Sajan Goud Lingala1, Yi Guo1, Yinghua Zhu1, Naren Nallapareddy1, R. Marc Lebel2, Meng Law3, and Krishna Nayak1
1Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2GE Health care, Calgary, Canada, 3Radiology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States
We propose a novel tracer-kinetic model based constrained
reconstruction scheme to enable highly accelerated DCE-MRI. The proposed
approach efficiently leverages information of the contrast agent kinetic
modeling into the reconstruction, and provides a novel alternative to current
constraints that are blind to tracer kinetic modeling.
We develop the frame-work to include constraints derived from the extended-Tofts (e-Tofts) model. We perform noise
sensitivity analysis to determine the accuracy and precision of parameter mapping
with the proposed e-Tofts derived temporal bases. We demonstrate its utility in
retrospectively accelerating brain tumor DCE datasets with different tumor
characteristics. INTRODUCTION
Brain dynamic contrast
enhanced MRI (
DCE-MRI) is a powerful
technique to non-invasively assess blood brain barrier (
BBB) permeability, and other neurovascular parameters. These
include plasma volume (
vp), the forward (
Ktrans) and backward (
transfer constants between plasma and extravascular extracellular spaces. Sparse sampling with
constrained reconstruction has been applied to improve imaging tradeoffs in
DCE-MRI. Pre-determined transform constraints have been used (eg. finite difference, wavelet) [1,2].
Recent work demonstrates kinetic model based
constraints to provide superior fidelity in parameter mapping [3,4]. Here, we propose
to improve a previous model [4] in several aspects. We generalize it to include
constraints derived from the extended-Tofts model. We perform noise sensitivity analysis to determine the
accuracy and precision of parameter mapping with the proposed e-Tofts derived
temporal bases. We demonstrate its utility in retrospectively accelerating brain
tumor DCE datasets with different tumor characteristics.
Construction of temporal dictionary: As depicted in Fig.1,
we simulate
concentration vs. time profiles for a broad range of physiological kinetic parameters
(Ktrans=0-0.4 min-1 in steps of 0.01 min-1, Kep
= 0-0.6 min-1 in steps of 0.01 min-1, vp=0-40%
in steps of 1%), using a population based arterial input function [5], and the
e-Tofts model [6]. We utilize k-SVD [7] to construct a
dictionary of temporal basis functions (denoted VrxN) that sparsely represent the simulated concentration
profiles; r denotes the number of bases in the dictionary, and N denotes the
total number of time instances. For over-completeness, the dictionary
size r=100 was chosen to be larger than N=50. The sparsity parameter k
was chosen based on noise sensitivity analysis described below, where the
objective was to determine the smallest k
for which the resulting k-sparse
projected dictionary modeled profiles yield no parameter bias, and comparable
variance, after e-Tofts modeling.
Noise sensitivity analysis: We analyzed the
statistics of kinetic parameter estimation from 100 realizations of
concentration profiles corrupted by white Gaussian noise (zero mean,
standard deviation=0.001). From Fig.2, note that as k is
increased the error statistics in estimating the kinetic parameters from noisy
data converge towards error statistics of kinetic parameter mapping with the
e-Tofts model. For low values of k ≤ 2,
we observed bias, and reduced variance, and for high values of k > 10 (not shown), we observe
increased uncertainty. k=3 or 4 provided
the best compromise, closely mimicking e-Tofts modeling.
Reconstruction: We estimate concentration time profiles XMxN
(M-number of pixels; N- number of time frames) from the under-sampled k-t space
data (b) as:min A models Fourier under-sampling, coil-sensitivity
encoding, and transformation between concentration and signal using knowledge
of T1, M0, and flip angle maps obtained from calibration
data; ε denotes the noise level in k-t space. UMxrVrxN
denotes the 4-sparse projection of X
in the dictionary V. The above
is solved by iterating between (a) updating U using orthogonal matching pursuit sparse projection [7], and (b) enforcing
consistency with acquired data X. We
iterate until a stopping criterion of ||Xi-Xi-1||2<
10-6 is achieved. After the concentration-time profiles are
obtained, we estimate kinetic parameters by
fitting the profiles to the e-Tofts model.
We perform retrospective under-sampling experiments on
fully-sampled DCE-MRI data sets (3T, Cartesian T1 weighted spoiled
gradient echo, FOV: 22x22x4.2cm3 resolution: 0.9x1.3x7 mm3; 5 sec
temporal resolution) from three glioblastoma brain tumor patients with different
tumor characteristics (shape, size, and heterogeneity). k-t undersampling was
performed using a randomized golden angle trajectory [8].
Fig. 3 shows comparisons on a large glioblastoma tumor
(~6.5cm). The kinetic maps derived from fully sampled data after 4-sparse
projection on V (second column) are in excellent agreement with parameter maps
derived directly from fully sampled data (R=1) (first column). This is
attributed to the equivalence of 4-sparse projection based dictionary modeling
with e-Tofts model (also verified in Fig. 2). With 20-fold undersampling, the proposed approach depict good fidelity in the parameter maps, depicting the various
characteristics of the heterogonous tumor well including thin rim margins,
tumor core. Fig. 4 shows
comparisons on two glioblastoma tumors with different shapes and characteristics
(only K
trans maps shown), where consistent performance with the
proposed approach was observed.
We proposed a
tracer-kinetic model based reconstruction to enable highly
accelerated DCE-MRI. The approach efficiently leverages information of
contrast agent kinetic modeling into the reconstruction, and provides a
novel alternative to current constraints that are blind to tracer kinetic
modeling. The approach is flexible, and could leverage complementary
spatial-sparsity constraints. Although demonstrated on brain DCE-MRI, it can be applied to other body parts.
No acknowledgement found.References
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