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Influence of pulse length and shape on variable flip angle T1 mapping of the human brain
Yosef Al-Abasse1 and Gunther Helms1

1Medical Radiation Physics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden


Effects of the macromolecular pool are usually neglected in T1 mapping using the variable flip angle (VFA) method. To demonstrate the influence of magnetization transfer (MT) on the estimated T1, VFA experiments were performed using sinc and rect pulses of different pulse lengths (0.5 ms ≤ TRF ≤ 2.0 ms). Substantial variations in T1 (11-21 %) were observed. Longer rect pulses yielded lower T1 values than those obtained by inversion recovery. This can be explained by varying saturation of macromolecules and inherent MT. A simplified model for the influence of TRF on the T1 estimates is suggested for low-power rect pulses.

Target audience

MR physicists


Although magnetization transfer (MT) between macromolecules and “free” water has been demonstrated in fast MRI [1, 2], effects of MT are usually neglected in variable flip angle (VFA) T1-mapping. To demonstrate the influence of MT on the estimated T1, VFA experiments were performed at different pulse lengths (TRF) using sinc and rect pulses. A simplified model for the influence of TRF on the estimated T1 is suggested for low-power pulses.


Experiments were performed at 3 T (Siemens Magnetom Prisma) using a 20-channel head/neck receive coil on 4 healthy volunteers (26.3±5.1 y) giving informed written consent. VFA T1-mapping with 1.25 mm isotropic resolution was executed on sagittal volumes with 5, 10 and 15 flip angles (α) at TR/TE = 11/4.92 ms (approximately 3×1.5 min). The pulse lengths TRF of the non-selective pulse (i.e., rect or sinc of time-bandwidth-product 4) were 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 ms. T1 maps were calculated from a linear representation of the simplified signal equation [3]:


where f is the flip angle bias factor, obtained from the B1-mapping of the MRI unit (64 axial slices, 40 s). For comparison, inversion recovery (IR) T1 estimates (T1,IR) were obtained using TI = 250, 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 ms in a single 5 mm slice through the splenium and caudate head, selected to represent white matter (WM) and gray matter (GM), respectively.


The shortest rect and sinc pulses (TRF = 0.5 ms) yielded T1>T1,IR, while a general trend of decreasing VFA T1 estimates were observed for longer TRF (i.e., decreasing pulse power) (Figures 1 and 2). To give equal T1 estimates, sinc pulses needed to be longer than rect pulses. The T1 variability over TRF was 21 ± 5 % in WM and 15 ± 4 % in GM using rect pulses, and 19 ± 4 % in WM and 11 ± 3 % in GM using sinc pulses. For low-power rect pulses of 2 ms, a lower limit of the T1 estimates was approached (Figure 2). This lower limit was approximately 14 % and 7 % lower than T1,IR in WM and GM, respectively.


In this pilot study, the influence of excitation pulse length on T1 in VFA experiments was investigated at 3 T. Substantial variations in T1 were observed, which can be explained by inherent MT effects, i.e., if pulses are long (and thus of low power), macromolecules will be saturated less than water. Magnetization will then be transferred to the free water (i.e., “inverse MT”). The resulting increase in steady-state signal leads to shorter T1 estimates. As an approximation, a single rect would impose a partial saturation of 1cos(α)α2/2 on water and Sα2/TRF on macromolecules. Here, S represents the integrated absorption for a normalized pulse. These expressions are helpful to bring the closed-form solution of Ou and Gochberg [2] into the form of (Eq. 1), which then becomes similar to describing a traditional MT-pulse [4].

When Sα2/TRFα2/2 for sufficiently short TRF, no net MT takes place, and thus T1T1,IR assuming a homogenous B1-field. Pulses with even shorter TRF would predominantly saturate the macromolecules, as reported for balanced SSFP [1].

Because the partial saturations in both pools are proportional to α^2, the VFA estimate with MT-effects takes the form


This relationship corresponded well with experimental data for low-power rect pulses, but not for sinc pulses, as the latter pulse shape show inherently higher power. The present results may help to explain the deviating T1 values frequently reported in VFA studies on the brain.


Pulse length and shape impose substantial variations (11-21%) on VFA-based T1 estimates, and these observations can be explained by inherent MT effects.


The FLASH sequence was kindly provided by A. Lutti, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland. F. Testud Siemens Healthcare, Sweden, for providing helpful compilation and B1-mapping.


1. Bieri O. and Scheffler K. On the origin of apparent low tissue signals in balanced SSFP. Magn Reson Med. 2006; 56(5): 1067-74.
2. Ou X. and Gochberg D.F. MT Effects and T1 Quantification in Single-Slice Spoiled Gradient Echo Imaging. Magn Reson Med. 2008; 59(4): 835-845.
3. Helms G., Dathe H., and Dechent P. Quantitative FLASH MRI at 3T using a rational approximation of the Ernst equation. Magn Reson Med. 2008; 59(3): 667-72.
4. Helms G., Dathe H., Kallenberg K. and Dechent P. High-Resolution Maps of Magnetization Transfer with Inherent Correction for RF Inhomogeneity and T1 Relaxation Obtained from 3D FLASH MRI. Magn Reson Med. 2008; 60(6):1396–407.


Figure 1: T1-maps of a healthy volunteer using rect (top row) and sinc (bottom row) pulses with different pulse lengths TRF.

Figure 2: Estimated T1 as a function of pulse length TRF using rect and sinc pulses. Left: WM in splenium. Right: GM in caudate head.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)