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A Joint Image Denoising Approach for Improved Precision and Accuracy in Myocardial T1 Mapping
Aurelien Bustin1,2,3, Pauline Ferry3, Andrei Codreanu4, Anne Menini2, and Freddy Odille3,5,6

1Department of Computer Science, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany, 2GE Global Research, Munich, Germany, 3Imagerie Adaptative Diagnostique et Interventionnelle, Universite de Lorraine, Nancy, France, 4Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 5CIC-IT 1433, INSERM, Nancy, France, 6U947, INSERM, Nancy, France


To improve precision and accuracy in myocardial T1 mapping by combining saturation-recovery acquisitions with a joint denoising method. The proposed method is shown to improve mapping techniques by exploiting the spatiotemporal correlations in the native T1-weighted images, thus providing a promising tool for the measurement of myocardial and blood T1 times.


Myocardial T1 mapping is an emerging cardiovascular magnetic resonance technique employed to characterize scar and diffuse myocardial fibrosis. Among all mapping techniques, inversion-recovery (IR) techniques such as MOLLI1 have received more clinical interest due to their high precision (i.e. reproducibility), despite an underestimation of myocardial T1 values. This underestimation is due to the reading of several images after each inversion pulse, leading to a deviation of the signal from the ideal IR curve. Saturation-recovery (SR) techniques such as SASHA2 or SMART1Map3 have shown better accuracy as they only acquire one image after each saturation pulse4. However they are less precise (i.e. less reproducible). This is due to the lower dynamic range of the SR curve compared to IR and to the acquisition of fewer data points, making SR more sensitive to acquisition noise. To overcome this limitation, we propose to combine SR acquisitions with a joint denoising method that exploits the spatiotemporal correlations in the native T1-weighted images, leading to an accurate and precise mapping technique.


Standard denoising approaches compute the regularization independently on each image, considering no combination between them and leading to no preservation of shared information (e.g. edges, structures). Motivated by recent work on Beltrami regularization5, we propose an extended multi-contrast Beltrami regularization by introducing a coupling between images, thus improving the denoising model by penalizing across a common edge (T1 encoding) direction for all samples. Besides keeping the advantages of Beltrami (features preserving, staircasing reduction), a primal-dual formulation can be derived for the proposed vectorial Beltrami, which leads to a fast and efficient minimization algorithm6.The vectorial Beltrami denoising problem can be expressed as:

ρ=argminρ{nTS=1 where \quad \|\rho\|_{Bel} = \sqrt{1+C_{Bel} \sum\limits_{TS=1}^n \vert \nabla\rho_{TS} \vert^2}

Where C_{Bel} is the Beltrami constant, set to 1 for simplicity, \lambda is the regularization parameter controlling the desired noise reduction and (S)_{TS=1..n} are the n acquired samples of the T1 recovery curve. This noise-corrected technique is applied just after the acquisition to enable robust fitting to outliers.

Imaging: Phantom - A phantom including 13 tubes with a wide range of T1 values was images using SMART1Map on a 1.5T system (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI) with the following parameters: matrix size = 256 x 256, FOV = 270 x 270 mm2, slice thickness = 8 mm, TR = 3.78 ms, TE = 1.65 ms, acquiring 8 samples on the T1 recovery curve at TS = [250, 420, 590, 1590, 2590, 3590, 4590, 20000] ms. Reference T1 map was determined using a conventional IR-SE. T1 values were assessed within each phantom compartment. The same ROI was used for all sequences. The average T1 estimation for each phantom compartment was compared between the IR-SE gold standard and the denoised SMART1Map. Patient - Imaging was performed in 6 patients with chronic myocardial infarction. The same imaging parameters were used as in the phantom section except TS = [100, 163, 226, 289, 1622, 2408, 2994, 3168, 20000] ms (typical values, depending on heart rate). Images were acquired 10min after Gadolinium injection on a 3T system using an 8-channel phased array coil.


Phantom - T1 maps reconstructed using standard SMART1Map and our method are shown in Fig.1a. Denoised SMART1Map provided excellent T1 agreement with the reference IR-SE method (Fig.1b). No statistically significant differences was observed between SMART1Map and gold standard (pnon-denoised = 0.2 vs. pdenoised = 0.3) but significant differences between denoised and non-denoised (p = 0.02) with smaller error after denoising (6.7 ms vs 6.1 ms). Average standard deviation T1 errors over all measurements were 37 ms for SMART1Map and 21 ms for noise-corrected SMART1Map (Fig.1c), showing improvement in T1 values precision. Patient - The precision, measured as the signal homogeneity in the blood, was 206 ± 25 ms for SMART1Map and 207 ± 19 ms for the proposed denoised T1 mapping sequence (Fig.2). Better homogeneity and precision of T1 values can also be observed on the denoised method for the patient with subendocardial myocardial infarction (Fig.3-4). Both methods exhibit differences in T1 values between normal and infarcted myocardium, with clear depiction of the scar.


Our results show that the developed joint denoising method maintains the features of SR techniques (accuracy) while improving the precision of T1 values. The approach thus provides a promising tool for the measurement of myocardial and blood T1 times and derived biomarkers such as ECV. The proposed strategy can also be applied to any parametric mapping applications such as T2 or T2* where precision is influenced by noise.


This work was supported by the European Commission through grant number 605162. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the EU


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4. Stainsby JA, Slavin GS. Myocardial T1 mapping using SMART1Map: initial in vivo experience. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson 2013; 15(1): 13.

5. Bustin A, Janich M, Brau A, Odille, F, Wolff S, Shubayev O, Stanley D, Menini A. Joint denoising and motion correction: initial application in single-shot cardiac MRI. J. Cardiovasc Magn Reson, 2015; 17(Suppl 1):Q29.

6. Zosso D, Bustin A. A primal-Dual Projected Gradient Algorithm for Efficient Beltrami Regularization, UCLA Cam Report, 2014.


Figure 1 a) T1 maps comparison on a phantom. b) Mean T1 values and c) Standard deviation T1 values of the proposed noise-corrected method versus gold-standard reference IR-SE. The proposed method preserves accuracy of the original SMART1Map sequence. Average T1 error dropped from 37ms (uncorrected) to 21ms (corrected) indicating better precision.

Figure 2 Post-contrast T1 maps acquired in short-axis in a patient using SMART1Map without correction (left) and with noise correction (right). Both maps result in comparable T1 measurements with reduced standard deviation in the myocardium and blood for the denoised map. Better homogeneity can be observed in T1 maps with noise correction.

Figure 3 In vivo post-contrast T1 maps for one patient with subendocardial infarction in the inferolateral wall at the mid-ventricular level. Left: Late Gadolinium Enhancement (LGE), Middle: post-contrast SMART1Map, Right: post-contrast denoised SMART1Map. Clear depiction of the scar can be seen in the LGE image with decreased T1 times in the T1 maps.

Figure 4 T1 values based on the maps shown Fig. 3 are calculated on regions of interest drawn in the myocardium. Left plot: uncorrected, Right plot: noise-corrected. Improved precision is observed in the patient scar as well as in the healthy myocardium and blood pool.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)