2, Philippe Pouliot2, Anders M Dale5, Anna Devor5, Richard B Buxton5, and David A Boas3

1Department of Medicine, Laval University, Quebec, QC, Canada, 2Department of Electrical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada, 3Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA, United States, 4Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Chalestown, MA, United States, 5Department of Radiology and Neuroscience, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, United States


Calibrated fMRI allows to estimate relative changes in the Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen Consumption (rCMRO2) from combined BOLD and ASL measurements during a functional task. Here, we improved the accuracy of the approach by using Two-Photon microscopic measurements of the cortical microvasculature together with first principle Monte Carlo simulations of proton diffusion across the two-photon volumes. Our method allowed (1) to validate Calibrated fMRI from the microscopic point of view and (2) to optimize the free parameters of the biophysical model assumed, therefore increasing the accuracy of this method to estimate rCMRO2.


Calibrated fMRI 1,2 allows to estimate relative changes in the Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen (rCMRO2) from combined BOLD and ASL measurements during a functional task. The method relies on a macroscopic biophysical model of the BOLD response – the Davis model 1 - that was originally derived from simplified physiological assumptions. However, with the advance of microscopic techniques to measure the cortical microvasculature in vivo, a lot of these physiological assumptions have been shown to be inaccurate. First, it was shown that most of the vascular volume increase originates from the arterial compartment rather than the venous pool as previously thought 3. Second, it was demonstrated that almost 50% of the extraction of oxygen occurs before the capillary bed and therefore the oxygen saturation in the capillaries is much lower than previously thought 4. To take into account this new data, it has been suggested that some of the parameters of the original Davis model that were computed meticulously based on the erroneous physiological assumptions must rather be treated as free parameters that can be optimized to reflect multiple physiological and biophysical effects 5. Motivated by this approach, we optimized the free parameters of the Davis model by using our recent simulation technique 6 based on oxygen-sensitive Two-Photon microscopic measurements of the cortical microvasculature 7 together with first principle Monte Carlo simulations of proton diffusion across the two-photon volumes.


A schematic overview of the entire procedure is shown in Fig. 1. Oxygen-sensitive Two-Photon measurements were performed as described previously 7. PO2 measurements were integrated in six Vascular Anatomical Network (VAN) models 5 (Fig. 2) that simulated the physiological response to different arterial dilations (10, 20, 30 %) and random levels of changes in CMRO2 (0-30 %). The temporal evolution of oxygen saturation was converted to a shift in magnetic susceptibility that was used to compute a magnetic perturbation (ΔB) volume at each time-point following the simulated functional response. The resulting fMRI signals were computed by simulating the diffusion of 107 protons in the ΔB volume at each time point. An extra simulation was performed with no CMRO2 changes but 20 % arterial dilation to simulate the hypercapnic calibration run. The Davis model can be written as δS=M(1-rCBF^{\alpha-\beta}·rCMRO_2^{\beta}) where rCBF represents relative change in cerebral blood flow, M is the calibration constant and α and β are free parameters. The Davis model was applied to each of the synthetic BOLD responses generated to estimate rCMRO2 and these values were compared individually to the true microscopic rCMRO2's originally inputted to the VAN models. A least-square optimization procedure was implemented to find the value for α and β that minimizes the errors between the simulated and the recovered rCMRO2's.


As shown in Fig. 3A, our simulations at 3T show that the Davis model with its original parameters α=0.38 and β=1.5 underestimates changes in CMRO2 by 33% (i.e. that a recovered increase in CMRO2 of 20% means a 14% real increase in CMRO2). From the optimization procedure, we found that the values of α and β that minimize the error between the simulated and the recovered rCMRO2’s were α=-0.05 and β=0.98 (Fig. 3B). It is important to recognize, though, that the optimized parameter values no longer correspond to the physiological effects they were originally introduced to model and should be treated simply as fitting parameters 5. The versatility of our modeling technique allowed to repeat this entire procedure for different B0-field strengths, ranging from 1.5 to 14T. The optimal α’s and β’s for each B0 are shown in Tab. 1.


The value of 0.66 for the slope of the linear fit showed in Fig. 3A demonstrates that the original Davis model underestimate changes in CMRO2 by about 33%. To compensate for this bias, new values for the free parameters were derived using an optimization procedure. With the optimized parameters, the slope of the linear fit is close to unity indicating that most of the systematic bias inherent to the simplified biophysical model has been removed by adjusting the free parameters. Therefore, using these optimized values will result in more accurate measurements of CMRO2 in future studies.


Our work provides a microscopic validation of the calibrated fMRI approach routinely used in human studies. It demonstrates the power of the method to estimate relative changes in CMRO2 with good accuracy. This should encourage researchers to utilize this method despite its demanding experimental setup. Moreover, our modeling technique allowed to optimize the calibrated fMRI procedure by removing all systemic biases.


No acknowledgement found.


1. Davis T, et al, Calibrated functional MRI: Mapping the dynamics of oxidative metabolism, PNAS 1998;95:1834-1839

2. Hoge R, Calibrated fMRI, NeuroImage 2012;62(2):930-937

3. Drew P, et al, Fluctuating and sensory-induced vasodynamics in rodent cortex extend arteriole capacity, PNAS 2011;108(20):8473-8478

4. Sakadzic S, et al, Large arteriolar component of oxygen delivery implies a safe margin of oxygen supply to cerebral tissue, Nat Comms 2014;5:5734

5. Griffeth V and Buxton R, A theoretical framework for estimating cerebral oxygen metabolism changes using the calibrated-BOLD method: Modeling the effects of blood volume distribution, hematocrit, oxygen extraction fraction, and tissue signal properties on the?BOLD signal, NeuroImage 2011;58(1):198-212

6. Gagnon L, et al, Quantifying the Microvascular Origin of BOLD-fMRI from First Principles with Two-Photon Microscopy and an Oxygen-Sensitive Nanoprobe, J. Neuroscience 2015;35(8):3663-36675

7. Sakadzic S, et al, two-photon high-resolution measurement of partial pressure of oxygen in cerebral vasculature and tissue, Nat Methods 2010;7(9):755-759


Figure 1. Overview of the modeling and the optimization procedure.

Figure 2. Tri-dimensional reconstruction of the Two-Photon vascular stacks used in the six VAN models.

Figure 3. Scatter plots of simulated vs recovered rCMRO2. A) Original Davis values for the free parameters α and β. B) New values for the free parameters obtained from the optimization procedure.

Table 1. Optimal values for free parameters α and β for different B0-field strengths.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)