Qing Yuan1, Daniel N Costa1,2, Julien Sénégas3, Yin Xi1, Andrea J Wiethoff2,4, Robert E Lenkinski1,2, and Ivan Pedrosa1,2
1Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States, 2Advanced Imaging Research Center, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States, 3Philips Research Laboratories, Hamburg, Germany, 4Philips Research North America, Cambridge, MA, United States
We investigated the use of quantitative DWI and DCE
measurements in MRI-visible index lesions as a surrogate for aggressiveness in
prostate cancer patients. Tissue diffusion coefficient from simplified
intravoxel incoherent motion model from DWI, and initial area under the curve
from DCE offered the best performance in discriminating low and intermediate-to-high
risk tumors. Anatomic and functional multiparametric MRI may provide a more
reliable assessment of the aggressiveness of prostate cancer in patients.Introduction
Prostate cancer remains the most common cancer
and the second cause of cancer-related death among men in the US [1]. Multiparametric
magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI), which includes T2-weighted (T2W),
diffusion-weighted (DWI), and dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) imaging, is now
widely adopted in clinical practice for the detection of prostate cancer [2]. Identification
of an index lesion (i.e. dominant nodule) on mpMRI is of most importance as it
usually drives the decision to pursue a targeted biopsy [3]. Although
interpretation is based almost exclusively on subjective assessment of imaging
findings, quantitative analysis of mpMRI data can potentially provide objective
assessment of tumor characteristics such as tumor vascularity and cellularity
that can add to both the detection and characterization of the index lesion.
However, integration of these quantitative tools in the clinical
assessment of patients with known or suspected prostate cancer are lacking. The
goal of this study was to investigate the use of quantitative DWI and DCE measurements
in MRI-visible index lesions as a surrogate for aggressiveness in prostate
cancer patients.
In this institutional review board-approved retrospective
study, consecutive prostate mpMRI exams performed on a 3T MRI scanner (Achieva, Philips Medical
Systems) with a 6-channel cardiac coil
(Philips Medical Systems) and an endorectal coil (eCoil, Bayer Healthcare) at
our institution between February and October 2014 were reviewed. A total of 43
patients who had prostate acinar adenocarcinoma and radical prostatectomy were
included in this study. Patients were stratified into low risk (Gleason score
6, or 3+4 with cancer in <20% of the prostate; n=13), intermediate risk
(Gleason score 3+4 with cancer in ≥20% of the prostate; n=6), and high risk
(Gleason score ≥4+3; n=14) [4,5]. Our clinical protocol included: (1) T2W fast
spin-echo anatomical imaging; (2) Single-shot spin-echo echo-planar DWI with b-values
of 0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 450, 1000, 1500, and 2000 s/mm2; (3) DCE
using a 3D spoiled gradient-echo sequence before, during, and after a bolus
injection of 0.1 mmol/kg
body weight of gadobutrol (Gadavist; Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals) using a
power injector at a rate of 3 mL/sec followed by a 20 mL saline flush at the
same rate.
All patient studies were reviewed on VersaVue Enterprise
(iCAD Inc.). With the knowledge of patient’s surgical pathology, a region of
interest (ROI) of the dominant tumor was manually drawn on ADC map generated
from the scanner. Circular ROIs representing normal central gland and normal
peripheral zone were also defined. These ROIs were copied to DCE parametric
maps calculated from the Tofts model to obtain Ktrans (transfer constant), kep
(rate constant), ve (extravascular extracellular volume fraction),
and iAUC (initial area under the curve). Quantitative diffusion parameters were
computed with different diffusion models: (1) monoexponential (mono): S=S0⋅e−b⋅ADC
(2) biexponential intravolxel incoherent motion (IVIM) (biexp):
and (3) simplified IVIM (sIVIM):
in which the perfusion effect was modeled by a Delta function for b = 0 s/mm2
[6]. ADC is the apparent diffusion coefficient, Dt represents the
pure tissue diffusion coefficient, Dp is the pseudo-diffusion
coefficient, and f is the perfusion fraction. All b-values were used for mono
and biexp models, whereas only b-values of 0, 250, 450, 1000, 1500, and 2000
s/mm2 were used for the sIVIM model.
of variance (SAS 9.3) was used to test the difference in mpMRI parameters
between tumor and normal tissues, and between low and intermediate-to-high risk
tumors. Logistic regression using the stepwise backward elimination [7] was
performed to evaluate the association of mpMRI parameters with tumor risk. The
area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) was
calculated for the comparison of the effect of mpMRI measures on risk category.
Figure 1 shows representative mpMRI images of tumors with
low, intermediate, and high risk. Tumors with intermediate-to-high risk showed
more restricted diffusion compared to low risk tumors (Table 1). Higher DCE
measures were observed in tumors with intermediate-to-high risk, but did not
reach statistical significance. Logistic regression with backward selection
suggested on average, a model of iAUC and D
t from sIVIM had best
performance in discriminating tumor risk categories. ROC analysis showed higher AUC value when these
two measures were combined (Figure 2).
Our results showed combination of quantitative DWI and DCE
analysis improved the characterization of prostate cancer compared to either
technique alone for the distinction of low and intermediate-to-high risk cancer.
Anatomic and functional mpMRI study may provide a more reliable assessment of
the aggressiveness of prostate cancer in patients.
No acknowledgement found.References
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