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Automatic Renal Cortex Segmentation Using Machine Learning for MR Urography
Umit Yoruk1,2, Brian Hargreaves2, and Shreyas Vasanawala2

1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States


Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) estimation can be achieved using dynamic contrast enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) and pharmacokinetic models. The segmentation of kidneys is essential for obtaining the time intensity curves needed by these models. Manual segmentation of kidneys is one of the most time consuming and labor-intensive steps of GFR analysis as it can take several hours and require trained personnel. Here, we introduce a novel method for automatic renal segmentation based on morphological segmentation and machine learning, and assess the performance of the method.


Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) can be estimated using dynamic contrast enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) and pharmacokinetic models1-3. The pharmacokinetic models calculate the GFR from the signal intensity changes in the aorta and the renal cortex, obtained from DCE-MRI data by segmenting these regions of interest. Manual segmentation of kidneys can take several hours, adding cost, and many clinics lack personnel for this labor-intensive task. Here, we describe a novel method for automatic renal segmentation based on morphological segmentation and machine learning, and assess the performance of the method.


Automated segmentation approach: The segmentation of the renal cortex is performed in two steps (Fig.1). The first step is the segmentation of the kidney from the abdominal images using morphological segmentation methods. This process starts by creating a volumetric image dataset by applying maximum intensity projection in time (MIP-t). As kidneys typically enhance intensely, MIP-t creates high contrast between kidneys and the surrounding tissues (Fig.2a). Then, a local intensity dependent binary thresholding method (Local Otsu) is applied to all slices in axial, sagittal and coronal planes removing the dark background and leaving only the bright regions (Fig.2b). The connected components are identified in the 3D volume and treated as an object. Small connections between large objects are broken using watershed segmentation in coronal projections (Fig.2c). The result of the morphological segmentation step is a series of 3D objects that correspond to the high intensity regions of the MR images.

The second step is the segmentation of the kidney into cortex and medullary regions using machine learning techniques. First, a support vector classifier (SVC) is used to identify the kidney parenchymal voxels in the abdominal images. Classification was performed on each voxel using 6 features: 3 features for position (x, y, z) and 3 features for percent signal change. Percent signal change (ΔS) features are calculated using ΔS(t)=S(t)S(0)S(0) where S(t) is the signal intensity of the voxel at time t. Dimensionality reduction (PCA) is applied on ΔS to reduce it to 3 dimensions. The result of this classification is used for identification of kidney objects in the morphological segmentation output. Once the kidney objects are identified, another SVC is applied to these objects to separate cortex from medulla. This classification is performed on each voxel within the kidney object using 53 features: 3 for position, 25 for percent signal change and 25 for signal intensity over time with no dimensionality reduction.

Experimental validation

11 consecutive pediatric subjects clinically referred for contrast enhanced MRI on a GE 3T scanner were retrospectively identified with IRB approval. Acquisitions were performed using VDRad4 with parameters: 15° flip angle, ±100kHz bandwidth, TR = 3.3ms, matrix = 192x180, FOV = 320x256 mm, slice thickness = 2.4 mm, 80 slices, 36 temporal phases, 3s temporal resolution and 6.2x acceleration, 32 channel torso coil. Injection protocol: single dose contrast diluted to 10ml was power injected 
at a rate of 1ml/s. Manual segmentations of images were performed before training our automatic segmentation models. Training and testing was performed using a leave one out cross-validation (LOOCV). Segmentation results were used to calculate the transfer coefficients (Ktrans) of kidneys using a 2-compartment model2. The pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using a common aortic input function between automatic and manual renal segmentations. Automatic segmentation results were compared to the manual segmentation maps using precision (PPV) and recall metrics (sensitivity) as well as Ktrans values.


Some of the segmentation maps generated by this method are shown in Fig.3. The results show that the method in general provides good renal cortex coverage (recall=0.92±0.06) but misclassifies some medulla voxels as cortex (precision=0.83±0.08). These misclassifications cause very little to no change in the average signal intensity of the renal cortex. The average estimated Ktrans was 0.23±0.6min-1 using the automated method and 0.23±0.7min-1 using the manual method. However, the low precision causes large errors in estimated renal cortex volume which is needed for GFR estimation. Total renal volume is more accurate because it isn’t affected by the cortex-medulla misclassifications. Hence, we trained a linear regression model using RANSAC to predict the cortex volume from total renal volume yielding a 44% reduction in GFR RMSE (Fig.4). The mean error in the cortical volume estimates after the correction, 6.2±5.9ml, was below 16.3±11.2ml the observed average error between two human experts5. The GFR estimates and split function were computed after volume correction (Fig.5).


We have presented a fully automatic renal segmentation method for detecting renal cortex and showed that renal filtration parameter estimates are very similar to the manual segmentation.


Funding for this research was provided by NIH grants R01 EB009690, P41 EB015891 and GE Healthcare.


1. N. Hackstein et al. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 714–725, Dec. 2003.

2. P. S. Tofts et al. European Radiology, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 1320-1330, 2012.

3. L. Annet et al. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 843-849.

4. Cheng JY et al. Proc ISMRM Workshop on Data Sampling and Image Recon., Sedona, AZ; 2013.

5. T. Song et al. Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2008. ISBI 2008. 5th IEEE International Symposium on, 2008, pp. 37–40.


Fig. 1. Workflow of automatic renal segmentation. The first step is separating the kidney from the image. This is followed by identifying the kidney cluster and the segmentation of the renal cortex.

Fig. 2. Morphological segmentation steps. (a) MIP-t image with baseline removed. (b) Local Otsu thresholding clears the background around bright objects. (c) An example of under-segmentation where spleen and kidney are still connected. (d) Watershed segmentation splits these two regions.

Fig. 3. Examples of segmentation maps. From left to right each row shows an input image, automatic (red) and manual (green) segmentation maps.

Fig. 4. Left plot shows full renal volume (renal convex hull volume) vs. renal cortex volume in the manually segmented datasets. Right plot shows the same data with a linear random sample consensus (RANSAC) estimator. This estimator is used to map the full renal volume of the automatic segmentation to the renal cortex volume space.

Fig. 5. Left plot shows the histogram of percent GFR estimation error using manual segmentation vs. automatic. The right plot shows the right kidney split function using the manual segmentation vs. automatic.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)