Diffusion MRI enables to evaluate microstructure
at the mesoscopic scale. In particular, tuning the diffusion time over a wide
range could increase the sensitivity for acquiring useful biomarkers, such as
the axonal diameter or density. However, it is unclear whether either intra-,
or extra-axonal water attribute most to the observed changes of diffusion
signal with diffusion time. Here, we evaluate the dependence of the diffusion
coefficient (obtained from the diffusion signal at low b-value) on
δ and Δ in the direction perpendicular to axons in the
human brain, and explain these dependencies by diffusion of water in the
extra-axonal space.Purpose
To determine which
compartment, intra- or extra-axonal, is predominantly responsible for the
change in diffusion signal at low b with
varying diffusion time. Quantifying microstructure with diffusion entails determination of a length scale. This requires modeling time dependence [1] of diffusion metrics. Models providing length scales for white matter, such as axonal diameters [2], need validation. In particular, it is still under debate [3], whether it is the intra-,
or extra-axonal water, that contribute most to the observed changes of diffusion
signal with diffusion time
Δ. Here we show that the intra- and extra-axonal contributions to the diffusion
coefficient dependence on gradient pulse duration
δ and on
Δ perpendicular to axons are qualitatively different. Human measurements reveal the predominance of extra-axonal contribution.
Theory. Intra- and extra-axonal spaces both contribute to the diffusivity dependence
on Δ and δ [3-5]; fitting just intra-axonal dependence [2,6,7] (Eqs.(1-2) in Fig.1) yields strongly over-estimated axonal diameters, which prompts asking whether extra-axonal water provides a nontrivial contribution. Here we use the distinct functional form of D⊥(Δ,δ) in order to select which contribution dominates.
Fig 1 provides our extra-axonal results, Eqs.(3-4), together with conventional intra-axonal model, Eqs.(1-2). In Eqs.(1-2), vanGelderen's/Neuman's model [4,5] is shown for axonal water fraction fint, axonal radius r, and free
diffusivity D0. The extra-axonal model involves exrtra-axonal water fraction fext,
bulk diffusivity Dext∞, and the strength Aext
of restrictions [3,9].
Empirically, Aext∼0.2l⊥c2,
where l⊥c is the packing correlation length[3].
It is crucial that intra-axonal contribution, from Neuman's limit to van Gelderen's formula, scales as ∼1/(Δδ) when δ≫r2/D0, Eq.(2) [2,7]. In contrast, the extra-axonal contribution obeys
Eq.(3), with an asymptotic behavior
of ∼ln(Δ/δ)/Δ when
Δ≫δ, described by Eq.(4).
The behaviors of 1/(Δδ) and ln(Δ/δ)/Δ for
intra-axonal and extra-axonal space have very different trends with respect to
1/δ, which we use here to determine which compartment’s signal dominates
at low b.
MRI. Diffusion MRI was performed on five healthy
subjects (4 males/1 female, 25-41 years old) using a 3T Siemens Tim Trio scanner
with a 32-channel head coil [8,9]. We also demonstrate a similar experiment on two
healthy females, 26 and 28 years old, using a 3T Siemens Prisma scanner with
a 64-channel head coil. The STEAM DTI sequence provided by the vendor (Siemens
WIP 511E) was used to perform two different scans for each subject. The
acquisition setup is shown in Table 1.
For each scan, we obtained 3-5 b0 images and b=500s/mm2
images along 20 directions with isotropic resolution of (2.7mm)3 and a
FOV of (221mm)2.
In scan 1,
we varied Δ and a fixed δ; in scan 2, we fixed Δ and varied δ. A
series of white matter ROIs were created by thresholding the fractional anisotropy map at 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5.
The mean values of D⊥(Δ,δ) were computed within each ROI.
Using data in scan 1,
Dint⊥(Δ,δ) in
Dext⊥ in
Eq.(4) both fit measurements well (see
fitting curves in
Fig.2a and
The acquired parameters are shown in
2. To illustrate the
we predicted scan 2 results
based on fit parameters in Table 2; the
predictions based on
Eq.(2) and
Eq.(4) are very different asymptotically, shown in
Fig.3b/3d, where
Dext⊥(Δ,δ) (
captures the systematic bend in the curves, and
Dint⊥(Δ,δ) (
increases with
1/δ almost linearly and deviates from experimental
The prediction of scan 2 was done without any
adjustable parameters, since tissue properties are found in scan 1, and
δ-dependence is shown in
Eqs.(2,4). Hence, this prediction provides a parameter-free test of the models involved.
Discussion and Conclusion
Fig.2 (average over 5 subjects) and
Fig.3 (individual subjects) show that it is
Dext⊥(Δ,δ), rather than
Dint⊥(Δ,δ), that demonstrates good consistency between
scans 1 and 2, indicating that water in extra-axonal space dominates the
diffusion signal decay at low
b-value. Additionally, using fitting
parameters based on
Dint⊥(Δ,δ) (
Eq.(2)) and physiological values of
fint≈0.5 and
D_0\approx 1.7μm^2/ms, the estimated fiber diameter
2r\approx12 μm, which is much larger than reported histology radius values ~1 μm for most axons [12]. On the other hand, the values of the correlation length ~ 3-5 μm are reasonable for extra-axonal space packing length scale. Future work will focus on optimization of
acquisition protocol for
in vivo human
brain scans, particularly by exploring combinations of
\Delta and
\delta to achieve better diffusion sensitivity, and combining data from
oscillating gradients methods [10,11].
No acknowledgement found.References
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