A new paradigm to assess brain cell microstructure by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance spectroscopy: proof of concept and initial results in the macaque brain
Marco Palombo1,2, Clémence Ligneul1,2, Chloé Najac1,2, Juliette Le Douce1,2, Julien Flament1,2, Carole Escartin1,2, Philippe Hantraye1,2, Emmanuel Brouillet1,2, Gilles Bonvento1,2, and Julien Valette1,2

1CEA/DSV/I2BM/MIRCen, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 2CNRS Université Paris-Saclay UMR 9199, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France


We introduce a novel paradigm for non-invasive brain microstructure quantification, where original diffusion modeling is merged with cutting-edge diffusion-weighted spectroscopy (DW-MRS) experiments to capture features of cellular morphology that have remained largely ignored by DW-MRI. A compact description of long-range cellular morphology is used to randomly generate large collections of synthetic cells where particles diffusion is simulated. After investigating model robustness, we apply it on metabolite ADC measured in vivo in the monkey brain up to td=2 seconds. The new paradigm introduced here opens new possibilities to non-invasively extract quantitative information about cell size, complexity and heterogeneity in the brain.


We introduce a novel paradigm for non-invasive brain microstructure quantification, where advanced diffusion modeling is merged with cutting-edge diffusion-weighted spectroscopy (DW-MRS) to capture features of cellular morphology that have remained largely ignored by DW-MRI. We elaborate on the finding that metabolite diffusion measured at long diffusion times td (up to ~1 second) is fairly stable in the primate brain1,2, suggesting that metabolites (which, unlike water, are almost exclusively intracellular) are not significantly confined in subcellular regions, but are instead diffusing in long neuronal and astrocytic fibers. However, metabolites should experience long-range structure as td keeps increasing. They will explore the ramifications and experience restriction at the extremity of fibers, making their ADC depends on these parameters. To analyze these kinds of data, we propose a model using a compact description of long-range cellular morphology, based on a small set of morphometric statistics, to generate large collections of randomly generated synthetic cells where particles diffusion is simulated. The values of morphometric statistics can then be iterated until calculated ADC matches experimental ADC (Fig.1). After describing the model and investigating its robustness, we apply it on experimental metabolites ADC measured in the monkey brain up to td=2 seconds.


Assuming the signal attenuation due to displacement perpendicular to fibers is negligible (valid for td longer than a few dozen ms), a set of four parameters is used to describe the morphometric statistics (mean and S.D. of segment length Lsegment and SDLsegment, and the mean and S.D. of embranchments along cell processes Nbranch and SDNbranch) generating synthetic branched cells (like neurons and astrocytes). N=2000 particles are positioned in each cell and diffusion is simulated by Monte Carlo (with effective intracellular diffusivity Dintra), allowing to compute phase evolution and signal. 80 different cell-graphs are generated to account for cellular heterogeneity. Dintra, Lsegment, SDLsegment, Nbranch and SDNbranch are iteratively changed until simulated ADC matches measured ADC (Fig.1). While above parameters have a clear effect on ADC(td) (Fig.2A), the number of processes radiating from the cell body doesn’t, and is therefore set to 10±5. The fitting procedure uses a combined Parallel-Tempering and Levenberg-Marquardt approach3, for unsupervised initialization and quick convergence.Code was implemented in Matlab to manage the computation in parallel on GPU device, making it possible to fit experimental ADC in ~3 minutes. Fitting stability relative to noise was assessed by 250 Monte Carlo trials: at each trial, Gaussian noise (15% relative S.D.) was added to a reference ADC(td) curve to generate a new dataset, which was analyzed using the fitting pipeline. Stability of the fit was then evaluated by studying the bias and the coefficient of variation (CV) of the estimated parameters. Brain metabolite ADC as a function of td was measured in seven healthy macaques, as we have recently described1. Spectra were acquired at b=0 and 3000 s/mm2 using a STEAM sequence (TE=18 ms) with cross-terms cancellation for td = 86, 361, 511, 661, 1011 and 2011 ms. Post-processing consisted in scan-to-scan phasing, eddy current correction and subtraction of experimental macromolecule spectrum. Spectra were analyzed with LCModel to estimate the ADC of total N-acetyl aspartate (tNAA=NAA+NAAG), total creatine (tCr), choline compounds (tCho), glutamate (Glu), and myo-inositol (Ins).

Results and Discussion

Accuracy and precision of the fit with respect to noise are reported in Fig.2B and quantified in Table 1. Less than 5% error for all parameters was found, yielding satisfying accuracy and precision despite 15% noise on ADC. Experimental ADC as a function of td is reported in Fig.3 for all metabolites. Morphometric statistics evaluated from the fit of experimental data (Fig.3) are reported in Table 2. Generally speaking, cell size and complexity appear realistic. It is striking that the compartments extracted for all five metabolites match the expected cell-specificity: Ins and tCho, which are generally supposed to be mainly astrocytic4, are indeed found to be in similar, smaller and simpler synthetic cells, while Glu and tNAA, which are supposed to be neuronal, are found to be in similar, larger and more complex cells. tCr, which is supposed to have no preferential compartmentation, is found in intermediate cells, with larger heterogeneity (mostly SDLsegment).


The new paradigm introduced here lets us foresee for the first time the possibility to non-invasively extract quantitative information about long-range cellular structure (size, complexity and even heterogeneity) in the brain. The model can of course be refined by adding other morphometric parameters of interest, depending on the context and available data. However, it already gives results that can be compared with real histological data, as explored in another abstract presented at this symposium.


This work was funded by the European Research Council (ERC-336331-INCELL).


1 Najac C, et al. NeuroImage 2014; 90: 374-380.

2 Najac C, et al. Brain Struct. Fun. DOI: 10.1007/s00429-014-0968-5 (in press).

3 Palombo M, et al., Proceedings of the 23rd ISMRM Annual Meeting 2015; Abstract # 2982

4 Choi J.K. et al. NMR Biomed. 2007; 20(3): 216-237.


(A) The set of morphometric parameters is initialized.(B) 80 synthetic cells are generated according to A and the intracellular diffusion of 2000 particles/cell, corresponding diffusion-weighted signal and ADC are simulated.(C) steps A-B are iteratively repeated, until the difference between simulated and measured ADC satisfies the selected convergence criteria.

(A) Effects of morphometric parameters on ADC(td). (B) Frequency histograms for the parameters estimated from independent fits of 250 artificially noised datasets. Gaussian distribution fitting the data (solid curves), and corresponding mean (μ) and S.D. (σ) are reported. The black arrows indicate the true value for each fitting parameter.

Macaque brain results. Points and error bars stand for ADC means and standard errors of the mean, respectively, estimated among the whole cohort. A subset of the extracted synthetic cells for each metabolite is also reported. Metabolites known to be preferentially in astrocytic, neuronal and both cell types are indicated.

Results of fitting stability analysis. Accuracy and precision of each estimated parameters with respect to experimental noise, investigated by computing the bias and the coefficient of variation (CV) by the Monte Carlo approach described in Methods.

Estimated morphometric parameters. In order to obtain very stable results with respect to numerical simulation fluctuations, we repeated each simulation-fitting 20 times, taking the average value and the S.D. over the 20 repetitions as the most likely value and the uncertainty for each parameter, respectively.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)