Andreas Max Weng1, Fabian Gilbert2, Johannes Tran-Gia1,3, Tobias Wech1, Detlef Klein1, Thorsten Alexander Bley1, and Herbert Köstler1
1Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany, 2Department of Trauma, Hand, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany, 3Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
Fatty degeneration of the rotator cuff is often
investigated by a visual inspection of T1-weighted MR images. Since this
approach is in debate the aim of this study was to investigate fatty
degeneration of the supraspinatus muscle by quantitative techniques: SPLASH, model-based
acceleration for parameter mapping (MAP) T1 measurement and shear wave
ultrasound. The obtained values from SPLASH and T1 mapping are in good
accordance (Pearson’s r=0.82). However, shear wave ultrasound does neither
correlate well with SPLASH (Spearman’s rho= 0.30) nor with MAP (rho=0.19).
Since data acquisition time of the T1 mapping technique used in our study is
very short (4s), this might be the technique of choice for investigation of the
fatty degeneration of the supraspinatus after rotator cuff tear.Introduction
Currently, the fatty degeneration
of the rotator cuff muscles, which has a major influence on the outcome after
rotator cuff repair [1], is often investigated by visual inspection of
T1-weighted MR images following the (modified) Goutallier classification [2].
The validity of this rather subjective technique is in debate and several
studies showed very different results concerning the inter- and intraobserver
reliability [3,4].
There is thus a need for more
quantitative measurements to correctly assess fatty degeneration of the
supraspinatus muscle after rotator cuff tear. Previous studies showed that it
is possible to absolutely quantify the amount of fat inside an arbitrarily
shaped ROI in the shoulder using the 2D spectroscopic fast low angle shot (SPLASH)-technique
[5,6]. However, measurement-time of this spectroscopic technique is rather long
compared to different MRI-techniques like, for example, T1 mapping for tissue
Shear wave ultrasound, which
is a cost-effective methodology, provides an indirect measure of the tissue’s elasticity
via the shear wave propagation speed which might be influenced by the amount of
fat in the observed region [7]. However, a direct measure of the fat fraction
is not possible and results may be corrupted by the amount of overlaying soft
it was the goal of the present study to compare three quantitative techniques
for investigation of the fatty degeneration of the supraspinatus muscle: 2D SPLASH-MRI,
model-based acceleration of parameter mapping (MAP) [8] to determine T1 and
shear wave ultrasound.
Material and Methods
22 patients after rotator cuff
tear underwent T1-weighted MRI, SPLASH-MRI and MAP at 3T (Magnetom Skyra,
Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) and shear wave ultrasound of the supraspinatus
muscle. For SPLASH, 21 spoiled gradient echo images with echo times from 5ms to
25ms were acquired (TR: 35ms, flipangle: 10°, FOV: 278x278mm2,
matrix: 128x128, slice thickness: 5mm, Taq: 126s). A ROI was placed
in the supraspinatus muscle using MATLAB (R2014b, The MathWorks, Natwick, MA,
United States). The signal fat fraction was then obtained by a temporal Fourier
transform, followed by an AMARES fit [9] in jMRUI [10,11].
T1 maps of the same image
slices were acquired using the previously proposed MAP-algorithm [8]. This
technique iteratively applies an exponential signal model to a radially
acquired inversion-recovery prepared FLASH acquisition, generating T1 maps in very
short acquisition times (TR: 4.2ms, flip angle: 7°, FOV: 280x280mm2, matrix:
128x128, slice thickness: 5mm, Taq: 4s). To obtain the area fat fraction from
the calculated T1 maps pixels in the supraspinatus muscle were classified
either as fat or water depending on their T1 value by means of a simple
Ultrasound was performed using
a Siemens Acuson S3000 (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) device. Tissue elasticity
was measured by aligning the transducer parallel to the muscle fibers at the
largest diameter of the supraspinatus muscle and calculating the median of the
velocities measured at 10-15 points.
obtained fat fractions from the two MRI-based techniques were compared using a
Wilcoxon matched pairs test and Pearson’s correlation coefficient was
calculated. To not restrict the effect to a linear relationship between MR
parameters and shear wave propagation speed Spearman’s rank correlation test
was used to compare the results.
Figure 1 shows an example of a T1-weighted image, the corresponding SPLASH-spectrum as well as the T1 map of
the same slice.
Obtained fat fractions from
MAP (mean: 19%±13%; median: 17%; min: 1%; max: 50%) did not differ
significantly (p=0.22) from those obtained with SPLASH (mean: 17%±14%;
median: 13%; min: 0%; max: 48%). Pearson’s correlation coefficient was r =
0.82. Figure 2a shows the fat fraction values obtained with SPLASH against those
obtained with MAP.
Spearman’s correlation
coefficient between shear wave ultrasound and the MRI-based techniques was 0.30
for SPLASH and 0.19 for T1 mapping. Figure 2b presents the shear wave
propagation speed against the fat fractions from SPLASH and T1 mapping.
The results of the T1 mapping
technique are in good concordance with the results of the SPLASH quantification
which served as gold standard in this study. In contrast, the obtained values
from shear wave ultrasound do not correlate well with these two quantitative
MRI-based techniques.
Since T1 mapping using the
MAP-algorithm only requires a 4 seconds acquisition, this technique seems very
promising for future applications.
No acknowledgement found.References
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