Neurodegeneration simulation in the connectome: a heuristic approach to unfold the key white matter pathways in Alzheimer’s disease
Matteo Mancini1, Marcel A. de Reus2, Laura Serra3, Marco Bozzali3, Martijn van den Heuvel2, Mara Cercignani3,4, and Silvia Conforto1

1Department of Engineering, University of Rome "Roma Tre", Rome, Italy, 2Department of Psychiatry, Brain Center Rudolf Magnus, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3Neuroimaging Laboratory, IRCSS Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy, 4Brighton & Sussex Medical School, Clinical Imaging Sciences Centre, University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom


In order to identify the white matter impairment that could lead to Alzheimer’s disease (AD), we combined computational simulations with a graph theoretical approach. We reconstructed the structural connectome of AD patients and healthy controls by means of diffusion tensor imaging, and characterized the differences between the two groups using graph theoretical measures. We then simulated neurodegeneration processes in the controls using two different heuristic algorithms. We were able to reproduce the AD disruption pattern in the controls, and we observed a relevant role of the connections between hubs and peripheral regions in the simulated damaging process.


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) affects grey and white matter as a consequence of neuronal degeneration processes, but such mechanisms are still poorly understood1. Combining computational modelling and graph theoretical approaches has been proposed as a way to shed light on AD pathogenesis2. In this perspective, a generative disease model could isolate the involved areas and generate hypothesis for new investigations. The aim of this study is to identify the white matter pathways whose impairment could lead to AD structural patterns by simulating neurodegeneration and using graph theory.


Forty Alzheimer’s disease patients (AD, 11M/29F, 70+/-5yo) and forty healthy controls (HC, 18M/22F, 60+/-10yo) were scanned with a 3T MRI scanner using a 3D modified driven equilibrium Fourier transform (MDEFT) sequence (TR=1338 ms, TE=2.4 ms, matrix=256x224, number of slices=176, thickness=1 mm) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) (TR=7000 ms, TE=85 ms, 61 directions, b factor=1000 smm-2, resolution=2.3 mm3). Using a previously described approach3, the cortical surface was reconstructed and parcellated into 68 regions (Desikan-Killiany atlas), then the DTI images were used to reconstruct the white matter pathways and realigned to overlap the parcellation scheme. Representing grey matter regions as nodes and white matter tracts that connect them as edges, brain structural networks were represented as weighted graphs4. A group threshold was used in order to reduce false positives and negatives5. The networks were characterized using global efficiency and overall connection strength3. We then simulated neurodegeneration to discover which pathways, once lesioned, could drive the controls’ network to show patterns of AD. We modelled the simulation as an optimization problem, using the sum of the average global efficiency and global strength values as objective function. Using a greedy approach, we iteratively evaluated the outcome of lesioning each edge and chose the greatest impact edge. The algorithm was stopped when the average metrics were equal to the average for the AD group. Since greedy strategies often lead to only one of the possible solutions of an optimization problem, we repeated the simulation using a genetic algorithm, where 50 random sets of 20 reduced weight edges were used as the population. At each iteration, we performed: selection - sets with the highest global efficiency and strength values were discarded, crossover - new sets were creating selecting edges from the sets with the lowest metrics, mutation - sets were randomly rearranged using edges not present in the initial population. Using the rich-club definition from previous studies6, we classified the lesioned connections in rich-club, feeder and local. We used permutation test (10000 permutations) and network-based statistic7 (NBS) (threshold=3.1, alpha=0.05, 10000 permutations) for group comparisons.


Both global efficiency and overall connectivity strength showed a significant decrease (p=0.0094, p=0.0150) when comparing AD group with controls (fig. 1). The NBS analysis also showed a damaged subnetwork with 12 affected edges (fig. 2), that included frontal and parietal connections as well as the cingulum and the precuneus. The simulation based on the greedy algorithm led to damaged control group (DC) with significantly decreased global efficiency and strength (p=0.0036, p=0.0128) in comparison to the original HC group and, by contrast, there was no significant difference with the AD group. The edges that were damaged by the simulation involved the frontal and parietal networks, the insula and the precuneus as well as temporal and orbital areas (fig. 3). Ten of these connections were classified as feeder ones, three as rich-club and four as local. In the simulations based on the genetic algorithm, the obtained damaged control group showed also a significant decrease in both metrics (p=0.0032, p= 0.0211) when compared to the controls and no significant differences with patients. However, the genetic algorithm showed a more spread out disruption pattern, that mainly included local and feeder connections.


Consistently with previous studies on structural networks8,9, we found reduced global efficiency in the AD group compared to the controls, and we were able to reproduce this aspect in the HC group using lesion simulations. The simulation results highlight the relevant role of the hub regions in the structural disruption of the white matter pathways, and particularly of the feeder connections, which constituted a large fraction of the edges whose damage led to AD disruption pattern. Finally, the genetic algorithm has proven more suitable than the greedy one.


To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that explores the damage process of white matter pathways in AD using computational simulations on the connectome. Using this combined approach, our findings show the relevant role of the pathways between hubs and peripheral regions.


No acknowledgement found.


1. A.T. Reid, A.C. Evans, Structural networks in Alzheimer’s disease, European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2013; 23: 63-77. 2. B.M. Tijms et al., Alzheimer’s disease: connecting findings from graph theoretical studies of brain networks, Neurobiol Aging, 2013; 34: 2023-2036. 3. G. Collin et al., Impaired rich club connectivity in unaffected siblings of schizophrenia patients, Schizo Bull, 2013; 40(2): 438-448. 4. M. Rubinov, O. Sporns, Complex network measures of brain connectivity: uses and interpretations, Neuroimage, 2010; 52: 1059-1069. 5. M.A. de Reus, M.P. van den Heuvel, Estimating false positives and negatives in brain networks, Neuroimage, 2013; 70: 402-40. 6. M.P. van den Heuvel, O. Sporns, Rich-club organization of the human connectome, J Neurosci, 2011; 31(44): 15775-786. 7. A. Zalesky, A. Fornito, E.T. Bullmore, Network-based statistic: Identifying differences in brain networks, Neuroimage, 2010; 53(4): 1197-1207. 8. C.Y. Lo et al., Diffusion tensor tractography reveals abnormal topological organization in structural cortical networks in Alzheimer’s disease, J Neurosci, 2010; 30(50): 16876-885. 9. F.U. Fischer et al., Altered whole-brain white matter networks in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease, Neuroimage: clinical, 2015; 8: 660-666.


Figure 1. Global efficiency and overall connection strength mean values for AD, HC and DC groups.

Figure 2. Damaged network in AD compared to HC with network-based statistic.

Figure 3. Edges damaged by the neurodegeneration simulation that led controls to show AD patterns.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)