Amir Omidvarnia1, David Vaughan1,2, Mangor Pedersen1, Mira Semmelroch1, David Abbott1, and Graeme Jackson1,2,3
1Epilepsy Imaging, The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Melbourne, Australia, 2Department of Neurology, Austin Health, Melbourne, Australia, 3Department of Medicine, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
In this
study, we aimed at developing an objective method for detecting
clinically suspected epileptic networks through possible association
between interictal EEG discharges and dynamic local fMRI connectivity
in focal epilepsy. We designed a time-frequency framework for
analysis of wavelet coherence between scalp EEG band amplitude
fluctuations (BAFs) and dynamic regional phase synchrony (DRePS) of
task-free fMRI in seven patients. The proposed method reveals
nonstationary relationship between scalp interictal epileptic
discharges (IEDs) and DRePS within ultra-slow frequencies (~0.003 –
0.03Hz). Evaluation of dynamic fMRI phase synchrony at rest,
particularly using data-fusion with interictal scalp EEG, may provide
useful markers of localized and transient brain connectivity
disturbance in epilepsy.Purpose
delineate the association between interictal EEG discharges and
fluctuations of dynamic local brain connectivity in focal epilepsy
towards automatic detection of individualized epileptic networks.
from epilepsy studies suggests links between IEDs and functional
networks in presence of epilepsy
and that epilepsy may compromise local properties of brain
In this study, we propose a simultaneous EEG-fMRI data fusion
framework in order to extract dynamic relationships between
scalp-level interictal EEG spikes and local fMRI connectivity in
focal epilepsy. We developed DRePS, a novel technique that measures
local dynamic connectivity of task-free fMRI (tf-fMRI) at single
repetition time (T
(Fig. 1). The DRePS maps have the same temporal length and spatial
resolution with the original fMRI signals. We hypothesized that there
is a significant time-dependent link between scalp IED BAFs and DRePS
in focal epilepsy.
selected 7 patients with different types of refractory focal epilepsy
(Table 1). They were scanned with 3T Siemens Skyra system while not
performing any specific mental task with eyes closed. Functional data
(200 volumes) were acquired using an EPI sequence with 44 interleaved
3 mm slices,
3 s,
TE= 30 ms, flip angle = 85o,
voxel size of 3×3×3 mm3
and an acquisition matrix of 72×72. A subject-specific target EEG
electrode (out of 32 electrodes, monopolar montage, reference to FCz,
sampled at 250 Hz, artifact corrected) was also selected to either
represent dominant IEDs in markup-positive subjects or be close to
the suspected epileptic focus for markup-negative subjects (Table 1).
Then, a multi-step wavelet coherence analysis was adapted for each
subject in order to investigate multi-scale nonstationary
similarities between DRePS time series within gray matter and the
target EEG channel:
1. Extraction
of dynamic local rs-fMRI connectivity (i.e., DRePS) for each
2. Uniform
parcellation of grey matter into 4096 same-size regions of interest
and averaging the DRePS time series over each ROI leading to an
ROI-based mean-DRePS node-by-time matrix of size 4096x200.
3. Temporal
resolution matching between EEG and tf-fMRI by taking the BAF of the
target EEG channel7
within the most relevant frequency band and downsampling to the TR
resolution leading to a target DS-BAF (Fig. 2A). The frequency band
was chosen to maximize the correlation between the DS-BAF and the
binary IED markups made by the EEG expert. The frequency interval
was chosen so that it covers at least 90% of the BAF spectral power.
The DS-BAF still retains a considerable amount of ‘Morlet
similarity’ information in the wavelet domain (Fig. 2B).
4. Similarity
assessment between target DS-BAF and each ROI-based mean-DRePS time
series using Morlet wavelet transform coherence (MWTC) analysis8,9
(Fig. 3A).
5. Significance
testing of MWTC magnitudes at 95% confidence using the surrogate
data method9.
6. Averaging
of the suprathresholded MWTC planes within the cone of influence9
for each pair of ROI-based mean-DRePS signal and the target DS-BAF.
procedure leads to a 3D map for each subject where each element is
associated with the average significant MWTC magnitude between the
corresponding ROI-based mean-DRePS time series and the target DS-BAF.
significant areas were identified in the time-frequency domain
between mean ROI-based DRePS time series and the reference DS-BAF for
all subjects (see Fig. 3A as an example). The subject-specific
histograms of the mean suprathresholded magnitudes over ROIs
represented heavy-tailed distributions with a few ROIs having
significantly higher EEG-fMRI wavelet coherence (Fig. 3B). In 4 out
of 7 subjects, the detected regions had overlap with the clinically
suspected epileptic networks (Table 1). Parts of the default mode
network (DMN) were also observed among the detected regions in some
subjects (Fig. 4 as an example).
and conclusion
Due to
the temporal mismatch between EEG and fMRI, tracking local dynamic
changes of functional connectivity at the time of epileptiform EEG
discharges is not straightforward. Our proposed method offers a
statistically rigorous time-frequency framework for investigating
this possible link. It suggests that there is a scale-dependent and
non-stationary coherence between DRePS and scalp IEDs, mostly
occurring at ultra-slow to slow frequencies (~0.003-0.03Hz). This
coherence tends to be greatest within parts of the suspected epilepsy
networks and the DMN. It is in line with the previous intracerebral
EEG-fMRI findings on possible relationship of IEDs and the DMN. This
finding also implies that DRePS fluctuates in association with
interictal epileptic brain activity. Thus evaluation of dynamic local
phase synchrony, particularly using data-fusion with power envelope
of scalp IEDs, may provide subject-specific markers of localized and
transient brain connectivity disturbance in epilepsy.
study was supported by the National Health and Medical Research
Council (NHMRC) of Australia (program grant 628952), and the
Victorian Government Operational Infrastructure Support Program. Graeme Jackson
is supported by an NHMRC practitioner fellowship (1060312). Mangor Pedersen is
supported by The University of Melbourne scholarships (MIRS &
MIFRS). David Vaughan is supported by an NHMRC postgraduate scholarship and a
Windermere Foundation doctoral scholarship.References
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