The relationships between microstructure and the diffusion tensor in simulated skeletal muscle
David B Berry1, Benjamin M Regner2, Vitaly L Galinsky3, Samuel R Ward1,4,5, and Lawrence R Frank3

1Bioengineering, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, United States, 2Institute of Engineering in Medicine, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, United States, 3Center for Scientific Computation in Imaging, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, United States, 4Orthopaedic Surgery, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, United States, 5Radiology, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, United States


Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has been used to measure changes in restricted diffusion in skeletal muscle after injury, which are thought to track microstructural, and therefore functional changes. However, there are few direct comparisons between muscle microstructure and DTI measurements because it is difficult to precisely control in vivo experiments. Here, we use a computational (in silico) modeling approach to explore changes in DTI measurements as muscle microstructure is systemically changed. Muscle fiber diameter and edema have the largest effects on the DT. Additionally, we have shown multi-echo DTI is required to resolve changes in microstructure when edema is present.


To understand the effects of muscle microstructure on the diffusion tensor.


We hypothesize 1) decreased fiber size decreases λ2 and λ3, with no effect on λ1, 2) fibrosis has little effect on the diffusion tensor, and 3) when edema is present, multi-echo DTI is required to resolve microstructural changes of muscle tissue.

Simplified models of muscle microstructure were integrated into diffusion simulation software (see below) to study the relationship between muscle fiber size, fibrosis, and edema on the diffusion tensor using single- and multi-echo DT-MRI techniques. The MRI simulation tool DifSim1 was used to model DTI experiments within complex structures. DifSim employs MCell, a Monte Carlo simulator for cellular microphysiology, to simulate the diffusion of particles, and tracks particle location, signal amplitude and phase, within a user defined arbitrarily complex model. DifSim is capable of supporting boundary interactions, particle interactions, and multiple molecular species with different diffusion coefficients and T2-relaxation constants. MRI pulse sequence parameters were as follows: diffusion-weighted multi-spin-echo, TE=21.76ms, b=500s/mm2, voxel size=200μmx200μmx200μm, number of echoes=16, echo spacing=10ms. Data was analyzed using a custom Matlab program, using the equations outlined by Fan et al2.

Muscle fibers were approximated as tightly packed hexagons, surrounded by ECM as shown in Figure 1. Fiber diameter, fibrosis, and increased extra-cellular water content due to edema were varied across a range of physiologically relevant dimensions and concentrations, (Table 1). Model inputs for diffusion coefficients and T2-relaxation rates are reported in Table 2. To relate diffusion measurements to individual features of muscle microstructure, we used linear or non-linear regression (when appropriate).

To test our hypothesis that multi-echo DTI is required to measure fiber size changes in the presence of edema, we compared diffusion measurements taken by single-echo and multi-echo DTI in normal (4% volume fraction extracellular water) and edematous (40% volume fraction extracellular water) muscle, across a range of fiber sizes. Non-linear regression was used to describe the relationship between fiber size and diffusion in non-edematous muscle using single-echo DTI. Coefficient of variation from this regression was used to determine which DTI technique is most closely related to single echo DTI of normal muscle.


As fiber diameter decreases below 60μm, a nonlinear decrease of λ2 and λ3 and a nonlinear increase in fractional anisotropy was found, while λ1 remained constant (Figures 2A,C). Small linear changes were observed in all diffusion measurements except λ1 as diffusion increased (Figures 2B,D). There was an exponential relationship between mean diffusivity and fractional anisotropy and fiber size in non-edematous muscle (r2=0.996 mean diffusivity; r2=0.995 fractional anisotropy) using single-echo DTI (Figure 3). Similarly, an exponential relationship was observed for intracellular diffusion measured with multi-echo DTI in the presence of edema (r2 = 98.8% mean diffusivity; r2 97.9% fractional anisotropy). However, this relationship did not explain the variance in mean diffusivity or fractional anisotropy when measured with single-echo DTI in edematous muscle.


In this study, we have described, with a series of highly controlled simulations, the direct relationship between muscle microstructure and the diffusion tensor. We identified a plateau in diffusion measurements as muscle fiber diameter increases to 60μm. Since average skeletal muscle fiber diameter is around 50μm, DTI is a suitable technique to determine if fibers have a decreased diameter. However, DTI is likely not a good tool to measure hypertrophic changes in muscle, or study animals with larger muscle fiber diameters.

As the sarcolemma (membrane) is thought to be the primary barrier to diffusion, decreased fractional anisotropy is thought to be indicative of fiber hypertrophy3. However, less restricted diffusion is also observed as a result of edema, likely due to increased extra-cellular water volume or membrane damage, even in injuries where fiber atrophy is known to occur. Multi-echo DTI has been used to separate the diffusion signal coming from short (intracellular) and long (extracellular) T2 species in muscle2, 4, 5. However, multi-echo DTI has not been used to validate underlying microstructural changes that cause the restricted diffusion signal. Our results demonstrate that, in the presence of edema, traditional single-echo DTI is biased by increased extracellular water, regardless of underlying fiber atrophy. Using multi-echo DTI, we can resolve microstructural changes from the diffusion tensor of the short T2 species. Future work will investigate the effect of fiber permeability, fiber shape, and interactions between multiple microstructural changes in muscle and the resulting diffusion profile.


These findings describe the relationship between microstructural features of fiber size, and fibrosis to diffusion measured with DTI. We demonstrate in the presence of edema, multi-echo DTI must be used in order to measure underlying microstructural changes.


No acknowledgement found.


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Figure 1. A.) Geometric models of muscle. Muscle fibers were represented as tightly packed hexagons (B) separated by extracellular matrix (C).

Figure 2. Diffusion (A,B) and fractional anisotropy (C,D) for fiber size (A,C), and fibrosis (B,D) models of muscle microstructure. Minimum, mid-range and maximum hexagonal muscle model is shown for each muscle microstructural feature (bottom row).

Figure 3. Mean diffusivity (A) and fractional anisotropy (B) for muscle models (50μm diameter) in simulated normal (4% extracellular water volume fraction) and edematous (40% extracellular water volume fraction) tissue, simulated with single- and multi-echo DTI. Nonlinear regression (red) was fit to the single-echo, normal muscle diffusion signal.

Table 1. Range of physiologically relevant dimensions for muscle microstructure tested.

Table 2. Relaxation rates and diffusion coefficients of intra- and extracellular components of the muscle models taken from the literature.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)