Generalized SLIce Dithered Enhanced Resolution Simultaneous MultiSlice (gSlider-SMS) to increase volume encoding, SNR and partition profile fidelity in high-resolution diffusion imaging.
Kawin Setsompop1, Jason Stockmann1, Qiuyun Fan1, Thomas Witzel1, and Lawrence L. Wald1

1A.A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, charlestown, MA, United States


In this work, we propose generalized Slider (gSlider) method which utilizes RF encoding to markedly improve the ability of slice super-resolution in acquiring a large number of imaging slices simultaneously in diffusion imaging, to increase volume encoding and SNR. In particular, we show that gSlider can be use to acquire 5 slices simultaneously to provide close to the theoretical √5 SNR gain, while retaining sharp slice/partition resolution, comparable to that of conventional 2-D slice-selective imaging. Through a combined gSlider-SMS acquisition (5x-gSlider and MB-2), we demonstrate a highly efficient 10 simultaneous slice acquisition for high quality whole-brain 660μm isotropic diffusion imaging.


Diffusion imaging (DI) at sub-millimeter isotropic resolution is challenging due to small voxel size and low SNR. Slider-SMS acquisition was recently proposed (1) to provide a large SNR efficiency gain by acquiring a large number of imaging slices simultaneously to increase volume encoding. This approach combines Blipped-CAIPI SMS parallel imaging (2) with slice super-resolution (Slider) acquisition (3), where e.g. 6 slices can be acquired simultaneously through MB-2 and 3x-Slider. Here, the Slider approach relies on multiple thick-slice acquisitions with sub-voxel shifts to enable a super-resolution reconstruction. Since the shifted thick-slices do not form an orthogonal encoding basis, regularization is required to improve the conditioning of the reconstruction. With Tikhonov regularization, high quality 3x-Slider reconstruction has been achieved with ~√3 SNR benefit at a cost of some spatial blurring (~25-30% side-lobes from adjacent voxels). However, higher Slider factors have not been possible without large blurring. In this work, we overcome this limitation by developing generalized Slider (gSlider), which exploits RF encoding to improves the orthogonality of Slider’s encoding basis. We show that gSlider can be used to acquire 5 slices simultaneously to provide close to √5 SNR gain, while retaining sharp slice/partition resolution, comparable to that of conventional 2-D slice-selective imaging. Through a combined gSlider-SMS acquisition (5x-gSlider and MB-2), we demonstrate a highly efficient 10 simultaneous slice acquisition for high quality whole-brain 660μm isotropic DI.


Through the use of appropriately designed RF pulses, magnitude and/or phase profiles of thick-slice acquisitions in gSlider can be tailored to minimize their linear dependencies and improve the conditioning of the super-resolution reconstruction. A key feature is that the thick-slice profiles acquired form highly independent basis, while maintaining high SNR in each individual thick-slice acquisition. The high SNR at acquisition allows for proper estimation and removal of the DI’s phase corruption (without lengthy navigators), and thus the use of real-valued rather than magnitude data to avoid large signal bias that leads to poor super-resolution reconstruction and diffusion processing. Fig1 shows an exemplar basis for 5x-gSlider, where DIST RF pulses (4) are used to create high quality 90° excitations with ‘slice-phase dithering’ (in conjunction with conventional 180° SLR refocusing). Shown are the RF pulses and corresponding excitation profiles, where for each excitation, one sub-slice undergoes a π phase modulation. This ‘slice-phase dithering’ approach provides a highly independent basis while maintaining high SNR for each thick-slice, at ~3x that of the thin-slice. Using the impulse response and SNR characterization of Tikhonov super-resolution reconstruction outlined in Fig2, this 5x-gSlider can achieve an SNR gain of √4.6, while maintaining sharp partition resolution at 7.5% side-lobes amplitude (Fig1-right), comparable to conventional 2D imaging.


gSlider-SMS data were acquired in a volunteer on the 3T CONNECTOM system using custom-built 64-channel array. Fig3 illustrates the 10 simultaneous slice sagittal acquisition (gSlider×MB = 5×2), where ZOOPPA (5) is also employed with outer volume suppression of the neck and phase-encoding in head-foot to provide low distortion with whole-brain imaging capabilities (Rzoom×RGRAPPA = 1.85×2). Imaging parameters were: 660μm iso; FOV 220×118×151.8 mm3; p.f. 6/8; TE/TReff = 80ms/22s (TR per thick-slice volume = 4.4s); effective echo spacing = 0.32ms, 4 repetitions of 64 directions at b=1500 s/mm2 with interspersed b0 every 10 volumes, total scan-time ~100 min. Background phase removal was performed using the real value diffusion algorithm (6), followed by Tikhonov regularized super-resolution reconstruction. Eddy-current correction and DTI-fit were accomplished using FSL (7).


Fig4 demonstrates diffusion reconstruction of gSlider-SMS, where 660μm isotropic resolution enables detection of fine-scale structures in any spatial orientation; with multiple voxels across cortical depth and expected dark bands of FA at gray-white tissue boundaries. Fig5 compares reconstructions from 1, 2 and 4 repetitions of 64-direction dataset (25min/repetition). In moving from one to two repetitions, the FA map improves significantly with lower noise level, providing the ability to obtain reasonable tensor results at this extreme resolution in 50 minutes. With 4 repetitions, the FA and tensor estimates further improve to provide robust diffusion estimates.

Discussions and Conclusion

We proposed a novel basis encoding super-resolution method and demonstrated its ability for efficient DI acquisition with 10 simultaneous slices to provide > 3-fold gain in SNR efficiency. An exemplary slice-phase dithering method was developed to provide near orthogonal slice encoding basis while maintaining high SNR for individual thick-slice acquisition to enables background phase removal without additional lengthy phase navigators. Future work will further explore other encoding basis under the gSlider framework such as a combined slice-shifting and phase-dithering approach and thick-slice Hadamand encoding with odd total number of sub-slices which does not result in near complete signal cancellation.


Grant support: NIH NIBIB P41-EB015896, 1U01MH093765, R24MH106096, 1R01EB01943701. We also thank Jeremy Maglund and Charles Epstein for sharing their Matlab-based DIST RF pulse design tool.


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2. Setsompop K, Gagoski BA, Polimeni JR, Witzel T, Wedeen VJ, Wald LL. Blipped-controlled aliasing in parallel imaging for simultaneous multislice echo planar imaging with reduced g-factor penalty. Magn. Reson. Med. [Internet] 2012;67:1210–24.

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6. Eichner C, Cauley SF, Cohen-Adad J, Möller HE, Turner R, Setsompop K, Wald LL. Real diffusion-weighted MRI enabling true signal averaging and increased diffusion contrast. Neuroimage 2015;122:373-84.

7. Jenkinson M, Beckmann CF, Behrens TE, Woolrich MW, Smith SM. FSL. Neuroimage 2015;62(2):782-90.


Fig1: 5x-gSlider with ‘slice-phase dithering’ to achieve highly independent basis, while maintaining high SNR in each individual thick-slice acquisition. The DIST RF pulses are shown in the left column, with real and imaginary parts in black and green. The corresponding excitation profiles are shown in the middle column, each case using a π phase modulation in a different sub-slice. The super-resolution reconstruction's impulse response is shown in right column.

Fig2: Tikhonov reconstruction and corresponding impulse response and SNR characterizations. The effect of regularization on resolution is captured via impulse response analysis, where an impulse signal is passed through the forward model matrix (A) and reconstruction matrix (Ainvtik). To calculate SNR of the ith voxel of the final image, signal level is obtained by summing up the impulse response and standard dev is obtained by performing rSOS weighting of the values in ith row of Ainvtik.

Fig3: A 10 simultaneous slice gSlider-SMS acquisition, where two sagittal SMS slices are acquired at 5x thickness of the final slice resolution, using one of the ‘slice-phase dithering’ gSlider RF pulses. Five thick-slice volumes are acquired in total (middle row) and combined via super-resolution to create the final high-resolution image (bottom row). A zoom in of a thick-slice image and the final high-resolution image (bottom row), clearly demonstrates the resolution gain.

Fig4: Diffusion reconstruction of gSlider-SMS data at 660μm isotropic resolution, where fine-scale structures can be observed at all image orientations. At this ultra high resolution, multiple voxels can be seen across the cortical depth, with the expected dark bands of FA at gray-white tissue boundaries where the diffusion fiber turns sharply.

Fig5: Comparison of Fractional Anisotropy (FA) and tensor reconstructions from 1, 2 and 4 repetitions of the 64-direction dataset (25min/repetition); where two repetitions of our highly efficient acquisition are needed to obtain good quality diffusion reconstruction at this extreme resolution. With four repetitions, robust results can be achieved.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)