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Globally conditioned multivariate causal influence estimates in whole-brain functional connectivity
Andrea Duggento1, Luca Passamonti2,3, Maria Guerrisi1, and Nicola Toschi1,4

1Department of biomedicine and prevention, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy, 2Institute of Bioimaging and Molecular Physiology, National Research Council, Catanzaro, Italy, 3Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 4Department of Radiology, Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States


Reconstructing the direction of information flow ("causality") is crucial when studying evidence-based network models of the brain. We use multivariate analysis to develop a conditioning approach which measures the true directed coupling between two signals which are also indirectly connected through a large number of additional interdependent sources. After validation through synthetics noisy oscillator networks, we study data from 100 HCP subjects, revealing a clear-cut, sparse resting-state directed network structure and providing first-time evidence of a concerted directional interaction between subnetworks of the brain, with the salience network performing top-down integration of sensory-motor and cognitive processes.

Introduction and Aims of the study

Reconstructing the direction of information flow between brain regions ("causality") is crucial when studying evidence-based network models of the brain. In functional MRI (fMRI), the relatively low signal to noise ratio (SNR) and short acquisitions duration pose significant challenges when analyzing brain region which interact with high redundancy. In this context, classical bivariate Granger Causality (GC) results in massive overestimation of artefactual causal links, hampering realistic brain network representation. Using Multivariate Vector Autoregressive Models (MVAR), we aimed to extend bivariate Granger causality in fMRI to measure the true additional directed influence between two signals in the presence of a large number of additional interdependent signals. We call this approach Globally Conditioned Granger Causality (GCGC).


Estimating GCGC from variable Yt to the variable Xt (Y→ X) amounts to testing the null-hypothesis that knowledge of the past of Yt does not improve the prediction of the future of Xt. To this end, in the GCGC approach we employ two models: first, the "restricted" AR model for X­t, which includes the past values of Xt itself and Zt, which accounts for all other variables except Yt. Second, the "unrestricted" AR model, which includes all variables Xt, Yt, and Zt [1]

Xt=A(X(m)t1Z(m)t1)+εt(restricted model)

Xt=A(X(m)t1Y(m)t1Z(m)t1)+εt(unrestricted model)

Classical bivariate GC does not explicitly account for Zt. The determinants of the estimated variance matrices are then used to define the so called causality "strength" F as the natural logarithm of the ratio of the two determinants obtained from the restricted and unrestricted model [2, 3]:


Where \Sigma and \Sigma' are the covariance matrices of {\varepsilon_t} and {\varepsilon_t}' respectively. {\mathcal{F}_{Y\rightarrow{X}|Z}} follows a \chi^2-distribution; here, a non-parametric bootstrap routine is employed for significance thresholding [4, 5].


First, we characterize CGCG as a function of network density through massively parallel simulation of networks of interacting noisy duffing oscillators (Figure 1). The ability of detecting true causal links while rejecting false causal links is quantified as the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) constructed as a function of the threshold in causality strength employed in accepting the existence of a causal connection (Figure 2). Successively, we explore the structure of GCGC-based networks in the human brain in functional MRI (fMRI) data from 100 unrelated healthy subjects scanned at rest at 3T (4 sessions of 1200 volumes per subject, TR=0.72s, SMS multiband) within the HCP database. To this end, we locally aggregate the average BOLD signal 116 regions of interest (ROIs) using the Automated Anatomical Labeling (AAL) atlas [6]. Additionally, we generalize the definition of GCGC to the multivariate case and apply this framework to the first-time study of true directed interactions between whole-brain sub-networks (Sensory-Motor, Default-Mode, Left/Right executive, Salience, Primary-Visual, Secondary-Visual) which are pre-defined on the basis of anatomical localization within the AAL.


Figure 3 shows the results of comparing bivariate GC to the GCGC approach in synthetic networks as a function of autoregressive order and network density. Across all networks and all orders, the GCGC approach resulted in a notably higher AUC than the bivariate GC approach. Figure 4 shows median network strength matrices across all 100 subjects as well as an index of matrix asymmetry (see Figure caption). Figure 5 shows the results of computing between-network multivariate GC in the 100 unrelated HCP subjects.

Discussion and conclusion

The GCGC framework consistently provides higher sensitivity and specificity in detecting causal links between noisy sources, with increasing benefit (with respect to the bivariate case) as network density increases. The HCP GCGC matrices reveal a clear-cut underlying sparse networks structure with extremely high consistency across all 100 HCP subjects which is not discernible using the classical GC approach. Also, multivariate GCGC analysis demonstrated first-time evidence of a concerted directional interaction between different subnetworks of the brain Interestingly, we found that the salience network, a group of regions which play a critical role in integrating environmental sensory data with internal “visceral, autonomic, and hedonic markers” [7] sends “top-down” inputs to the brain circuits involved in sensory-motor and cognitive processes as well as in the “default-mode” neural functioning. Therefore, it may be that the process of salience attribution re-orients or re-directs the other networks (and ultimately the subject’s behavior) towards stimuli identified as fundamental for survival. While this interpretation remains speculative pending task-based validation studies, we have shown that the GCGC framework provides a superior tool to study whole-brain effective connectivity, and multivariate GCGC analysis provides an additional layer of information with respect to classical bivariate approaches.


No acknowledgement found.


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Figure 1. Synthetic networks employed in conditioned and unconditioned Granger Causality simulations (top, increasing density from left to right) and example signals resulting from using Duffing oscillators at each node.

Figure 2. Comparison between (from left to right): a ground-truth asymmetrical network matrix, the bivariate correlation matrix between the resulting signals, the corresponding bivariate GC matric, and the globally conditioned GC (GCGC) matrix. The ROC curves corresponding to bivariate correlation, bivariate GC and GCGC are also shown (far right).

Figure 3. Comparison between the AUC obtained by analyzing synthetic networks through GCGC (left), GC (middle) as a function of network density (quantified as the average node degree) and autoregressive order. The difference GCGC-GC (in terms of AUC) is shown in the right.

Figure 4. Top: Median GCGC (top left), and GC (tor right) matrices across all 100 unrelated HCP subjects (4800 fMRI volumes per subjects). Bottom: asymmetry metric (difference between transposed matrix and itself, divided by itself)

Figure 5. Multivariate GCGC between predefined functional networks of the brain, and resulting directed between-network connections when thresholding at a strength corresponding to the 3th quantile. The inset shows The corresponding matrix (left) and its asymmetry (right, see also Figure 4).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)