In DSC-MRI the presence of dispersion affects the estimation, via
deconvolution, of the residue function that characterizes the
perfusion in each voxel. Dispersion is described by a Vascular
Transport Function (VTF) which knowledge is essential to recover a
dispersion-free residue function.
State-of-the-art techniques aim at characterizing the VTF but assume
a specific shape for it, which in reality is unknown. We propose to
estimate the residue function without assumptions by means of
Dispersion-Compliant Bases (DCB). We use these results to find which
VTF model better describes the in-vivo data for each tissue type by
means of control point interpolation approaches.Purpose
To assess
in-vivo which vascular transfer function (VTF) better
describes the brain vascular dynamic in DSC-MRI.
Dispersion is a physiological phenomenon present in DSC-MRI data and
its characterization is fundamental to assess the reliability of
hemodynamic parameters while potentially revealing pathological
Dispersion affects the time-dependent residual amount of tracer
R(t) calculated for each voxel via deconvolution of the
measured arterial Ca(t) and tissular Cts(t)
concentrations2,3. Mathematically the computed
effective residual amount is represented as the convolution
Reff(t)=R⊗VTF(t), where VTF(t) is the probability
density of the transit times t from the arterial measurement
location to the voxel where Cts(t) is measured.
A recent state-of-the-art technique4, henceforth CPI+GDK,
disentangles the contributions of VTF and R(t) by
estimating a set of control points whose interpolation is convolved
to a gamma dispersion kernel (GDK) that is assumed as model for the
where s,p are unknown.
However the true shape of VTF is unknown, therefore the GDK
assumption may not be true.
We propose instead to perform deconvolution with Dispersion-Compliant
Bases5 (DCB) which make no assumptions on the VTF.
We then implement variants of CPI+GDK for the well-known exponential
(CPI+EDK) and log-normal (CPI+LNDK) dispersion kernels4,
to see which one among the three better describes the DCB results
in-vivo. We finally obtain maps of the brain showing for each voxel
what is the dispersion kernel that better describes the data.
We perform DCB deconvolution on a sampling grid t1,t2,..,tM
representing the effective R(t) as5
with order N, and τ,an,bn unknown with αn
predefined5. Differently from literature the solution is
constrained via quadratic programming to
ReffDCB(tm)≥0∀tm∈[t1,tM−1], and
ReffDCB(tM)=0. N=6 was found sufficient.
For the CPI-based deconvolution we extend CPI+GDK4 by
substituting the VTF model with an exponential (EDK) and a lognormal
(LNDK) kernels which are often considered in literature4
where θ,μ,σ are unknowns.
The CPI+GDK was implemented as in literature4 with 12
control points and initial parameters p,s for the optimization
routine log2±2 (mean±SD). Similarly the CPI+EDK and
CPI+LNDK were initialized with β=1s±2s and
μ=−1±1,σ=1±1, which corresponds to low dispersion4.
Non-linear estimation was performed bounding parameters to
We then proceed with two steps.
1. We perform synthetic experiments showing that DCB deconvolution
performs comparably or better than CPI+GDK/EDK/LNDK when the ground
truth dispersion kernel is GDK, EDK or LNDK respectively.
Data was generated according to literature2,5 with
We tested three dispersion levels low, medium, high4,
BF∈[5:10:65]ml/100g/min, MTT∈[2:4:18]s,
delay∈[0,5]s4 (100 repetitions for each
2. We apply DCB deconvolution on stroke MRI data to obtain the
estimated ReffDCB(t) for each voxel; we calculate the
re-convolution C∗ts(t)=Ca⊗ReffDCB(t); we
perform deconvolution with the three CPI+ techniques on Ca(t)
and C∗ts(t) obtaining ReffGDK(t),
ReffEDK(t) and ReffLNDK(t); for each voxel we
select the CPI+ technique providing the lowest l2
reconstruction error of C∗ts(t), and the best estimates
of the effective blood flow BFeff (Reff(t) peak) and mean transit time
MTTeff=(BloodVolume)/BFeff compared to DCB results.
Synthetic results in Fig. 1 show the comparisons of DCB with
CPI+GDK/EDK/LNDK when the dispersion kernels are respectively GDK,
EDK and LNDK. We note that
MTTeff,BFeff estimates with
DCB have lower or similar relative error.
Results on real data in Fig. 2 show the clustering of a slice where
each pixel is colored according to the CPI+ technique that better
MTTeff,BFeff obtained with DCB and the
l2 reconstruction error. Fig. 3 reports the
DCB-based map, which unveils an infarcted region in the right
In-vivo results show that the presence of the GDK, EDK, LNDK
dispersion kernels is widespread in the brain. Each clustered region
looks structured and remains homogeneous among the tested parameters
(see Fig.2 “all”). We note that the three dispersion kernels seem linked to as many tissue areas/types. Moreover GDK is mainly present in the infarcted region (see right hemisphere in Fig. 3). Synthetic
results (Fig. 1) demonstrate that DCB allow to perform reliable deconvolution
without assumptions on the shape of VTF. At the same time the use of
DCB opens for
a-posteriori VTF characterization, for instance with
the three CPI+ based techniques.
We present results suggesting that different brain regions and tissue
conditions support different descriptions of the underlying
dispersion kernel (VTF), highlighting the need of estimating the
effective residue amount of tracer
Reff(t) without
assumptions on the VTF, that is the case of DCB deconvolution
5. We
further believe that successive dispersion kernel detection and
characterization based on VTF models can constitute a new bio-marker
to shed light on the tissue vascular dynamic.
We thank Olea Medical and the PACA
Regional Council for providing grant and support.References
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