Jingwei Zhang1,2, Dong Zhou2, Sarah Eskreis-Winkler2, Thanh Nguyen2, Pascal Spincemaille2, Ajay Gupta2, and Yi Wang1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University, New York, NY, United States, 2Radiology, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, United States
We propose a cerebral
metabolic rate of oxygen consumption (CMRO2) mapping method without blood flow
challenge using quantitative susceptibility mapping, cerebral blood flow and a
regularization of minimal local variance (MLV) within the same type of tissue.
Getting rid of blood flow challenge would vastly increase the clinical
utility of MRI CMRO2. The MNV CMRO2 maps were very
similar to CMRO2 maps using caffeine as challenge, with no
significant bias in value. Purpose
Cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) and oxygen extraction fraction
(OEF) maps are valuable in ischemic stroke assessment, and can
be computed using quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) and cerebral blood
flow (CBF) acquired in two brain states, such as before and after caffeine
1. However, the
clinical utility of these techniques is limited by the need for a physiologic
challenge agent, because there is a time cost between challenge and maximal
vasoconstriction (~30 min for caffeine). To overcome these limitations we
propose to map CMRO2 and OEF from a single set of QSM and cerebral blood flow
(CBF) measurements without challenge using minimal local variance (MLV), which
is suggested as a reasonable constraint
CMRO2 and OEF can be expressed as a function of CBF
and susceptibility χ1:
Here χnb is susceptibility contributions from non-blood tissue sources. Other parameters are constants: SaO2 is arterial oxygen saturation; [Hb] is the blood hemoglobin (Hb) concentration; χa is susceptibility contributions from arterial blood; CBVv is the volume fraction of venous blood in a voxel; ΨHb is Hb volume fraction in blood; ХdHb and ХoHb are the volume susceptibilities of pure deoxyHb (dHb) and oxyHb (oHb), respectively. The OEFs and χnb are organized into a vector of unknowns ‘x’ in a linear system Ax=b format, which can be solved using numerical optimization in the following manner: 1) the MLV regularization is imposed over gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) separately within a cubic block of 7mm size; 2) a preconditioner is used to accelerate convergence, and 3) the total CMRO2 calculated from the CMRO2 map is equal to that calculated from OEF in straight sinus and the total CBF. One χnb is fitted per tissue type per block.x∗=argminx∗{∥A∗x∗−b∥22+α∑g∈b∑i∈g(CMRO2i−¯CMRO2g)2+β∑w∈b∑i∈w(CMRO2i−¯CMRO2w)2+γ((∑iCBFiOEFi)−OEFvein∑iCBFi)2}Here A* and x* contains preconditioning. Summation index i is over brain voxels, b is over voxels in a block, g and w is over gray and white matter in a block respectively. Regularization parameters α, β, γ are chosen to generate similar cost weighting for all terms. The constrained solution x can be obtained using a limited-memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno-Bound (L-BFGS-B) algorithm with physiological bounds on OEF between 0 and 1. The blocks grids were moved 6mm diagonally in 1mm steps. The maps were recalculated and averaged to obtain the final results.
To validate
this MLV CMRO2, we compared it with CMRO2 obtained using caffeine reconstructed
with the same solver, preconditioning, and global constraint yet without MLV. MRI was performed on healthy
volunteers (n=11)
before and 30 minutes after 200mg caffeine intake using a 3T scanner and a
protocol consisting of a 3D ASL and a 3D spoiled Gradient Echo (SPGR) sequence.
Total scan time was 60 minutes. The 3D ASL parameters were: 22cm FOV, 3 mm
isotropic resolution, 1500 ms labeling period, 1525 ms post-label delay. CBF
maps (ml/100g/min) were generated from the ASL data. The 3D SPGR sequence
parameters were: identical coverage as the ASL scan, 0.52 mm in-plane
resolution, 2mm slice thickness, 7 echoes, 4.3 ms first TE, 56.6 ms TR. QSM
generated from magnitude and phase images using the Bayesian approach3. All images were co-registered to first QSM. T1 weighted
images were used to generate GM and WM segmentation. The GM mask was further segmented
into vascular territories (VT) for ROI analysis. Paired t-test and bland-Altman
was performed to compare the two methods.
comparing MLV with caffeine demonstrates similar CMRO2 and OEF maps. Fig. 2
shows bland-Altman plots comparing VT ROIs across all subjects between the two
methods, demonstrating no significant bias (P>0.05).
Our results
demonstrate that the proposed MLV CMRO2 and OEF method yields visually
comparable images and quantitatively no significant bias when compared to the previous
coffee challenging method.
Getting rid of administration of challenging in
CMRO2 and OEF mapping can vastly improve their clinical utility by reducing scan
time (15 vs 60 minutes), patients’ discomfort, and complication in challenge
implementation. A previous attempt simply spread venous OEF over a local block,
generating poor resolution but good correlation with the gold standard 15O PET
2. Since brain functions often involve one or
multiple regional groups of neurons such as primary visual cortex
4, we introduce structural knowledge (GW and WM)
and physiological information (CMRO2 smoothness) into the local block, as well
as fidelity in signal processing, which lead to much improved spatial
The proposed
MLV method removes the need of challenge while yielding comparable CMRO2 and OEF
maps. Further investigation is warranted in patient cohorts with known or
suspected hemodynamic abnormalities.
NIH grants RO1 EB013443 and RO1 NS090464References
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