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Correction of Chemical-Shift Ghost Artifact in Blipped Controlled Aliasing Parallel Imaging
JaeJin Cho1, Dongchan Kim1, Hyunseok Seo1, Kinam Kwon1, Seohee So1, and HyunWook Park1

1Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, Republic of


Blipped-CAIPI imaging is widely used for fast imaging, which is one of the simultaneous multi-slice imaging methods. Conventional water-fat separation methods can be combined with the blipped-CAIPI technique. However, it results in the chemical-shift ghost artifact because fat signal on slightly shifted position is exited in the slice-selection process. This geometric error in slice-selection generates additional phase cycling, which causes the ghost artifacts on each slice’s fat image. In this abstract, a SENSE-based water-fat separation method is proposed, which considers the additional phase cycling on fat signal and obtains more accurate water-fat separated images.


Blipped controlled aliasing parallel (blipped-CAIPI) imaging is widely used for fast imaging, which is one of the simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) imaging methods[1]. Water-fat separation methods such as DIXON and iterative decomposition of water and fat with echo asymmetry and least-squares estimation[2] can be combined with the blipped-CAIPI technique. However, it results in the chemical-shift ghost artifact because fat signal on slightly shifted position is exited in the slice-selection process. This geometric error in slice-selection generates additional phase cycling, which causes the ghost artifacts on each slice’s fat image. In this abstract, a sensitivity encoding (SENSE)-based water-fat separation method is proposed, which considers the additional phase cycling on fat signal and obtains more accurate water-fat separated images.


A slice-selection process excites fat signal on shifted position from the region of water signal due to chemical shift. The geometrical slice-selection error can be calculated as follows.


where zshift is the distance of fat shift from the water slice, ffat is the chemical shift frequency between fat and water, γ is the gyromagnetic ratio, and Gss is a slice-selection gradient. This geometric error generates additional phase cycling of fat signal by gradient blip of the blipped-CAIPI (Figure 1). This additional phase cycling makes the ghost artifact on fat images in phase-encoding direction. The additional phase is calculated as follows.


where α is an additional phase, and Mblip is the moment by blip gradient.

Figure 2 shows the phase variation in k-space and its point spread function (PSF) for two-slices blipped-CAIPI. Unwanted peak in fat signal is generated on N/2-field of view (FOV) shifted position. Therefore, the ghost of first slice’s fat signal is overlaid on the second slice’s fat signal. The ghost artifacts cannot be separated by using conventional water-fat separation methods. However, the additional phase α can be calculated from equation (2), from which the ghost artifacts can be easily decomposed by SENSE-based least square method.


where ρ is the reconstructed signal intensity, S is the acquired signal, C is a coil sensitivity, Γ is the additional phase, B is the blipped phase for blipped-CAIPI, A is chemical shift, and Fu is the under-sampled Fourier transform.

Figure 3 shows a simulation results representing the chemical shift effect in the blipped-CAIPI. This simulation is based on the blipped-CAIPI echo planar imaging (EPI) sequence for two-slices SMS imaging. Water and fat images are separated using the fat shift in phase-encoding direction caused by the phase variation between water and fat, which is generated during echo train. Because the distance of fat shift can be calculated, water-fat separated images are well reconstructed by using the conventional parallel imaging, which is referred as EPI chemical shift separation[3]. However, the conventional -unknown EPI chemical shift separation method cannot reconstruct the accurate water and fat images from the acquired image due to chemical shift ghost artifact. The proposed method reconstructs each image correctly.

Experiments were conducted on a 3.0 T MRI scanner (Siemens Verio, Germany) and 32-channel head coil. Blipped-CAIPI multi-shot fly-back EPI sequence was implemented for two-slices SMS imaging with the imaging parameters of 4000ms/25ms/1560Hz/Px(TR/TEeffective/BWreadout), image size of 64×128, voxel size of 2.5×2.5×5.0mm3, the distance between slices of 20mm, and Gss of 4.95mT/m, which means α is 18.52° .


Figure 4 shows experimental results. For comparison, multi-shot fly-back EPI sequence is used, and images are reconstructed by EPI chemical shift separation method, which uses the phase variation during echo train and coil sensitivity. Without considering additional phase cycling, the chemical-shift ghost artifact in fat images is shown as expected. The proposed reconstruction method separates water and fat images correctly with the calculated α of 18.52°.

Discussion and Conclusion

Simulation and phantom experiment show that there is the chemical-shift ghost artifact in fat images from the conventional water-fat separation method. This artifact is generated by additional phase cycling of fat signal. However, the additional phase cycling generated by chemical shift can be calculated, and the correct water-fat separated images can be acquired by the proposed SENSE-based reconstruction method.


This research was partly supported by the Brain Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (2014M3C7033999) and Korea Health Technology R&D Project through the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), funded by the Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea (grant number : HI14C1135).


[1] K. Setsompop et al. Blipped-controlled aliasing in parallel imaging for simultaneous multislice echo planar imaging with reduced g-factor penalty. MRM. 2012;67(5):1210-1224.

[2] S.B. Reader et al. Multicoil Dixon Chemical Species Separation With an Iterative Least-Squares Estimation Method. MRM. 2004;51:35-45.

[3] P.J. Shin et al. Chemical Shift Separation with Controlled Aliasing for Hyperpolarized 13C Metabolic Imaging. MRM. 2015;74:978-989.


Figure 1. The scheme of generating phase error of fat in blipped-CAIPI.

Figure 2. The k-space phase variation of each component and its PSF. Red and blue line of PSF means real and imaginary terms respectively. α is the additional phase generated by slice-selection error (α=20°). Unwanted N/2 ghost is shown in PSF of fat.

Figure 3. The simulation of two-slices blipped-CAIPI.

Figure 4. The results of phantom experiment. The gradient echo images of each slice, blipped-CAIPI image (1st row), and EPI chemical-shift separation (2nd row) is used as reference. In case of blipped-CAIPI, α-unknown (3rd row), the proposed α-known (4th row) reconstructed images and their differences from reference (5th, 6th row).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)