Stefan Ruschke1, Dominik Weidlich1, Maximilian Diefenbach1, Holger Eggers2, Hendrik Kooijman3, Houchun H. Hu4, Ernst J. Rummeny1, Axel Haase5, Jan S. Kirschke6, Thomas Baum1, and Dimitrios C. Karampinos1
1Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany, 2Philips Research, Hamburg, Germany, 3Philips Healthcare, Hamburg, Germany, 4Radiology, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Phoenix, AZ, United States, 5Zentralinstitut für Medizintechnik, Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany, 6Neuroradiology, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany
Simultaneous T2 and T2ʹ mapping is
highly desirable in applications investigating changes in blood oxygenation,
iron content and bone mineral density. Simultaneous
T2 and T2ʹ mapping is highly desirable in applications investigating blood
oxygenation changes (in tumors), iron deposition (in patients with blood
transfusions) and trabecular bone matrix weakening (in osteoporosis patients). Gradient
echo imaging using adiabatic T2-preparation has enabled T2 mapping in the
presence of inhomogeneous B1 fields. In addition, the presence of water and fat
components has to be considered in the extraction of T2 and T2ʹ parameters in many organs. The simultaneous
quantification of the proton-density fat fraction (PDFF) can be also of
particular interest (e.g. in the liver and in, fat fraction, bone
marrow fat fraction). Multi-echo
gradient echo imaging can separate water and fat components and quantify PDFF.
Therefore, the purpose of the present work was to introduce a novel method for
simultaneous T2, T2ʹ and PDFF mapping, relying on an adiabatic T2-preparation
combined with a time-interleaved multi-echo gradient echo acquisition scheme.Purpose
Simultaneous T2 and T2' mapping is highly desirable in applications
investigating changes in blood oxygenation, iron content and bone mineral
density. Simultaneous T2 and T2' mapping has been traditionally achieved using
hybrid gradient echo/spin echo sequences sampling the descending and ascending
portions of a spin echo with a train of gradient echoes [1-3]. However, such
techniques can be sensitive to the performance of the employed refocusing
pulses in the presence of B1 inhomogeneities [3]. Gradient echo imaging using
adiabatic T2 preparation has enabled T2 mapping in the presence of
inhomogeneous B1 fields [4]. In addition, both water and fat components can be
present in many body tissues,which has to be considered in the extraction of T2
and T2' parameters [5]. The simultaneous quantification of the proton-density
fat fraction (PDFF) can be also of particular interest (e.g. in the liver and
in bone marrow). Multi-echo gradient echo imaging can separate water and fat
components and quantify PDFF. Therefore, the purpose of the present work was to
introduce a novel method for simultaneous T2, T2' and PDFF mapping, relying on an adiabatic
T2-preparation combined with a time-interleaved multi-echo gradient echo
acquisition (TIMGRE).
Pulse sequence:
A magnetization preparation module was played out, consisting of a
saturation pulse, a delay and a dynamic adiabatic T2-preparation (T2prep) (Figure
1). The adiabatic T2prep was based on a BIR4 pulse extended by ΔT2prep /
2 between the pulse segments to dynamically increase T2-weighting.
Furthermore, the effective flip angle of the BIR4 module could be adjusted by
setting the phase jump ΔΦα of the second segment, e.g. to π or 3/2 π
to achieve a flip angle of 0 or 180 degrees, respectively. Each T2prep time was
acquired twice, once with an effective flip angle of 0 and once with 180
degrees in order compensate for T1 recovery effects before the readout [7]. The
consecutive readout was based on a 3D TIMGRE acquisition scheme [6], while the
flip angle was kept constant.
Signal model:
The standard water-fat signal model, including M fat peaks, a field map fB and a common T2* for water and fat [9], was extended by the T2 of water (T2w) and fat (T2f) and the common T′2. With ti referring to the gradient echo time accounting for
T2* relaxation during the TIMGRE readout and TEj referring to the T2prep weighting time, the signal
is given by:
An algorithm was implemented which,
in an initial step, estimated complex water, fat, field map and T2* [9] based
on the first dynamic with T2prep = 0 ms. It then used them as constrained input
to the full model and solved for T2w, T2f and T′2.
Phantom and in vivo measurements:
All studies were performed on a
3T scanner (Ingenia, Philips Healthcare).
Agar based water-fat phantoms [8] with nominal fat fractions of 0, 5,
10, 15 and 100 % and the spine of a healthy volunteer (36y, male) were measured
with a conventional TIMGRE sequence and the T2prep-TIMGRE sequence. (parameters
in Table 3) Single-voxel STEAM spectroscopy was also performed during the
phantom (voxel size = 14 x 14 x 14 mm3) and in vivo (L3/4 vertebrae, voxel size = 18 x 24 x 14 mm3) experiment
for validation with the following parameters: TR = 6000ms (in vivo: 5000ms), TE = 12/16/20/24 ms, TM = 18 ms, BW = 3000 Hz,
samples = 4096.
Figure 2 shows the results, including measured fat fraction (a+c), T2*
(b) and T2 of water (d) maps, of the performed phantom experiments using the conventional TIMGRE and the T2prep-TIMGRE. The results of the in vivo experiment are
shown in Figure 3.
Furthermore, all measured fat fraction and T2 of water values
standard deviation) are given
in Table 1 and 2, respectively.
Discussion & Conclusion
The phantom and
in vivo
experiments showed good agreement for measuring fat fraction between MRS, TIMGRE and T2prep-TIMGRE (Table 1, Figure 2) and for the T2 of water
between MRS and T2prep-TIMGRE (Table 2, Figure 2).
This study has also some limitations. First, although considerably
small, the T1-weighting during the T2prep has not been considered in the signal
model, as the BIR4 pulse flips the magnetization for a short period during excitation
into the longitudinal axis. Second,
T2f cannot be correctly
estimated due to the limited off-resonance insensitivity of the BIR4 pulse. In
conclusion, a novel T2prep-TIMGRE
sequence was developed for simultaneous
measurement of T2 of water, T2′ and PDFF, and the feasibility of measuring the
above parameters in the spine was demonstrated.
The present work was supported by Philips
[1] Ma, J Magn Reson B 111:66, 1996,
[2] Yablonskiy, Magn Reson Med 37:872, 1997,
[3] Cox, Magn Reson Med 64:1441, 2010,
[4] Nguyen, Magn Reson Med doi: 10.1002/mrm.25877,
[5] Hernando, Magn Reson Med 70:1319, 2013,
[6] Ruscke, Proc. ISMRM 2015, p. 3657,
[7] Li, Magn Reson Med 59:298, 2008,
[8] Hines, Magn Reson Med. 2009;30:1215–1222,
Yu, Magn Reson Med 60:1122, 2008.