We present a fast new method
for obtaining quantitative T1 maps with high spatial (1 mm) and
temporal resolutions (3 s). This method can be useful to investigate
morphological dynamics of brain GM, e.g. during brain activity changes,
plasticity changes, or pathology. The robustness of the developed method is demonstrated
with a finger tapping fMRI experiment. We report a functional GM T1
increase of up to 100 ms, and a GM thickness
increase by up to 0.25 mm.Purpose
The current MRI-based
neuro-imaging methods can be separated in two independent categories. A)
Anatomical T
1-weighted imaging methods to investigate structural features,
e.g., investigating pathology or plasticity [1]; and B) Fast T
functional imaging methods to investigate transient brain activity changes.
Here we sought to develop, apply, and evaluate a new method that combines the advantages
of both imaging approaches: We combine the quantifiability, the tissue type
specificity, and the high spatial resolution of anatomical MRI with the high
temporal resolution of EPI-based fMRI. This new approach will enable research
into the underlying mechanisms associated with GM density change and T
1 changes
as seen in studies about plasticity, sleep, learning etc., and furthermore to
investigate the structural changes during increased brain activity as in
conventional fMRI experiments. The new imaging method for simultaneous
acquisition of T
1 and T
2*-weighted signal is
based on a multi-contrast inversion-recovery (IR) simultaneous multi-slice
(SMS) EPI with blipped CAIPI [2] and a new MRI signal processing pipeline
similar to the one of MP2RAGE [1].
Experiments were performed on a 7T Siemens scanner
with a 32-channel NOVA head-coil. Four volunteers participated in six
experiments. The sequence parameters were: TI1/TI2/TR=0.9/2.4/3.0
s (as indicated in Fig. 1), SMS-factor=3 with a FoV/3 blipped-CAIPI EPI [3],
GRAPPA-2 with FLEET [4]. Image reconstruction was performed online using
split-Slice GRAPPA [5] as implemented in MGH C2P (, #slices=30, nominal resolution=1×1×1.3mm3 and 0.7mm
inter-slice gap. Slices were positioned as depicted in Fig. 1F. T1-weighting
was achieved by an optimized TR-FOCI inversion. To determine T1, a
Bloch-equation model of the sequence was fitted to the multi-TI data (similar
to MP2RAGE [1]) by numerically inverting Eq. 1.
The pulse-specific B1+-independent inversion-efficiency χ had previously been determined to be 0.8,
the flip angle α is taken from the acquired B1+-map with
MAFI [6], and TI is the effective slice-specific inversion time. Segmentation and
cortical layering algorithms were implemented in C++ and applied on the EPI-based
T1-maps using the equi-volume approach [7]. A 12-min finger-tapping
paradigm was used here to investigate the performance and feasibility of the
proposed technique.
Raw EPI images for the two TIs are shown in Fig. 1A-B
for a single TR. A representative single-TR T
1-map is shown in Fig.
2A. Voxels with T
1 increases of more than 2.5% are shown in red
overplayed to a T
1-map averaged over all 240 time steps (Fig. 2B). The
estimated T
1 values increase by up to 100 ms during the task
condition. The temporal evolution of T
1 and simultaneous T
signal can be seen in Fig. 2C averaged across voxels within M1. Single-TR T
have enough SNR to apply tissue segmentation and layering (Fig. 2D) to provide
measures of cortical thickness and cortical profiles of T
1. T
within GM are dominated from upper cortical layers (Fig. 2E). Cortical
thickness seems to increase up to 4% during neural activity (Fig. 2F), where
the GM band seems to expand towards WM and not so much towards CSF [8].
The results presented
here demonstrate that advanced EPI-based imaging methods are robust
enough to provide anatomical information that is conventionally achievable only
with lengthy (and therefore more motion-sensitive) so-called “anatomical” sequences.
Both, the T
1-increase and the “swelling” of the GM might be interpreted
as a volume increase of blood, which has a longer T
1 than GM (a.k.a.
the VASO contrast). A CBF and inflow contribution to the contrast seems
unlikely, as two modules of QUIPPS [9] saturation pulses are played out below
the imaging slab right prior imaging (yellow Fig. 1E). The quantitative nature
of the method may be particularly appealing when comparing conditions across a
long time (longer than scanner drift), across days, and across, scanners and
platforms. The fact of having only two TI for T
1-estimation makes
the method very fast and minimizes MT-effects, however, it cannot be used for
fitting to multi-compartment models. More research is needed to validate the
quantitative T
1 values with more established ‘anatomical’ sequences.
We developed a
multi-contrast inversion recovery SMS CAIPI EPI MR sequence for fast dynamic high-resolution
whole brain quantitative T
1-mapping. With this new method, we could observe
functional changes of GM morphology during neural activation, such as T
of up to 100 ms and GM “swelling” of up to 4%. This method may prove important
in quantitative, non-invasive studies investigating morphological GM changes in
neural activity, plasticity, sleep and pathology.
Supported by the NIMH Intramural Research
[1] Marques et al., NeuroImage, 2010, 1271-1281;
Setsompop et al., MRM, 2012, 67:1210-1224;
[4] Polimeni et al., MRM, 2015, doi:10.1002/mrm.25628;
[5] Cauley et al., MRM, 2013, 72:93-102;
[6] Boulant et al., MRM, 2009, 61:1165-1172;
[7] Waehnert et al., NeuroImage, 2014, 93:210-220;
[8] Renvall et al., ISMRM, 2014, #1488;
[9] Wong et al., MRM, 998, 39:702-708.