Impact of transcytolemmal water exchange on quantitative characterization of tissue microstructure using diffusion MRI
Hua Li1, Xiaoyu Jiang1, Jingping Xie1, John C Gore1, and Junzhong Xu1

1Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States


Current diffusion MRI methods that quantitatively characterize tissue microstructure usually assume a zero transcytolemmal water exchange rate $$$\tau_{in}$$$ between intra- and extracellular spaces. This assumption may not be true in many cases of interest. The present work used both computer simulations and cell culture in vitro to investigate the influence of $$$\tau_{in}$$$ on the accuracy of fitted microstructural parameters such as mean cell size $$$d$$$, intracellular water fraction $$$f_{in}$$$ and diffusion coefficient $$$D_{in}$$$. Results indicate $$$d$$$ is relatively insensitive to $$$\tau_{in}$$$, while $$$f_{in}$$$ is always underestimated with finite $$$\tau_{in}$$$. $$$D_{in}$$$ can be fit reliably only when short diffusion times are used.


Diffusion MRI (DWI) has been previously used to quantitatively characterize tissue microstructure e.g. to estimate average volume-weighted cell diameter $$$d$$$, intracellular diffusion coefficient $$$D_{in}$$$ and intracellular volume fraction $$$f_{in}$$$. These studies used various time-varying gradient waveforms and usually assumed slow transcytolemmal water exchange between intra- and extracellular spaces. However, this assumption is usually not valid especially in pathological tissues such as tumors. The present work used both computer simulations and well-controlled cell cultures in vitro to investigate the influence of transcytolemmal water exchange on quantitative characterization of microstructure using different diffusion-encoding methods.

Theory and Methods

Models: Despite the various $$$\tau_{in}$$$ values in simulations and in vitro experiments, all diffusion data were fit to models assuming signals arose from intra- and extracellular spaces without exchange, like what have been typically done previously1,2. Three methods were investigated. The PGSE_I and PGSE_II methods used conventional pulse gradient spin echo (PGSE) acquisitions with multiple diffusion times ($$$t_{D}$$$) and b values. Four parameters ($$$d$$$, $$$f_{in}$$$, $$$D_{in}$$$, $$$D_{ex}$$$) were fit using PGSE_I, while three ($$$d$$$, $$$f_{in}$$$, $$$D_{ex}$$$) were fit using PGSE_II which is identical to PGSE_I except $$$D_{in}$$$ was pre-defined empirically in fittings. The third method was temporal diffusion spectroscopy2 (TDS) which incorporates PGSE acquisitions with a single long $$$Δ$$$ = 52 ms and two oscillating gradient spin echo (OGSE) acquisitions with two frequencies $$$f$$$ = 40 and 80 Hz and with nine different b values. Five parameters ($$$d$$$, $$$f_{in}$$$, $$$D_{in}$$$, $$$\beta_{ex}$$$, $$$D_{ex0}$$$) were fit using TDS, in which extracellular diffusion coefficient is assumed linearly dependent on $$$f$$$ as $$$D_{ex}(f)= D_{ex0} + β_{ex}×f$$$. The analytic expressions for intracellular DWI signals using PGSE and OGSE acquisitions have been reported previously3. To ensure the translatability, maximum gradient strengths were limited < 30 G/cm which is achievable on current human gradient coil4.

Computer Simulation: A finite difference method was used, which covered a broad range of microstructural parameters: intracellular water lifetime $$$\tau_{in}$$$ 50 – 500 ms, $$$d$$$ 5 – 15 μm, $$$D_{in}$$$ and $$$D_{ex}$$$ were 1 and 2 μm2/ms.

In vitro study: Murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cells were cultured, fixed and treated with saponin to selectively change cell membrane permeability without changing other cellular microstructure5. Four different concentrations of saponin, 0, 0.01%, 0.025%, and 0.05%, were used. Constant gradient experiments6 were used to estimate $$$\tau_{in}$$$. The mean cell diameters were measured using light microscopy.


Figure 1 shows the simulated fitting errors compared with ground truth values dependent on $$$d$$$ and $$$\tau_{in}$$$. Both TDS and PGSE_II provide accurate $$$d$$$ (error < 5%) for most $$$\tau_{in}$$$ and $$$d$$$, while PGSE_I can provide < 5% errors only when $$$\tau_{in}$$$ > 400 ms and 10 ≤ $$$d$$$ ≤ 15 μm. All three methods significantly underestimated $$$f_{in}$$$, and $$$f_{in}$$$ decreases rapidly with smaller $$$\tau_{in}$$$. Reasonable $$$D_{in}$$$ (errors < 10%) can be fit using TDS for most $$$\tau_{in}$$$ and $$$d$$$, although the fits with errors < 5% occurred only when 7≤ $$$d$$$ ≤ 15 μm. PGSE_I could provide reasonable fits of $$$D_{in}$$$ only with large $$$d$$$ and longer $$$\tau_{in}$$$, while PGSE_II could not fit $$$D_{in}$$$. Figure 2 shows that, except for fast exchange ($$$\tau_{in}$$$ < 100 ms), the choices of $$$D_{in}$$$ had minor effects on the fittings of PGSE_II, indicating the accuracy of fitted $$$d$$$ is not influenced by the empirically pre-defined $$$D_{in}$$$ used in the fittings. Figure 3 summarizes results of cultured MEL cell experiments with four different membrane permeabilities. Consistent with simulations, TDS and PGSE_II provide accurate fittings of $$$d$$$ independent of $$$\tau_{in}$$$, while fitted $$$f_{in}$$$ decreased rapidly with short $$$\tau_{in}$$$. $$$D_{in}$$$ was 0.84 μm2/ms when $$$\tau_{in}$$$ > 100 ms using TDS, while $$$D_{in}$$$ was fit as 0.55 μm2/ms using PGSE_I. All other fitted parameters showed dependence on $$$\tau_{in}$$$.

Discussion and Conclusion

Both computer simulations and in vitro cell studies suggest that: for PGSE_II, empirically pre-defining $$$D_{in}$$$ as a constant in fittings not only decreases the number of free parameters but also, more importantly, significantly increases the accuracy of other fit parameters. Both TDS and PGSE_II methods provided accurate fits of mean cell diameter $$$d$$$ independent of transcytolemmal water exchange, while intracellular volume fraction $$$f_{in}$$$ was significantly underestimated in both methods and decreased with short $$$\tau_{in}$$$. The TDS method is capable of estimating intracellular diffusion coefficient $$$D_{in}$$$ when appropriate ranges of $$$d$$$ (7 – 15 μm) and $$$\tau_{in}$$$ > 100 ms were satisfied, while $$$D_{in}$$$ cannot be reliably estimated using the PGSE methods. These results can assist better interpreting diffusion data of quantitative characterization of e.g. tumors, where transcytolemmal water exchange cannot be ignored.


This work was funded by NIH grants NIH K25CA168936; R01CA109106; R01CA173593.


1. Alexander DC, Hubbard PL, Hall MG, et al. Orientationally invariant indices of axon diameter and density from diffusion MRI. Neuroimage. 2010;52(4):1374-1389.

2. Jiang X, Li H, Xie J, Zhao P, Gore JC, Xu J. Quantification of cell size using temporal diffusion spectroscopy. Magn Reson Med. 2015. doi:10.1002/mrm.25684.

3. Xu J, Does MD, Gore JC. Quantitative characterization of tissue microstructure with temporal diffusion spectroscopy. J Magn Reson. 2009;200(2):189-197.

4. Setsompop K, Kimmlingen R, Eberlein E, et al. Pushing the limits of in vivo diffusion MRI for the Human Connectome Project. Neuroimage. 2013;80:220-233.

5. Li H, Jiang X, Xie J, McIntyre JO, Gore JC, Xu J. Time-dependent influence of cell membrane permeability on MR diffusion measurements. Magn Reson Med. June 2015. doi:10.1002/mrm.25724.

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Simulated fitting errors of fitted parameters dependent on $$$d$$$ and $$$\tau_{in}$$$. PGSE_I and PGSE_II were identical except that PGSE_II assumed a constant $$$D_{in}$$$ = 1 μm2/ms in the fitting.

Simulated dependence of the fitted PGSE_II parameters on the choice of $$$D_{in}$$$ used in fittings. Ground truth values used in the simulations: $$$d$$$ = 10 μm, $$$D_{in}$$$ = 1 μm2/ms, $$$f_{in}$$$ = 61.8%, and $$$D_{in}$$$ = 2 μm2/ms.

Summary of fitted microstructural parameters dependent on $$$\tau_{in}$$$ using three diffusion methods. $$$d$$$ range means histology-derived mean cell diameter ± STD, and mean $$$d$$$ is volume-weighted cell diameter.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)