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Free-breathing volumetric fat/water separation by combining radial sampling, compressed sensing, and parallel imaging
Thomas Benkert1,2, Daniel K. Sodickson1,2, Hersh Chandarana1,2, and Kai Tobias Block1,2

1Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (CAI2R), Department of Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2Bernard and Irene Schwartz Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States


This work presents a model-based fat/water separation technique for radial sampling, which takes into account the off-resonant blurring of fat and integrates both compressed sensing and parallel imaging. By combining this reconstruction scheme with 3D radial stack-of-stars sampling, volumetric and motion-robust water and fat maps as well as in-phase/opposed-phase images can be generated under free-breathing. The approach is demonstrated at 1.5T and 3T, including volunteer and patient measurements.


Radial 3D GRE imaging is increasingly used for various clinical routine applications due to its inherently higher robustness to motion1. One major limitation consists in the strong blurring of off-resonant signal components such as fat, which makes it necessary to always use spectral fat suppression. However, spectral fat-suppression techniques typically fail in regions with large field inhomogeneities. Furthermore, use of fat suppression makes it impossible to assess the local fat content, as needed, e.g., for identifying fat-containing lesions such as angiomyolipomas. Therefore, clinical protocols currently still require acquisition of conventional Cartesian non-fat-suppressed T1-weighted images in in-phase/opposed-phase conditions.

To overcome these limitations, we describe a model-based fat/water separation technique for radial sampling, which takes into account the off-resonant blurring of fat and integrates both compressed sensing and parallel imaging to achieve rapid acquisition.


Signal model:

The aim of the reconstruction approach is to estimate separate fat and water maps directly from the k-space data. The general optimization problem for this purpose can be written as2:


where y is the acquired radial k-space data, and E is the forward operator that synthesizes k-space data from the to-be-estimated water (W), fat (F), and B0 field maps (\Phi). Compressed Sensing is included via total variation penalty terms for both the fat and water maps. In addition, a smoothness constraint \Theta is applied to the field map. The forward operator E is composed of the operations:

E(W,F,\Phi)_{c,t}=\text{FT}\left(C_c\cdot\exp\left(2\pi i\cdot\Phi\cdot t_n\right)\cdot W\right)+D(t)\cdot\text{FT}\left(C_c\cdot\exp\left(2\pi i\cdot\Phi\cdot t_n\right)\cdot F\right)

where FT is the gridding operator and t_n are the different echo times. To account for the off-resonant blurring of fat due to the applied radial acquisition scheme, D(t) models the chemical shift in k-space3, taking into account the exact readout time points t=t_n+\tau_{n,k} of the samples k of each spoke:

D(t)=\sum_{m=1}^6\alpha_m\cdot\exp\left(2\pi i\cdot\Delta f_m\cdot(t_n+\tau_{n,k})\right)

In addition, a 6-peak multi-frequency model was applied. To incorporate parallel imaging, multiplications with the different coil sensitivity profiles C_c were integrated into the forward operator.

Data acquisition and reconstruction:

IRB-approved abdominal scans of a healthy volunteer were performed during free-breathing on a 1.5T whole-body scanner (Magnetom Aera, Siemens Healthcare GmbH) using an 18-channel body-array and a 24-channel spine-array. A 3D stack-of-stars trajectory was employed for data acquisition, which performs Cartesian sampling along the slice direction and radial sampling in-plane according to the golden-angle scheme. Within each TR, three echoes were acquired using a bipolar readout. 64 partitions with each 256 radial projections were collected in 3:10min using the following parameters: FOV = 300x300x160mm3, matrix size = 256x256x64, resolution = 1.17x1.17x2.50mm3, TR = 11.6ms, TE = 2.34/5.59/8.84ms, BW = 330Hz/px, flip angle = 12deg.

Furthermore, both a volunteer and a patient were measured with IRB-approval on a 3T scanner (Magnetom Skyra). For these acquisitions, a readout bandwidth of 270Hz/px was used, while other acquisition parameters were similar to the 1.5T measurement. The patient measurement was conducted after contrast injection.

Reconstructions were performed offline in Matlab (Mathworks, MA) using a Gauss-Newton algorithm, in analogy to prior work on compressed-sensing-based fat/water separation for Cartesian data2. Due to the non-convex cost function of the optimization problem, it is crucial to use a good initial guess for the field map. This was achieved by analytically calculating possible field map values with subsequent region growing2. Coil sensitivity maps were estimated using the adaptive combination technique3.


Figure 1 shows the estimated water and fat maps, as well as synthetically generated in-phase/opposed-phase images from an exemplary transversal slice. Clear separation of fat and water could be achieved with only slight streaking artifacts due to breathing motion.

Figure 2 shows results of the patient measurement, revealing liver cysts (arrows) in the water image.

The effect of removing the fat blurring in the volunteer measurement at 3T is shown in Figure 3.

Discussion and Conclusion

This work demonstrates how the combination of 3D radial stack-of-stars sampling and model-based reconstruction with fat/water separation enables motion-robust volumetric radial MRI without need for spectral fat suppression. Parallel imaging and compressed sensing can be incorporated by including coil-sensitivity profiles and L1-based penalty terms into the optimization problem. The fat blurring is removed by including its frequency deviation into the signal model. For routine clinical use of the proposed method, a robust technique for initial field map estimation is necessary, which is ongoing work.

After estimation of the water and fat maps, in-phase/opposed-phase images can be generated synthetically. Therefore, the approach can be used to replace both, fat-suppressed (radial) acquisition and non-fat-suppressed (Cartesian) in-phase/opposed-phase acquisitions with only a single radial free-breathing scan. This promises to shorten abdominal MR examinations considerably and improve patient comfort.


NIH 5R01EB018308

We especially thank Mariya Doneva for providing her Compressed Sensing fat-water reconstruction code within the fat-water toolbox (, which served as a basis for our developments.


1. Block KT et al., Towards Routine Clinical Use of Radial Stack-of-Stars 3D Gradient-Echo Sequences for Reducing Motion Sensitivity, JKSMRM 18:87-106 (2014)

2. Doneva M et al., Compressed Sensing for Chemical Shift-Based Water-Fat Separation, Magn Reson Med 64:1749-1759 (2010)

3. Brodsky EK et al., Generalized k-Space Decomposition with Chemical Shift Correction for Non-Cartesian Water-Fat Imaging, Magn Reson Med 59:1151-1164 (2008)

4. Walsh DO et al., Adaptive Reconstruction of Phased Array MR Imagery, Magn Reson Med 43:682-690 (2000)


Water, fat, and synthetically generated in-phase/opposed-images for the 1.5T volunteer measurement. Data acquisition was performed by using a 3D stack-of-stars radial trajectory. With the proposed model-based reconstruction scheme, reliable fat/water separation with high image quality could be achieved.

Water and fat maps for the patient measurement, performed at 3T after contrast injection. In the water image, liver cysts (arrows) are clearly depicted.

For radial fat/water separation, image quality can be severely degraded due to the off-resonant blurring of fat (left). However, when this effect is properly modeled in the reconstruction, sharp fat images can be obtained even for low bandwidths and high field strengths (3T).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)