Jessica AM Bastiaansen1, Jerome Yerly1,2, Jean-Baptiste Ledoux2, Ruud B van Heeswijk1,2, Davide Piccini3, and Matthias Stuber1,2
1Department of Radiology, University hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne (UNIL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Center for Biomedical Imaging, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Advanced Clinical Imaging Technology, Siemens Healthcare, Lausanne, Switzerland
Pancreatic MRI is commonly performed during breath-held
or navigator-gated acquisitions. The long breath-holds needed for high spatial
resolution are not always feasible in patients and residual respiratory motion
may still occur. Additionally, in some implementations, the navigator leads to
a local signal void that may obscure parts of the anatomy of interest. Here we used
a free-breathing self-navigated 3D radial gradient-recalled-echo (GRE) imaging
sequence, and compared the 1D motion correction as performed on the scanner
versus a motion-resolved 4D sparse iterative reconstruction. We
show that non-contrast enhanced pancreatic MRI can be performed at 3T during
free-breathing, while motion-resolved sparse reconstruction can efficiently
minimize the adverse effects of respiratory motion.Purpose
Currently, MR examinations of the pancreas are
performed during multiple breath-holds or navigator-gated acquisitions, and rarely
in 3D. However, improved spatial resolution is needed for an in-depth anatomical
examination of the organ [1]. The downside of contemporary techniques is that
the long breath-holds needed to obtain high spatial resolution are not always
feasible in patients and residual respiratory motion may still occur.
Additionally, in some implementations, the diaphragmatic navigator may lead to
a local signal void that obscures parts of the anatomy of interest. To overcome
these challenges, free-breathing acquisition schemes can be used in combination
with retrospective motion correction. However, the presence of signals from
static structures, such as abdominal fat that cannot always be homogeneously
suppressed, causes artifacts in the motion compensated data. In this context we explored the use of a
free-breathing self-navigated 3D golden angle radial gradient-recalled-echo
(GRE) imaging sequence using either fat saturation or water excitation, and
compared a 1D motion correction [2] as performed on the scanner versus a
motion-resolved 4D sparse iterative reconstruction [3].
Materials and Methods
Pancreatic MRI was performed in healthy volunteers (n=3) on
a 3T clinical scanner (PRISMA, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany). Data
were acquired using a prototype ECG-triggered respiratory-self-navigated
free-breathing 3D radial GRE imaging sequence [2] preceded by an adiabatic T2
preparation module (T2Prep) to improve blood tissue contrast [4]. Two different
lipid-nulling strategies were implemented to minimize image artifacts
originating from background tissue after motion correction: 1) water excitation
(WE) or 2) spectral pre-saturation of the fat signal (FS). Imaging parameters
were: field-of-view (220 mm)3, matrix size 2083, TET2-Prep
= 40 ms, RF excitation angle 18°, (WE) TE/TR = 2.5 ms/5.6 ms, (FS) TE/TR = 2.0
ms/4.6 ms, with 24 radial readouts per segment for a total of ~15k k-space
lines. Both FS and WE datasets were 1D motion-corrected (1D-corr) using a
superior-inferior (SI) projection acquired every 24 k-space lines as described
in [2] (Fig 1B). The same WE data were also subjected to a 4D motion-resolved (4D-resol)
sparse iterative reconstruction [3] (Fig 1C).
For 4D-resol, independent-component analysis (ICA) was performed on the
k-space center amplitudes to sort the data into 4 different respiratory phases
[5], ranging from end-expiration to end-inspiration. The respiratory-resolved images of the dimension
192×192×192×4 were obtained by solving:
arg minm∥F⋅C⋅m−s∥22+λ1∥D1m∥1
where F
represents the non-uniform fast Fourier transform (NUFFT) operator, C the coil sensitivity maps, m the 4D image set to reconstruct, s the radial k-space data, D1 the finite difference
operators applied along the respiratory dimension, and λ1 = 0.05-0.08 as a regularization parameter, which was empirically
selected. The reconstructed images using the
algorithm for 1D-corr and 4D-resol were compared by visual inspection.
Results and Discussion
To efficiently
minimize the effects of respiratory motion, non-contrast enhanced abdominal MRI
was performed and data subjected to two types of motion compensation (Fig. 1). Volunteer
data were successfully acquired during free-breathing and reconstructed using
both 1D-corr and 4D-resol reconstruction with an isotropic voxel size of 1.1 mm
The 3D acquisitions which were performed using WE showed an improved fat signal
suppression in the abdomen as well as in the anterior and posterior chest when
compared to FS (green arrows, Fig. 2, A2-C2). Comparing the 4D-resol versus 1D-corr
data, images show improved anatomical detail of the veins and arteries located
at the head of the pancreas (yellow arrows, Figure 2, A1-C1, A3-B3), as well as
an improved delineation of the splenic vein (orange arrows, Fig. A2-C2). The
improved depiction of anatomical details in 4D-resol images is most likely due
to the complex respiratory-induced 3D motion of the organs in the abdomen,
which the motion-resolved reconstruction takes into account (Fig. 3, and Fig. 4
as animated GIF online). A major advantage of the 4D-resol approach includes that
no motion model is needed for motion correction as opposed to 1D-corr, which only
accounts for SI motion, but neither for the other dimensions nor for more complex
motion components.
Non-contrast enhanced, fat-suppressed 3D isotropic pancreatic
MRI can be performed at 3T during free-breathing, while motion-resolved sparse
reconstruction efficiently minimizes adverse effects of respiratory motion.
The authors would like to thank the Center for Biomedical Imaging, Nanotera, and NYU for the use of the NUFFT package provided from
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