Yun Wang1, Jennifer Robinson1,2,3, and Gopikrishna Deshpande1,2,3
1AU MRI Research Center, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United States, 2Department of Psychology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United States, 3Alabama Advanced Imaging Consortium,Auburn University and University of Alabama Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, United States
investigated whether resting-state functional connectivity (FC) is sensitive to
cortical layer-specific connectional differences using high resolution resting-state
fMRI data obtained from healthy humans at 7T. Based on rat tracing studies, we
hypothesized that FC between the thalamus and cortical layer I must be
significantly greater than between the thalamus and other layers. Our results
support this hypothesis. Further, there were no global connectivity differences
between layers, ruling out artifactual influences from vasculature. This also
opens the future possibility of microscopic investigations of the brain
connectome using ultra-high field fMRI and will likely move the field away from
blobology. Introduction
A cortical column is a complex
processing unit that links a number of inputs to a number of outputs via
overlapping internal processing chains [1]. Different layers in the column have
different distribution and types of neurons as well as distinct connections
with other cortical and subcortical regions. Our knowledge about the cortical
laminar-specific functions has mostly come from invasive studies given that
non-invasive modalities such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
lacked the resolution to resolve layer-specific differences. However, recent
advances in ultra-high field, high resolution fMRI has informed us about
layer-specific fMRI responses to external stimuli [2]. But, it is yet unclear whether
resting state functional connectivity (FC), a popular approach for
investigating the brain’s connectome, is sensitive to layer-specific connectomic
differences. We investigated this aspect with high resolution rs-fMRI data
obtained at 7T. Specifically, we tested the hypothesis that FC between the
thalamus and cortical layer I must be significantly greater than between the
thalamus and other layers. This follows from evidence in rat brain tracing studies,
which show that regions across the cortex receive inputs to layer I from M-type
thalamus cells distributed in each nucleus of thalamus [3].
High resolution resting state fMRI
data was obtained from twenty healthy individuals using an EPI sequence with
the following parameters: 37 slices acquired parallel to the AC-PC line, 0.85
mm× 0.85 mm× 1.5 mm voxels, TR/TE: 3,000/28ms, 70º flip angle, base/phase
resolution 234/100, A→P phase encode direction, iPAT GRAPPA acceleration factor=3,
interleaved acquisition, 100 time points. Data were acquired on a Siemens 7T
MAGNETOM outfitted with a 32-channel head coil by Nova Medical (Wilmington,
MA). A whole-brain high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) MPRAGE sequence (256
slices, 0.63 mm × 0.63 mm × 0.60 mm, TR/TE: 2,200/2.8, 7º flip angle, base/phase
resolution 384/100%, collected in an ascending fashion, acquisition time=14:06)
was used to acquire anatomical data.
FMRI preprocessing procedures
included motion correction, slice timing correction, detrending and removal of
nuisance variance in the data using time series from white matter, CSF and 6
motion parameters. Cortical surface reconstructions of the interface of white/gray
matter and interface of gray matter/pial surface were automatically generated
from 0.63mm isotropic anatomical data using FreeSurfer V6 beta. Six laminar
surfaces (Fig.1) were estimated with relative distance to the two interfaces [5]. We employed a boundary-based
registration method to register the interface of EPI white/gray matter to the
corresponding surface reconstruction from the anatomical data [6]. Each voxel in the functional volume
was then transferred onto the collection of 6 laminar surfaces using the
transformation above, with correction of partial volume effects. We obtained
the automatically generated cortical parcellation using Desikan-Killiany (DK)
Atlas [7] and subcortical segmentation for
each subject. An average time series was extracted from the thalamus as well as
34 cortical ROIs in the DK atlas separately for left and right brain in each
subject. The 68 mean time series corresponding to the cortical ROIs were
extracted for each of the 6 layers. The corresponding analysis pipeline is shown
in Fig.2. FC was calculated between all 68 ROIs both within and across layers
in order to investigate global layer-specific trends. Finally FC was calculated
between the thalamus and the 68 ROIs in each of the 6 layers for investigating
the hypothesis stated above.
Results and Discussion
The mean correlation between a given
layer and all layers did not show any significant difference between layers (Fig.3).
This demonstrates that global connectivity differences between layers, potentially
influenced by vasculature and/or physiological noise, were absent. The
functional connectivity pattern for thalamo-cortical connections showed that the
correlation between layer I and the thalamus was strongest across the cortex
(Fig.4), significantly (FDR corrected p<0.05) more than the correlation
between the thalamus and layers II-VI. Although layer IV showed a trend to be
more strongly connected to the thalamus, it did not reach significance. These
findings demonstrate support for the hypothesis that resting state FC is
sensitive to layer specific connectional architecture in cortical columns in
general, and specifically sensitive to thalamo-cortical projections into layer
I. This also opens the future possibility of microscopic investigations of the
brain connectome using ultra-high field fMRI and will likely move the field
away from blobology [8-9].
No acknowledgement found.References
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2380–2395, 2009. [4] E. G. Jones, Neuroscience;85(2):
331–345, 1998. [5] Polimeni, Neuroimage;
52(4):1334–1346, 2010. [6] Greve and Fischl, Neuroimage;48(1): 63–72, 2009. [7] Desikan, Neuroimage;31(3): 968–80, 2006. [8] Poldrack,
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