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Improving the accuracy of renal perfusion measurements from ASL by using multiple TIs: Validation with DCE MRI
Christopher Charles Conlin1,2, Yangyang Zhao2, and Jeff Lei Zhang1,3

1Utah Center for Advanced Imaging Research, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 2Bioengineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 3Radiology, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, United States


This study presents an approach for measuring renal perfusion from multi-TI ASL data and examines the impact of TI-sampling density on perfusion estimation. Our approach incorporates a tracer-kinetic model of the ASL difference signal and a correction for inversion-efficiency artifacts. It was used to measure renal perfusion in human subjects from ASL data sampled at different numbers of TIs and validated against an established DCE-MRI technique. For ASL data sampled at more than two TIs, our approach showed good agreement and correlation with DCE-MRI, demonstrating robust modeling of the ASL difference signal and accurate measurement of renal perfusion.


Perfusion quantification is difficult with arterial spin labeling (ASL) because of low SNR, transit-delay heterogeneity of labeled blood, and signal decay from T1-relaxation of labeled spins. By acquiring ASL data at multiple inversion-times (TIs), however, we can better model ASL signal formation and achieve more accurate perfusion measurements. In this study, we present a tracer-kinetic model of the ASL difference signal and correct for inversion-efficiency artifacts to accurately measure renal perfusion from multi-TI ASL data. Although demonstrated with flow-sensitive alternating inversion recovery (FAIR), our approach is generally applicable to other ASL tagging schemes. We validated our proposed method against dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI in 15 human subjects.


FAIR ASL images are acquired after alternating slice-selective (SS) and nonselective (NS) inversion pulses. Image subtraction (SS–NS) leaves only the perfusion-weighted signal difference resulting from the inflow of uninverted blood during the time period between inversion and imaging (TI).

Unequal SS and NS inversion efficiencies lead to artificial ASL signal difference that can dominate the perfusion effect. To correct for this, we fit the inversion-recovery formula to SS and NS data acquired at multiple TIs and regenerate the NS signal-vs-TI curve at the same initial magnetization as the SS curve using the fitting parameters. Free of inversion-efficiency artifacts, the ASL difference signal (dS) can be expressed as follows:dS(t)=exp(t/T1)t0FAIF(τ)IRF(tτ)dτ(1)

Here, F is perfusion, AIF is the arterial input of uninverted blood, and IRF is the impulse retention function describing the passage of blood through tissue. The exponential term accounts for signal decay from T1-relaxation. Assuming TI is smaller than the renal minimum transit time, IRF remains unity and (1) simplifies to:dS(t)exp(t/T1)={0t<t0Mb0(1+fss)F(tt0)tt0(2)

Here, Mb0 is the M0 of blood, fss is the SS inversion efficiency, and t0 is the transit delay of uninverted blood. By fitting (2) to an ASL difference signal sampled at multiple TIs, F can be determined if Mb0 and fss are known. Since they are relatively constant for specific data-acquisition settings, Mb0 and fss do not need to be evaluated for every subject.


In this IRB-approved study, renal plasma flow (RPF) was measured from fifteen subjects (9 male, 6 female; ages 24-73) using both ASL and DCE-MRI. All scans were performed at 3T (TimTrio; Siemens) after obtaining informed consent. Agreement between ASL and DCE-MRI was determined from the difference in RPF between the two techniques (ΔRPF=RPFASL–RPFDCE). Correlation between the two methods was also determined.

FAIR ASL protocol: TR 3.68ms, TE 1.84ms, flip angle 180°, FOV 380x380mm, matrix 256x128, slice thickness 8mm, and GRAPPA factor of 2. Seven subjects were imaged at 16 TIs: 150ms, then 200ms–1600ms with 100ms intervals. Eight subjects were imaged at 5 TIs: 150, 500, 800, 1000, 1500ms. At each TI, SS/NS image-pairs were acquired at end-inspiration from a coronal slice through the kidneys (Figure 1a-b). After semi-automatic registration of the kidneys1 to eliminate respiratory motion, NS and SS signal-vs-TI curves were obtained from the cortex and medulla of each kidney by averaging the signal intensity within cortical and medullary ROIs at each TI. Cortical and medullary RPF was determined from these curves according to the theory outlined above (Figure 1c-d). To investigate the impact of TI-sampling density on the accuracy of perfusion estimation, SS and NS data from the 16-TI subject group were downsampled to different TI-sampling densities by removing data points at uniform intervals along the original curves. The Mb0(1+fss) factor in (2) was set to the average ratio of Mb0(1+fss)F to RPF from DCE-MRI among the 16-TI subjects.

DCE-MRI protocol2: Briefly, 2D dynamic frames were acquired from the kidneys and abdominal aorta after a 4mL gadoteridol bolus-injection using a saturation-recovery 2D-turboFLASH sequence. Contrast enhancement in the aorta and the renal cortex and medulla was analyzed with a 3-compartment tracer-kinetic model3 to extract cortical and medullary RPF.

Results and Discussion

In the 16-TI subject group, RPF estimates from ASL were in good agreement with those from DCE-MRI (Table 1) when more than 2 TIs were used. ΔRPF was relatively constant, indicating that reducing TI-sampling density did not introduce bias into the perfusion estimation. The standard deviation of ΔRPF, however, increased with fewer TIs. Correlation between the two techniques was R=0.92 with the full set of 16 TIs (Figure 2a), and decreased along with the number of TIs (Figure 2b). Good agreement (ΔRPF = -9±57 mL/min) and correlation (R=0.81) was also found in the 5-TI subject group (Figure 3). In conclusion, the proposed method enables reliable correction of inversion-efficiency artifacts and robust tracer-kinetic modeling of the ASL difference signal, provided that more than two TIs are used.


This work was supported by the RSNA Research Scholar Grant and the NKF Young Investigator Award.

Special thanks to Niels Oesingmann at Siemens Healthcare for his pulse-sequence programming help.


1. Rousset F, et al. Semi-automated application for kidney motion correction and filtration analysis in MR renography. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2014.

2. Vivier, P.-H., P. Storey, et al. Kidney Function: Glomerular Filtration Rate Measurement with MR Renography in Patients with Cirrhosis. Radiology 2011;259(2): 462-470.

3. Zhang, J. L., H. Rusinek, et al. Functional assessment of the kidney from magnetic resonance and computed tomography renography: Impulse retention approach to a multicompartment model. Magnetic resonance in medicine 2008;59(2): 278-288.


Figure 1: Renal perfusion estimation with ASL. Slice-selective (a) and nonselective (b) FAIR images of the kidneys acquired at a TI of 1000ms. c) Cortical signal-intensity measured at multiple TIs. NS’ denotes the NS curve after inversion-efficiency correction. d) The proposed model fit to the signal difference (SS-NS') from c.

Table 1: Average difference (ΔRPF) and correlation (R) between RPF estimates from ASL and DCE-MRI at different TI-sampling densities. Correlation decreased with the number of TIs. ΔRPF (RPFASL–RPFDCE) held relatively constant (except at two TIs), but the standard deviation of the difference increased as the number of TIs decreased.

Figure 2: Correlation between RPF estimates from ASL and DCE-MRI in the 16-TI subject group. The scatterplot in (a) shows the correlation when ASL data from all 16 TIs is used. The plot in (b) shows the decrease in correlation as the number of TIs is reduced.

Figure 3: Correlation between RPF estimates from ASL and DCE-MRI in the 5-TI subject group.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)