Valentina Taviani1, Daniel V. Litwiller2, Jonathan I. Tamir3, Andreas M. Loening1, Brian A. Hargreaves1, and Shreyas S. Vasanawala1
1Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Global MR Applications and Workflow, GE Healthcare, New York, NY, United States, 3University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States
density (VD) sampling was implemented into an extended echo train single shot
fast spin echo (SSFSE) pulse sequence. Compressed sensing (CS) reconstuction
was used. With respect to regular undersampling and ARC (Autocalibrated
Reconstruction for Cartesian imaging), VD CS SSFSE allows higher acceleration
factors, which translates in increased flexibility in the choice of echo times for full-Fourier imaging (shorter minimum
TEs) and faster acquisitions (shorter breath-holds). Purpose
Single-shot fast spin echo
(SSFSE) is being increasingly used for pelvic and abdominal imaging due to its
robustness to motion and excellent T
2 contrast. Recent work has shown that variable
refocusing flip (VRF) angles along the echo train can reduce SAR (Specific
Absorption Rate) and therefore scan time, as well as blurring due to T
2 decay
In particular, the T
2 prolongation effect due to VRF allows full k-space
coverage, which results in higher SNR and reduced blurring when compared to
conventional half-Fourier SSFSE. While clinically relevant echo times have been
demonstrated with full-Fourier coverage for specific applications
1, the
use of higher resolution and other constraints on the flip angle schedule (e.g.
to limit signal loss due to cardiac pulsation in abdominal imaging) often lead
to suboptimal echo times. Parallel imaging is routinely used to overcome this
limitation; however, noise amplification and residual aliasing limit practical acceleration
factors. Here we show that variable density (VD) sampling and compressed
sensing (CS) can be used to extend the range of clinically relevant echo times
achievable with full-Fourier k-space coverage, while maintaining image quality
(IQ) and further increasing scanning efficiency.
A VD sampling scheme was
implemented into an extended echo train SSFSE pulse sequence (Fig.1). Ns views
(out of a fully-sampled set) were mapped to a nonlinear function to produce the
VD pattern shown in Fig.1, with an effective acceleration factor R=Ns/N, where
Ns is the number of acquired phase-encoding lines and N represents the number
of lines for Nyquist-rate sampling. This resulted in low frequencies being
sampled more densely than higher frequencies, which is a more efficient
sampling strategy given the signal evolution produced by the VRF modulation,
especially at lower flip angles (cfr. Fig. 1c). A slightly different sampling
pattern was obtained by imposing higher undersampling in the first half of
k-space, prior to reaching the center of k-space, to further reduce the minimum
achievable TE (Fig.1a). L1-ESPIRiT
2 calibration and image reconstruction
with L1-wavelet regularization were performed using the BART package
For comparison, regularly undersampled datasets with the same net acceleration
and number of autocalibrating lines were acquired and reconstructed using ARC
(Autocalibrated Reconstruction for Cartesian imaging
4). In all
cases, half-sinc excitation and full-Fourier k-space coverage were used. The
VRF schedule was controlled by prescribing first, minimum and last flip angles
as well as the flip angle corresponding to the center of k-space. A 90° minimum flip angle was used to minimize signal
loss due to cardiac pulsation in the left lobe of the liver. Imaging was
performed at 3T (GE MR750, Waukesha, WI) using the 20 upper elements of a 32-channel
receive-only torso coil (NeoCoil, Pewaukee, WI) with R/L phase-encoding (4 coil
elements across phase FOV).
Results and Discussion
For moderate acceleration
factors (~3.5 in a phantom, ~2.5 in vivo), VD and CS gave similar IQ as regular
undersampling with ARC reconstruction when the same net acceleration and number
of autocalibrating lines were used (Fig. 2a and 3). Note that in both Fig. 2a
and 3, VD and CS gave less residual aliasing and noise amplification than
regular sampling with ARC. In a phantom, VD enabled undersampling factors up to
4.5, which resulted in a 25% minimum TE reduction (Fig.2). In vivo, regular
sampling resulted in residual aliasing and noise amplification when the acceleration
factor exceeded 2.5. Conversely, VD allowed net accelerations up to 3.3, which
reduced minimum TE up to 24% with respect to regular undersampling (Fig.4).
Minimum TR reductions between 15 and 20% were observed, with corresponding scan
time reductions and reduced breath-hold durations, with no significant impact
on IQ. VD sampling did not result in significantly sharper images, probably due
to the relatively high minimum flip angle used (cfr. Fig.1c). The asymmetric
sampling pattern gave a slightly lower
√R penalty, although IQ was similar
to that obtained with symmetric sampling at the highest undersampling level. For
heavily T
2-weighted imaging, asymmetric VD and CS can allow higher resolution than
regular undersampling, provided high enough SNR can be obtained (Fig.5). In its
current implementation, CS reconstruction takes less than a minute per slice.
The addition of coil compression would reduce reconstruction times by
approximately a factor of 4.
We have introduced VD
sampling and CS image reconstruction to SSFSE and achieved higher acceleration
factors than with regular undersampling and ARC. This can be used to realize shorter
echo times while avoiding half-Fourier sampling. Optimization of the VD
sampling pattern in relation to the signal evolution produced by the VRF
schedule could further reduce T
2-induced blurring.
GE Healthcare, NIH P41-EB015891-18 and R01-EB009690-1.References
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