Delayed morphological phenotype in R6/2 mice carrying longer fragments of the human Huntington’s disease gene shown by in vivo MR imaging and spectroscopy
Stephen J Sawiak1, Nigel I Wood1, T Adrian Carpenter1, and A Jennifer Morton1

1University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom


Huntington’s disease is caused by an unstable gene carrying excessive polyglutamine CAG repeats. Patients with genes carrying more CAG repeats have a less favourable outcome. The R6/2 mouse has a fragment of the human HD gene with 100 CAG repeats. We compared mice carrying longer CAG repeats (250 and 350) with wildtype controls using high-resolution in vivo longitudinal MRI and spectroscopy. Paradoxically, the 350CAG mice live longer, with ultimately similar but much slower atrophy and metabolic changes than 250CAG mice. They may, therefore, be a more useful model of HD with a longer window to evaluate pathology and treatments.


Huntington’s disease (HD) is a fatal, inherited neurodegenerative disease with no known cure. Patients suffer from the disease if they have >36 polyglutamine (CAG) repeats in the autosomal dominant HD gene with more repeats associated with earlier onset of symptoms which worsen more rapidly and cause death sooner. The R6/2 mouse is the most widely used model of the disease, usually carrying a fragment of the human HD gene with 100 CAG repeats1. Previous studies of behaviour and longevity of these mice has shown, unexpectedly, that mice with much longer CAG repeats have later onset of symptoms and a longer lifespan2. Here, we compared disease onset and progression between sub-strains of mice carrying 250 CAG repeats (R6/2 250 mice) and 350 CAG repeats (R6/2 350 mice) against wildtype controls using high-resolution magnetic imaging and spectroscopy.


Animals were scanned at 4.7T using a Bruker BioSpec 47/40 system (Bruker Inc., Ettlingen, Germany). Isoflurane (1-2.5% in 1l/min O2) was used for anaesthesia. Structural imaging was achieved with a quadrature surface coil using a rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement (RARE) sequence (scan parameters: TR/TEeff 3.5s/32ms, echo train length 12, field of view 25.6×19.2×10.0mm3, matrix 256×192×100). The final resolution was 100µm isotropic and images were acquired in 1 hour 33 minutes.

Spectroscopy was performed with the manufacturer PRESS sequence (TR 2.5s/TE 20ms) shimmed with FASTMAP and prepared with VAPOR water suppression using manually-adjusted pulses over a voxel of 2×2×2mm3 for 128 averages with retrospectively frequency locking and outer volume suppression enabled.

Tensor-based morphometry (TBM) was performed in SPM8 (Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, UCL) with SPMMouse3. Brain images were segmented into grey/white matter portions and these were registered using DARTEL4 following5 to produce Jacobian determinant maps of local volume change. The false discovery rate was controlled at q < 0.05 to control for type I errors due to multiple comparisons.

Spectra were analysed using LCModel (v6.3) and results are reported relative to total creatine and phosphocreatine.


Typical images from each group of mice are shown at the relative end-stage of each group in Figure 1. For R6/2 250 mice the oldest mice reach 24 weeks, the oldest 350 R6/2 CAG mice reached 58 weeks.

For comparison, a WT mouse at 58 weeks is also shown. The appearance of atrophy is striking in the R6/2 250 animals, particular in the caudate and frontal cortex. Substantial ventricular expansion is also evident in the R6/2 350 animals concomitant with lost striatal volume.

Figure 2 shows local volume changes between groups of R6/2 animals and WT controls at 12-15 weeks. At this stage, substantial atrophy is detected across the whole cerebral cortex and most subcortical structures in the R6/2 250 mouse with apparent sparing only of the midbrain, brainstem and some thalamic structures. R6/2 350 mice show much more selective atrophy corresponding closely with regions highly associated with human HD pathology, in particular the striatum, frontal cortex and sensorimotor cortex.

Concentration ratios from selected metabolites are shown in Figure 3. Significant decreases were seen in the neuronal marker aspartate (NAA) over time for both groups of R6/2 mice, as well as total glutamate and glutamine. Taurine increased in both groups but choline was seen to decrease significantly only in the R6/2 350 CAG mice.


Both groups of R6/2 mice had widespread atrophy that is visible at 8 weeks and develop broadly similar changes over time but at a much slower rate in the 350 CAG animals. This deviation from the expected worsening of phenotype with more CAG repeats is in line with other findings in the literature from behavioural2 and electrophysiological studies6 but has not been shown before in terms of neuroanatomical or metabolic pathology as shown here. Despite the slower time course, the CAG 350 mice still die from neurological disease and have similar patterns of cerebral atrophy at end-stage to the 250 mice. This animal model, therefore, may prove to be a useful model of HD with its larger window to study disease mechanisms and evaluate potential therapies.


We are grateful to Desmond Tse and Simon Puttick for assistance with data acquisition. Animals and scans in this study were funded by CHDI Inc. in a grant to AJM.


1. Mangiarini, L., et al., Exon 1 of the HD gene with an expanded CAG repeat is sufficient to cause a progressive neurological phenotype in transgenic mice. Cell., 1996. 87(3): p. 493-506.

2. Morton, A.J., et al., Paradoxical delay in the onset of disease caused by super-long CAG repeat expansions in R6/2 mice. Neurobiol Dis, 2009. 33(3): p. 331-41.

3. Sawiak, S.J., et al., Voxel-based morphometry in the R6/2 transgenic mouse reveals differences between genotypes not seen with manual 2D morphometry. Neurobiol Dis, 2009. 33(1): p. 20-7.

4. Ashburner, J., A fast diffeomorphic image registration algorithm. Neuroimage, 2007. 38(1): p. 95-113.

5. Sawiak, S.J., et al., Voxel-based morphometry with templates and validation in a mouse model of Huntington's disease. Magn Reson Imaging, 2013. 31(9): p. 1522-31.

6. Cummings, D.M., et al., A critical window of CAG repeat-length correlates with phenotype severity in the R6/2 mouse model of Huntington's disease. J Neurophysiol, 2012. 107(2): p. 677-91.


Figure 1 MR images from R6/2 CAG 250 mice at 25 weeks (A), R6/2 CAG 350 mice at 58 weeks (B), and a WT mouse at 58 weeks (C). (LV lateral ventricles; CPu caudate putamen; FCtx frontal cortex; Cb cerebellum; Ob olfactory bulb).

Figure 2 TBM results for animals between 12-15 weeks comparing WT and R6/2 mice carrying 250 CAG repeats (A) and 350 CAG repeats (B). Colour bar shows Student’s t-score with 24 degrees of freedom.

Figure 3 Metabolic ratios over time for WT, R62/ 250 CAG and R6/2 350 CAG mice. Shaded bands indicate the regions one standard deviation above and below the mean regression line.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)