Abhishek Pandey1,2, Umit Yoruk3, Puneet Sharma1, Diego R. Martin1, Maria Altbach1, Ali Bilgin1,2,4, and Manojkumar Saranathan1,4
1Department of Medical Imaging, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States, 2Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States, 3Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 4Biomedical Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States
Dynamic contrast enhanced MRI requires
measurement of arterial input function with great accuracy while maintaining
high spatial resolution. Golden angle stack-of-stars radial acquisition was
used to get reconstructions at multiple temporal resolutions. A
multiresolution reconstruction scheme is used to generate AIFs using a very small
temporal window. The accuracy of the reconstruction method was checked on a
realistic phantom and then applied to an in vivo data. Results show that compressed sensing
reconstruction works best with high temporal resolution (HTR) AIF giving both
diagnostic image quality and accurate GFR estimate.
contrast enhanced MRI involves tradeoffs between spatial and temporal
resolution. High temporal resolution (TRES) is needed to capture the arterial phase or
accurately measure the arterial input function (AIF) while high spatial
resolution is needed for diagnostic quality images. The golden angle radial stack-of-stars
trajectory is a flexible, motion robust acquisition scheme that has been
used for liver imaging [1]. We used a
multiresolution compressed sensing (CS) reconstruction scheme: AIFs were generated using a very small temporal window while dynamic data were reconstructed with larger temporal window for high spatial resolution. We validated the accuracy of the reconstruction method on a realistic phantom and then applied it to
in vivo data.
Phantom validation: Validation
was performed on a synthetic phantom proposed by Yoruk et al. [2],
where the true AIF, kep (1.5) and GFR (74 ml/min) are known a priori. The phantom was synthesized from a dynamic contrast enhanced MRI dataset acquired
on a pediatric patient with 4s TRES. An aortic enhancement
curve with 1s temporal resolution were then fused in and a new data set created
using interpolation. The k-space data was then sampled using a golden angle stack-of-stars radial
Reconstruction schemes: Dynamic MRI data were reconstructed
at different temporal resolutions ranging from 1s to 12s using a sliding window. A high temporal resolution (HTR) AIF was generated using a 1s temporal window
and Non Uniform Fourier Transform (NUFFT), followed by a 5-point
moving average filter to reduce noise (Figure 1). For each TRES, three different reconstruction methods were performed: 1) NUFFT reconstruction with AIF estimated from the reconstructed data 2)
NUFFT with
the 1s temporal resolution HTR-AIF 3) Compressed Sensing reconstruction [1] with Total Variation sparsity constraint applied
across the temporal dimension x=argminx||F.C.x−k||22+λ||TV(x)||1 and using the HTR-AIF. After creating cortical and aortic ROIs, GFR and kep estimates were computed for the cortical ROIs using a 3-compartment
model [3] for each of the three schemes.
The three schemes were also
used on in vivo datasets for GFR
estimation. Imaging was performed on a 3T MRI scanner (Skyra, Siemens
Healthcare, Malvern, PA) using a radial golden angle stack-of-stars spoiled gradient
echo pulse sequence on abdominal imaging patients,
after informed consent. Acquisition parameters: TR = 3.52 ms; TE = 1.5 ms; FOV
= 38 cm; flip angle = 10; receiver bandwidth=1565 Hz/pixel; acquisition matrix=288x288x44;
1.3x1.3 in-plane spatial resolution and 3 mm thick slices to achieve whole
abdomen coverage. Free breathing data were acquired for 90s following injection of
Gadolinium contrast.
2 shows NUFFT reconstructed images of the synthetic phantom for TRES of 4s (a) and 12s
(b). CS reconstructed images for TRES of 1s (c) and 4s (d) are also shown. The superior image quality of the CS reconstruction and lack of streaking artifacts is
apparent. CS can increase the TRES by at least 3X without compromising spatial resolution or image quality.
Table 1 reports
errors in GFR and kep estimates for all three reconstruction schemes for the phantom
with TRES of 1s, 4s and 12s. There is a tradeoff between spatial
and temporal resolution and the GFR/ kep estimates are most accurate
for midrange TRES (4s). It can be seen that the GFR estimates are poor for the
NUFFT case for all TRES (top row). While HTR-AIF with 1s TRES improves the GFR estimates
for the NUFFT (middle row), the image quality is still poor (Fig 2a-b). The CS reconstruction
with HTR-AIF (bottom row) achieves both accurate GFR and kep estimates as well as
diagnostic image quality with 4s TRES (Fig 2d).
Figure 3 shows pre-contrast (a),
arterial/renal cortical (b) and renal medullary (c) phases from a 3D radial stack-of-star
dataset acquired on a patient and reconstructed using 4s TRES CS reconstruction.The images
are high quality with negligible artifacts compared to the 12s TRES NUFFT
reconstruction (d), highlighting the usefulness of temporally constrained CS. Table
2 shows GFR estimates from an in vivo
dataset, which follows the same trend as the phantom. The CS estimates are in
line with expected GFR values for a normal kidney while the CS reconstruction removes
streaking artifacts still present in the NUFFT reconstruction (Fig 3d).
We have demonstrated the feasibility of
multiresolution imaging using a radial stack-of-stars scheme to accurately
estimate the AIF as well as produce diagnostic quality dynamic images
in vivo.
The high temporal resolution AIF estimate can significantly reduce errors in
GFR estimation for free breathing dynamic MR urography. The same
technique can also be used for pharmacokinetic modeling
of breast, liver and prostate cancers.
No acknowledgement found.References
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[2] Yoruk, U., Saranathan, M., Loening, A. M.,
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