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3D Whole-Heart Water Fat Coronary MRA at 3T with 100% Scan Efficiency
Gastao Cruz1, René Botnar1, and Claudia Prieto1

1Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, King's College London, London, United Kingdom


Fat suppression is required for visualization of coronary arteries with MRA. Studies have shown that cardiac fat may provide diagnostic information and thus water/fat coronary imaging is desirable. Respiratory motion is a major problem in whole-heart coronary imaging as respiratory gating leads to long and unpredictable scan times. Translational motion correction (TC) may be of limited value as it may introduce ghosting artefacts from static fat tissue. Here, we propose a 100% scan efficiency, two-step motion correction framework using translational and nonrigid correction for water/fat coronary MRA. The proposed approach outperforms TC, minimising ghosting artefacts from static tissues.


Coronary MR angiography (MRA) provides a non-invasive tool to assess coronary lumen integrity. Fat suppression is required to visualize the coronary arteries, as they are embedded in epicardial fat. It has been shown that cardiac fat may provide important diagnostic information1 and thus fat visualization may be desirable. Dixon-based methods yield both water and fat images from a multi-echo (in-phase and out-of-phase) acquisition. These methods have shown superior fat suppression when compared with spectral methods2 and have recently been used to produce attenuation maps for simultaneous PET-MR imaging3. Respiratory motion is a major problem in whole-heart 3D water/fat Dixon MRI and leads to prolonged scan time in respiratory gated acquisitions. Moreover, retrospective translational correction of respiratory motion may be of limited use as it may introduce ghosting artifacts from static fat tissue present in the in-phase and out-of-phase images. Here, we propose a novel nonrigid motion correction framework for free-breathing 3D whole-heart water/fat Dixon coronary MRA that uses all the acquired data for reconstruction (100% scan efficiency) and therefore has a predictable scan time. The proposed approach was compared with a 2D translational correction (TC) and no motion correction (NMC) in four subjects.


Data was acquired using an interleaved scanning framework4 with two scans acquired in an alternated fashion: a 3D segmented Cartesian whole-heart dual-echo Dixon and a 2D single shot golden-radial (GR) coronal image navigator (2D iNAV) (Fig. 1a). Motion correction was performed in two steps: beat-to-beat translational correction and bin-to-bin nonrigid correction (Fig. 1b). iNAVs were reconstructed and rigidly registered to estimate superior-inferior (SI) and right-left (RL) translational motion, allowing beat-to-beat translational correction of each echo image. A respiratory signal was derived from the SI component and data was binned according to respiratory position. Out-of-phase bins were reconstructed with soft-gated5 iterative SENSE6 and registered to estimate 3D nonrigid motion. The estimated motion fields were used in a Total Variation regularized7 General Matrix Description8 (TVGMD) reconstruction for each echo image by solving: ˆI=argminI{||bAbFSUbIK||22+λTV}, where ˆI is the motion corrected echo image, K the corresponding translation corrected k-space, Ab the sampling matrix for bin b, F the Fourier transform, S the coil sensitivities, Ub the nonrigid motion fields, TV the spatial total variation operator and λ the regularization parameter. Coronary water/fat images were obtained from the motion corrected echo images as described in Berglund et al2.


Four healthy subjects were scanned free-breathing on a 3T Philips scanner using a 32-channel coil. Dual-echo Dixon data was acquired with an ECG-triggered 3D Cartesian spoiled gradient echo (1x1 mm in-plane resolution, 2 mm slice thickness, 300x300x80 mm FOV, TR/TE1/TE2 = 4.0/1.44/2.6 ms, flip angle = 20°, T2prep duration = 40 ms) interleaved with a 2D golden radial iNAV spoiled gradient echo sequence (4x4 mm in-plane resolution, 25mm slice thickness, 300x300 FOV, TR/TE = 2.4/1.07 ms, flip angle = 5°). Non-motion correction (NMC), 2D translational correction (TC) and the proposed translation plus nonrigid (TC+TVGMD) reconstructions were obtained from these data.


Coronal images for two subjects with the proposed TC+TVGMD, TC and NMC for echoes 1 (in-phase) and 2 (out-of-phase) are shown in Fig.2 and Fig.3, respectively. Motion artifacts are visible for NMC in both echoes. TC brings into focus structures inside the heart (arrows in Fig.2 and Fig.3). However, this global k-space translational correction will be incorrect for static fat signal present in echoes 1 and 2, introducing significant aliasing. The proposed approach combines inter-bin (i.e. small) translational correction with intra-bin nonrigid correction. Thus, both moving and static tissues are adequately motion corrected with GMD and residual incoherent aliasing suppressed with total variation regularization. Water and fat images reformatted along the right and left coronary arteries are shown in Fig.4 and Fig.5 for the proposed TC+TVGMD, TC and NMC. Motion artifacts are visible in NMC, as in the individual echo images. Partial motion correction is achieved by TC, but considerable aliasing is also introduced (arrows in Fig.4 and Fig.5). The proposed TC+TVGMD accurately corrects the nonrigid motion of the heart and minimises ghosting artefacts from static sources.


A novel framework for 3D water/fat Dixon coronary MRA with nonrigid motion correction has been proposed. The proposed approach corrects nonrigid motion of the heart, thereby minimising ghosting from static fat tissue and solving a fundamental limitation of translational correction. The proposed approach allows ~100% scan efficiency, enabling shorter and predictable scan times. Future work will compare the proposed approach with standard navigator-gated acquisition in additional subjects.


ACKNOWLEGDMENTS: This work was supported by the Medical Research Council (MRC), grant MR/L009676/1. We acknowledge the use of the Fat-Water Toolbox (http://ismrm.org/workshops/FatWater12/data.htm) for some of the results shown in this abstract.


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Fig1. Proposed approach. a) Acquisition: Data is acquired using interleaved scanning, allowing for a dual-echo Dixon dataset (E1/E2) to be acquired simultaneously with a 2D image navigator (2D iNAV). b) Reconstruction: 2D iNAV-based beat-to-beat translational motion correction followed by 3D bin-to-bin nonrigid motion correction incorporated in the reconstruction (TVGMD).

Fig2. Coronal slices for echo 1 (out-of-phase) with no motion correction (NMC), translational correction (TC) and the proposed nonrigid (TC+TVGMD) for two subjects. TC reduces blurring in NMC, but introduces ghosting artefacts from static fat signal. The proposed method further improved motion correction minimising ghosting artefacts from static tissue (arrows).

Fig3. Coronal slices for echo 2 (in-phase) with no motion correction (NMC), translational correction (TC) and the proposed nonrigid (TC+TVGMD) for two subjects. Similarly to echo 1, blurring in NMC is reduced with TC and further improved with TC+TVGMD (arrows). Moreover, ghosting from static fat signal is minimised in TC+TVGMD.

Fig4. Reformated water separated CMRA with no motion correction (NMC), translational correction (TC) and the proposed nonrigid (TC+TVGMD) for two subjects. Coronaries in NMC are obscured by motion artifacts. TC reduces some blurring, but introduces ghosting from static fat signals. TC+TVGMD further improves motion correction and (arrows) minimising this ghosting.

Fig5. Reformated fat separated CMRA with no motion correction (NMC), translational correction (TC) and the proposed nonrigid approach (TC+TVGMD) for two subjects. Blurring in NMC is reduced by TC and further improved by TC+TVGMD (arrows). Residual aliasing from static fat signal is present in TC, but is minimised with TC+TVGMD.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)